Detective from The Future

Chapter 598: Catch

Under the leadership of the village chief, Han Bin and his party went to the vicinity of Niu Jiamu's home.

Niu Jiamu's family lives in the south of the village. The **** iron door is closed tightly. It is impossible to see what is going on inside, or whether anyone is home.

Zhu Jiaxu frowned and asked, "Is Niu Jiamu at home?"

Village Chief Niu Langen responded, "I've asked, he is at home."

"They are a family of three, and his wife is at home. His boy is seventeen years old this year. Regardless of his age, he is quite strong. I don't know if he is home or not."

Zhu Jiaxu circled the house. The surrounding wall of Niu Jiamu's house was more than two meters high, and he couldn't see what was inside. He said, "Han Bin, how do you say we should catch it?"

Han Bin lighted a cigarette and took a sip. Zhu Jiaxu’s clue about the suspect’s transportation has always been investigated. Han Bin came here today to support. If Niu Jiamu is really a murderer or a participant in the case, Han Bin can also Follow with some credit.

But the primary and secondary still have to be clearly distinguished.

Han Bin and Zhu Jiaxu are both team leaders, and they can be said to be equal. Han Bin is not good at issuing orders on behalf of him, and grabbing credit for each other.

Han Bin asked, "You know the situation here better than me, how do you want to arrest?"

Zhu Jiaxu thought for a while and said, "The easiest and most direct way is to ask Mr. Niu to open the door. As long as Niu Jiamu shows his head, we will take him down."

Han Bin nodded and added, "I think we can let the team members touch the yard first, first touch the situation, and then take Niu Jiamu inside and outside together."

He Yingsheng, a member of the second group, said, "This courtyard wall is more than two meters high. If you jump directly into the courtyard, there will definitely be movement. Will it be discovered by the opponent."

Han Bin smiled, "Who told you that you must jump the wall."

Han Bin pointed to Niu Jiamu’s neighbor’s house and said, “Look, this Niu Jiamu’s house is next to the neighbor’s house. There is no gap at all. You can go directly from the roof of the neighbor’s house to the roof of Niu Jiamu’s house and follow the ladder. Just climb down."

"Hey, if this is the case, it will save trouble." Zhu Jiaxu replied. He has never lived in a rural area and does not know much about the rural situation.

Han Bin and Zhu Jiaxu discussed and reworked the arrest plan.

Han Bin took Bao Xing and Jiang Yang on the roof of the neighbor’s house, and then walked to the roof of Niu Jiamu’s house. There was also a ladder on the roof of his house, which allowed him to climb directly into the yard, following Han Bin’s previous guess same.

Han Bin observed in the yard and did not find a motorcycle. However, he found a helmet on the urn by the wall.

Han Bin felt that the motorcycle was probably hidden, and then climbed down the ladder and hid it in the kitchen of Niu Jiamu's house.

"Boom boom boom..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice sounded.

Then a middle-aged woman walked out of the house with a thermos in her hand.

"Who's here?" A middle-aged man also walked out.

"I don't know, I'll go take a look." The woman replied, put the kettle on the table, and walked straight to the door.

The middle-aged man stood in the yard, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, but did not light it.

"Who is it?" the middle-aged woman continued to ask.

"Open the door, it's my village head Niu Langen."

The middle-aged man reminded in a low voice, "Don't open the door first, ask him what he is doing, and say I'm not at home."

The middle-aged woman nodded and asked, "The village chief, what's the matter with you?"

Niu Langen asked, "Good thing, where is your man?"

"Jiamu is out, you need to find him, come back later."

Niu Langen said, "You open the door first and let me go in and say."

"Just tell me, I just washed my hair, it's not convenient." The middle-aged woman didn't tell a lie, her hair was really wet.

Niu Langen complained, "Huh, why are you so axisy? I'm all at your house, so I won't let you in for a drink."

"My man is not at home, it is really not convenient." The middle-aged woman said perfunctorily.

Niu Jiamu gave his wife a thumbs up, and then he crept into the house, as if he had made up his mind not to open the door to the village chief.

Just as Niu Jiamu walked back to the house lightly, three men walked out from the kitchen next to him, and Niu Jiamu was shocked, "You...Who are you, how come you are in my house."

Han Bin looked at Niu Jiamu with a vigilant look, and he had already touched his arms. If Niu Jiamu is really a murderer, then this person is very dangerous and has to be careful.

