Detective from The Future

Chapter 597: Niu Jiamu

Lidu Village is located on the edge of Provincial Highway S135.

There is a provincial highway around the village, which is more convenient in terms of traffic.

Everything has two sides. The traffic volume on provincial highways is relatively large, and accidents often occur nearby.

There is an auto repair shop between the entrance of Lidu Village and Provincial Highway S135. The business has been good. Except for some regular customers in nearby villages, most of the customers are cars that have broken down on the road.

Han Bin and his party drove down the provincial road and stopped near the Laosha car repair shop. According to the positioning provided by Zhu Jiaxu, they were clues to the suspected motorcycle found here.

Han Bin led a group of people to get out of the car and saw Zhu Jiaxu standing in front of the Laosha car repair shop waving.

"Han Bin, you guys came here fast enough."

Han Bin replied, "We rushed here immediately after receiving the news from the horse team. How is the situation?"

Zhu Jiaxu said, “We visited and investigated and found that this car repair shop had repaired a red motorcycle two days ago. The motorcycle did not have a number plate and the rear fender was broken. The situation is basically the same as that of the suspected vehicle. "

"Is the auto repair shop monitored?"

Zhu Jiaxu shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "No. I think the suspect was probably because of this, so he came here to repair the car."

"Has the identity of that person been found?" Han Bin asked.

"After we got here, we asked the owner of the repair shop about the situation and learned about the physical characteristics of the man who repaired the car and the direction of leaving. Then I threw the people out for investigation. I stay here and wait for you. I believe that soon There is news," Zhu Jiaxu said.

Han Bin smiled, "You are quite optimistic."

Zhu Jiaxu added, “According to the owner of the repair shop, the accent of the man who repairs the car is this one, and he should not live far away.”

"Where is the owner of the repair shop?"

Zhu Jiaxu pointed to the auto repair shop, "I'm busy inside."

Han Bin said, "I'll talk to him."

Zhu Jiaxu took out the cigarette case, "Go, I'll smoke a cigarette outside."

The so-called car repair shop is actually a large yard, with three cars parked in the yard, several houses, and two men are repairing a car.

Han Bin said loudly, "Hello, who is the owner of the car repair shop?"

A middle-aged man stood up and clapped his hands habitually, but it was still dark and oily, "I am, who are you?"

"My name is Han Bin and I belong to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Qindao City."

The middle-aged man said, "Oh, you and that group leader Zhu are together."

"Yes, what do you call it?"

"My name is Sha Maoxue, you can call me Lao Sha."

Han Bin said, "Boss Sha, if it's convenient, I want to talk to you."

"Okay, you can ask."

Han Bin said straightforwardly, "When did that red motorcycle come to repair it."

"On the 9th, at noon on the 9th, I was sleeping in the back room and heard someone shouting outside. When I came out, I saw someone riding a motorcycle and parking at the door." Sha Maoxue pointed to the man repairing the car. "He went home at noon. I am alone."

"What brand is the motorcycle? What are its characteristics."

Sha Mao thought for a while and said, "Lingshan brand motorcycles are red. I had one before. The guy asked me if I could paint it. I said yes, no problem, but it's definitely not as good as the original one. "

"He said it was okay and asked me to spray the motorcycle black and change a mudguard."

"Where is the fender he replaced?" Han Bin wanted to compare it with the surveillance video.

"Take it away, I was quite puzzled at the time. The fender was broken and it couldn't be used when it was taken away. That would be unnecessary. But if someone wants to take it away, I don't bother to ask."

"When was the car taken away?"

Sha Maoxue said, "The next morning, he came as soon as I opened the door and rode the motorcycle away."

"I remember, I also told him that it's better to come back for a motorcycle ride later and let the paint dry for a while. He didn't listen, he was very anxious, and got on the bike and left."

"Which direction did he go?" Han Bin asked.


Han Bin glanced to the east and asked, "Which accent does he speak?"

"Not far away, it should be this one. I heard something like Liangjiazhuang, Ximeng Village, and Raojiagang."

"The three villages you mentioned are all in the east?"

Sha Maoxue said, "Yes, but I don’t think he should go to Raojiagang, because Raojiagang is also on the side of S135 Provincial Road. If he goes directly to Raojiagang, it’s closer and more convenient. There is no need to go east."

Sha Mao’s theory may be correct when applied to ordinary people, but the provincial road is monitored by Skynet. If the suspect has certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities, he will definitely take the village road instead of the provincial road.

"What does that person look like?" Han Bin asked.

Sha Mao learned to rub his nose, "Wearing a mask, I didn't see what it looked like. I guess it's forty years old, taller than me, not fat or thin."

Han Bin remembered the characteristics of the suspect, and then asked, "How did he pay."


If it is electronic payment, the identity of the payer can be checked directly, and it is difficult to leave any clues when paying cash.

At this moment, Zhu Jiaxu strode in and said, "Han Bin, something is wrong."

Han Bin said hello to Sha Maoxue, then walked out of the yard, "What's the situation?"

Zhu Jiaxu replied, "Get in the car and say, the suspect's trace was found at the police station."

After getting on the bus, the group rushed directly to Ximeng Village.

In the car, Zhu Jiaxu described the general situation.

According to the information obtained from Sha Maoxue, the police from the police station went to several nearby villages to inquire. These policemen have always been in charge of this area. They have a better understanding of the surrounding situation and know many acquaintances.

Outsiders like Han Bin and others are far incomparable.

Among them, an auxiliary police found a piece of news. According to a villager in Ximeng Village, he saw a person named Niu Jiamu in the village once rode a black motorcycle. This Niu Jiamu didn’t have a motorcycle. Suddenly Seeing Niu Jiamu riding a motorcycle, the villager was quite surprised.

In addition, the villager also said that the motorcycle appeared to be second-hand, but the fenders were very new and seemed to have just been replaced, basically the same as the suspected motorcycle.

The police from the police station and Zhang Shungu, He Yingsheng and others from the second group have all rushed to Ximeng Village to take control.

After arriving, Han Bin met Ma Baotian, the police chief of the nearby police station, and Niu Langen, the head of Ximeng Village.

Ximeng Village is a large village. A half of the people in Ximeng Village have the surname Niu, and most of them have relatives.

Take village chief Niu Langen as an example. He and Niu Jiamu, the owner of the suspected motorcycle, are of the same race, but they are far away from each other, which makes him feel a little embarrassed.

If it wasn't because I was the village chief and was responsible for myself, it would not be known whether he would help the police.

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