Detective from The Future

Chapter 610: Tentative

Han Bin showed his police officer ID, "We are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Qindao City."

Guo Xiaoshan was stunned for a while before reacting, "Comrade police, what can you do with me?"

Bao Xing reminded, "Hey, Mr. Guo, don't stop your roasted gluten, I'm still waiting to eat."

"Ah." Guo Xiaoshan replied, there is no way to roast gluten, but practice makes perfect, even if the mind is not here, roasting gluten can still be done.

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you know Lin Qiuyun?"

Guo Xiaoshan snorted softly, "I don't want to know him."

"Do you know that Lin Qiuyun was killed?" Han Bin asked back.

Guo Xiaoshan smiled, "I know, that day, I made a table of dishes and opened a bottle of Moutai. It was better to celebrate and be more happy than the New Year."

Guo Xiaoshan handed over the roasted gluten, "Six skewers, add peppers, and I'll roast them for you."

Bao Xing took it and asked, "How much is the boss?"

"Comrade police, I'll see you withdraw the money, and treat it as I asked you."

Bao Xing said, "Don't tell me, it's as much as you want. If you don't charge me, I won't eat it."

"Then you can give nine yuan." Guo Xiaoshan said.

Han Bin glanced around, "Guo Xiaoshan, can you change to a cleaner place, I want to ask you a few questions."

Guo Xiaoshan hesitated and took off his apron, "That's it, you can come in with me."

"Xiao Liu, look at it, and I will talk to my friend."

"Good." The female staff member next to her responded.

Guo Xiaoshan invited the three of Han Bin into the store, "The space is not big, the three of you sit here."

Han Bin pulled the chair away and sat down. Before asking, Bao Xing handed over a bunch of grilled gluten, "Group leader, you taste it, it tastes good."

Han Bin took the roasted gluten and it smelled very good. It tasted good after one bite. He ate it in three or five bites.

Han Bin wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Boss Guo, good craftsmanship."

"Thank you for the compliment, I feel comfortable when I hear this." Guo Xiaoshan took a sip of water from his teacup, "If you have any questions, please ask."

Han Bin asked, "What is the contradiction between you and Lin Qiuyun?"

Guo Xiaoshan lowered his head, "Since you have come to see me, you should know what happened between us."

"We also listened to what other people said, and want to verify with you. It's better to say it yourself than what we heard from the hearsay, and it's fairer to you." Han Bin said.

Guo Xiaoshan touched his nose, "That's true, you may not be able to hear anything good about me from other people's mouths, otherwise you would not come to the door."

Han Bin said, "Mr. Guo, I hope you don't feel rebellious. We are here to serve the people and to ensure the safety of our people's lives and property."

"Sergeant Han, I don't understand even more when it comes to this. Didn't Lin Qiuyun die long ago, and I heard that the murderer has been caught, what use is it for you to come to me now."

Han Bin's conversation turned, "Lin Qiuyun's case is a bit complicated, I will introduce it to you later. Now you first talk about the grievances with Lin Qiuyun."

Guo Xiaoshan held his forehead, "Although I don't know the specific reason why you are looking for me, I have nothing to do with Lin Qiuyun's death."

Han Bin said, "Then you don't need to hide it."

Guo Xiaoshan looked at Han Bin for a long time, then nodded, "Okay, let me say."

"This matter has been in the past for a long time. It is not a glorious thing. I am also wrong. I don't like to mention it."

Guo Xiaoshan sighed, revealing the color of memory, "Back then, Lin Qiuyun came to my store to eat, the ingredients may not be fresh, she had a stomachache after eating. She was pregnant at the time and the baby was gone. "

"After that, I went to work with me, telling, making trouble, and promoting everywhere. She was retaliating against me... In the end, several of my stores were tossed with pornography, and I just stopped doing it when I thought about it."

"As long as I don't do it, what's the use of her telling and making trouble again. If you don't have a yu, then you will be just." Guo Xiaoshan showed a complicated expression and rubbed his hands. "I will close those stores, I'm afraid You, I’ll change my career, let’s do it."

Han Bin recorded it and asked, "I heard you still found their home?"

"Yes, Lin Qiuyun was not alone in the trouble at the time, but Lin Qiuyun was the leader, and she was also a food maker. She was familiar with the industry and was very difficult to deal with. I wanted to get private with her first."