"We are the police, what is your name?"

Niu Jiamu returned to his senses, showing an angry look, "Nonsense, if you are really policemen, you rushed to my house without finding out my identity. How can there be policemen like you."

Han Bin asked, "Are you Niu Jiamu?"

"What's wrong with me."

"We want to learn something with you, and please cooperate." After speaking, Han Bin and Jiang Yang walked over, as long as Niu Jiamu behaves abnormally, the two will immediately rush to subdue each other.

Bao Xing went around and ran into the doorway to open the door.

After seeing Bao Xing, Niu Jiamu's wife showed a surprised look, "Who are you? How come you are in my house."

Bao Xing ignored her. Before she could react, she opened the door directly, "Chuck..."

The door opened, and Zhu Jiaxu led someone in.

Niu Jiamu's wife widened her eyes and shouted, "Who are you, why do you break into our house."

Among these people, Niu Jiamu's wife only knew the village chief, and pointed to the village chief Niu Langen and shouted, "The village chief, what are you bringing these people to do? Who are they?"

Niu Langen was also a little embarrassed, and bit the bullet and said, "What are you shouting, it's not shameful, these are all police comrades, and cooperate with others in their work."

"Huh? Police, what are they doing at my house." Niu Jiamu's wife asked.

Niu Langen did not answer directly, "You still don't know what your Jiamu did."

Upon hearing this, Niu Jiamu's wife's face changed slightly, and she looked at the police with a little more alertness and fear.

Seeing a group of people pouring into the yard, Niu Jiamu realized the seriousness of the problem, "Who are you again?"

Zhu Jiaxu showed the police officer's card, "We are from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

"From the City Criminal Investigation Brigade." Niu Jiamu muttered, wiping the sweat from his head, "What the **** are you doing? Why do you break into my house."

"Niu Jiamu, you are still pretending, what have you done yourself is not clear?" Zhu Jiaxu snorted.

"I didn't do anything, you can't wrong the good people." Niu Jiamu said.

Bao Xing walked out of Westinghouse and shouted, "Group leader, there is a motorcycle in this house. It's black. It has just changed the fender. It's the same brand as the suspected vehicle."

"Look at him." Zhu Jiaxu pressed a word and followed Han Bin into the house.

Sure enough, there was a black motorcycle in the house. The spray paint of the small workshop was incomparable with the original paint, and the difference could be seen with the naked eye.

Han Bin took a key and poked it twice on the body of the motorcycle.

"Hey, why are you getting my car!" Niu Jiamu was anxious.

Han Bin ignored him, instead he used more force. After a while, he scraped off a layer of black paint, revealing the original red paint.

Zhu Jiaxu walked over, took a look, and pointed to the exposed red paint, "Niu Jiamu, what else can you say."

Niu Jiamu sighed, breathlessly, "I admit that I picked up a motorcycle, but it's not illegal. I don't have to be so excited."

Zhu Jiaxu snorted, "I picked up a motorcycle. You think we are so foolish, so you dare to quibble at this time."

Zhang Shungu scolded, "Niu Jiamu, let me tell you, what is your situation and what you have done, we know clearly, or else we won't catch you, don't be lucky, understand?"

Niu Jiamu said, "What I said is true. I really picked up this motorcycle. I really didn't lie."

Han Bin asked, "Where did you pick it up?"

Niu Jiamu blinked and said, "I went to work in the fields that day and saw a motorcycle parked on the side of the road. I yelled for a long time and asked whose car it was, but no one answered. I thought no one. If you want it, you will ride it back."

"Since it's a picked up car, why should it be painted with black paint?"

"The original paint is a bit old, so I want to dress up a little bit newer, so that I can save face when riding out." Niu Jiamu blinked his eyes sharply when he spoke.

Han Bin has been staring at each other. Niu Jiamu's blinking fiercely is a bit abnormal. As for whether he blinked habitually because of nervousness, or because he lied, Han Bin couldn't say for sure.

But as long as the other party is suspicious, Han Bin will not let it go easily.

Han Bin sternly said, "Niu Jiamu, you dare to lie, this motorcycle was not picked up at all."

"How did you get here? What have you done while riding it?"

Upon hearing this, Niu Jiamu trembled and involuntarily took a small step back...

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