"This woman disagrees, saying that the child in her belly is priceless and can't be bought back for any amount of money. She also scolded me as a black-hearted businessman and gave me poor quality food to eat, so that I was going to bankruptcy." Guo Xiaoshan gritted his teeth. Tao,

"To be honest, I was really angry at the time, this woman was going to push me to death."

Han Bin asked, "Have you ever thought of revenge against her?"

"I thought about it, of course I thought about it." Guo Xiaoshan lighted a cigarette and took a sip. "I have found someone to check the bottom of this woman. He works in a food company. I remember it is called... Shian Food Company. Served as a supervisor in a food factory."

"I spent money and asked someone to find out that the food factory was not clean, and the ingredients used were not as fresh as the ones in my shop. Most of them were leftovers, even dead pigs and sick chickens. You can’t eat it anyway. If you say dirty, they are really dirty."

"I took the information I found and met with Lin Qiuyun again, and warned her not to harass me, otherwise I would send out the information I found, so that she, the director of the food factory, could not do it."

"In the end, the woman still disagreed, and even felt that I was threatening her. The two of us had a big quarrel. They also said that I was the murderer of her child. This time I couldn't hold back and I fought back."

"I said it was retribution. The director of her food factory produced some inferior products and sold them to others. If others ate them, they would get sick. This is God's revenge against her. She killed the child in her stomach."

"I remember very clearly that she became hysterical when she heard this, and almost wanted to fight me hard. When I saw this posture, I scolded her and left quickly."

"She was really crazy at the time."

Han Bin stroked his chin, showing a thoughtful look.

Jiang Yang on the side continued to ask, "Have you ever thought about hiring someone to kill Lin Qiuyun."

Guo Xiaoshan replied, "I'm almost bankrupt, and the capital chain is broken. How can I have money to hire killers."

Han Bin came back to his senses, "Where were you between 10pm and 2am on June 7th?"

Guo Xiaoshan said casually, "At home."

Han Bin turned around, "Remember so clearly?"

Guo Xiaoshan explained, “I go out to do business every day, close the stall at ten o’clock every night, go home to clean up, wash and sleep. Every day I’m exhausted, it’s two o’clock and a line, and my small business is gone.”

"Who can prove it to you?"

"My wife." Guo Xiaoshan took a sip of tea and closed the lid. "If you don't believe me, you can go to Changhe Street subway station to find her. There is also a Guoji roasted gluten shop over there, she usually stares there."

"Why do you think of switching to roasted gluten?"

Guo Xiaoshan smiled bitterly, "At that time, I couldn't help it. The restaurant closed down. I also thought about reopening a restaurant with a different name, but I was afraid that the woman would make trouble. Moreover, the restaurant was tired after working for so many years. Just set up a stall."

"The capital is small, and I can't lose much. Besides, I don't have much money on my hands. I am afraid of losing money when I invest in restaurants."

"Facts have proved that I chose the right choice this time. Even if I didn't change my career, I would go bankrupt as a catering this year."

"I opened this small roasted gluten shop. It has a small area, cheap rent, and less labor. It is much less risky than opening a restaurant." Guo Xiaoshan seemed to open the chatterbox, embarrassed and talked, "Don't underestimate it. My store’s monthly net profit is this number."

Guo Xiaoshan stretched out **** and shook, "Plus my wife's side, we can earn four to five million yuan a year. Although not as much as opening a chain restaurant, I don’t worry, I’m pretty good now. satisfying."

Han Bin was not interested in his business experience, and changed the conversation, "Do you know someone named Zhu Weichao?"

"Zhu Weichao." Guo Xiaoshan murmured, "It sounds familiar."

Guo Xiaoshan thought for a while, "Oh, that's the one who escaped from prison. I have read his wanted warrant on my phone, but I haven't seen him, otherwise I would call to get a reward."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you know Niu Xin?"

"do not know."

"Have you ever been to Jiayuan Community?"

Guo Xiaoshan touched his nose, "I have never heard of it."

"Where were you from 8pm to 3am on June 9th?"

"At home."

"where is your house?"

"Fangtongyuan community is not far away, two blocks away." Guo Xiaoshan said.

Han Bin turned his head and looked at Jiang Yang, "Have you written down all the transcripts?"

"Take it down." Jiang Yang responded and handed over a transcript.

Han Bin glanced at it and handed it to Guo Xiaoshan who was opposite, "Let's sign it."

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