Detective from The Future

Chapter 611: Black material

Guo Xiaoshan wondered, "What is the sign?"

"If you don't sign, how do you prove that we have written you a transcript?" Han Bin asked back.

Guo Xiaoshan was dubious, "I still use it like this."

Han Bin gave him a pen, "It's just a routine, sign it."

Guo Xiaoshan picked up the pen with his right hand and signed his name.

Most people's right hand is more flexible, and they write with their right hand instead of their left hand.

Some people are left-handed and are better at writing with their left hand.

If Guo Xiaoshan writes with his left hand, he must be left-handed, and normal people will certainly not write with his left hand.

Of course, even if Guo Xiaoshan writes with his right hand, he cannot completely rule out suspicion.

Some people, even left-handed, write with their right hand in order to be like ordinary people.

Of course, at least to a certain extent alleviated his suspicion.

Guo Xiaoshan handed the pen over, "Police Officer Han, now that the transcript is finished, can I ask you some questions?"

Han Bin glanced at the handwriting he had written, and it was not bad. "go ahead."

"Lin Qiuyun has been dead for more than two years, and the case has also been solved. What are you doing looking for me?"

Han Bin replied, "Remember Zhu Weichao that I mentioned to you just now?"

"Remember, what happened to the escaped prisoner?"

"He was the murderer who killed Lin Qiuyun." Han Bin thought about it and continued, "This Zhu Weichao robbed Lin Qiuyun and killed Lin Qiuyun. The original case has been closed, but after he escaped from prison, we have made new discoveries."

"Zhu Weichao is likely to be hired, and he has a leader behind the scenes."

Guo Xiaoshan suddenly realized and pointed at himself, "So you suspect that I hired someone to kill Lin Qiuyun?"

"I can't talk about suspicion, I just want to know more about it." Han Bin said.

"Then you have found the wrong person. I'm just silly. I really want to kill someone. I can't do it. And I really don't know what Zhu Weichao is."

Han Bin asked, "Then based on what you know about her, who else would hate her to the bone and do things like hire and murder."

"Hey, I just met her a few times." Guo Xiaoshan shook his head, "Speaking of understanding, you should ask his husband."

Han Bin smiled, "We have already asked her husband, so we are here."

"Yes, when I didn't say anything." Guo Xiaoshan hurriedly changed his words, "Although Lin Qiuyun and I don't see much, but when it comes to understanding, it is because she hates me that she rarely hides her emotions in front of me."

"This woman...maybe because of the miscarriage, her emotions have become a bit extreme, especially rigid."

"In the case of miscarriage, you ate in my store, but there are many factors that cause miscarriage, and it is also related to your personal physical condition. You can't put all the responsibility on me. During that time, She bit me like a hungry wolf, not letting go, just to break me down."

"My stores are so yellowed by her."

"It's easy for her to get into trouble with her mental state, and she might offend someone. There are always ruthless people. Not everyone is as kind as me."

"Of course, you can also say that I am counseling."

Suddenly, Han Bin thought of a question, "Didn't you have their company's black material? I never thought of using it."

Guo Xiaoshan was stunned and stroked his hair, "That...I don't know how to say it."

Han Bin said, "Tell the truth."

"Yes, I got the black material used by Shi'an Food Company to use dead pigs and sick chickens. I also want to use this information to save my restaurant, but I negotiated with Lin Qiuyun. She didn't eat this set at all, and she wanted to kill me. "

"I thought about it later, you don't care, doesn't mean that your boss doesn't care. I took the information and found the boss of Shian Food Company."

"My idea at the time was very simple. Let the boss of Shian Foods Co., Ltd. take care of this crazy woman. As long as she doesn't come to my restaurant to make trouble, I can continue to operate."

"At the time, their boss promised very well. One brother, one by one, understood me one by one. He would definitely persuade Lin Qiuyun. When I heard that this man was going to happen, it didn't seem to be perfunctory, so I chose to trust him first. "

"When I was about to leave, he held me. I begged me to give him the information. I was also a little confused at the time, so I told him that the information was collected with money and cannot be given to him."

"He took out a sum of money at the time and insisted on buying my materials. I was reluctant to sell it at the time. After all, the matter had not been resolved, but he was pestering me."

"Also told me, he will help me solve the matter, hope I am also a little sincere. His so-called sincerity is to let me sell him the information."

"I still don't want to sell, but I don't want to offend him. I also counted on him to help me persuade the crazy woman. I set a high price and wanted him to retire."

"As a result, he agreed in one gulp, and there was no intention to counter-offer at all. I was also dumbfounded at the time. I have said everything, what can I do, and I will give him the information."

"As a result, this old boy doesn't count, Lin Qiuyun still **** me and keeps my store bankrupt."

"I was so angry at the time. I asked him again. He said he couldn't control Lin Qiuyun. I told him to fire Lin Qiuyun. He said that Lin Qiuyun is a mad dog now and he dare not provoke him."

"Later, you all know that the restaurant closed down after all. I also sold the information to the owner of the Shian Food Company. It was a mess, and it was gone."

After speaking, Guo Xiaoshan couldn't help sighing.

Han Bin verified, "What is the name of the boss of Shian Foods Company?"

"Let me think about it, his last name is quite rare. His last name...what's his name?"

Han Bin confirmed, "Is it Shida."

"Yes, it's Shida." Guo Xiaoshan nodded, "I heard that his company is doing well now, and its scale is also getting bigger."

"I sue you, because that woman died, and that woman does not die, maybe something will happen someday. His factory can't be so big."

Han Bin asked, "Do you mean that Shi'an Food Factory is still using low-quality ingredients?"

Guo Xiaoshan said, "That's for sure. Several of the food factories are clean now. Last month, when I went to take a drink, he bought a ham from Shian Food Company. I used to work in the catering industry, yes. It’s a bit of experience in food. You know the taste is wrong when you eat it. You see that the color of the meat is not serious, and it looks like gnocchi after a bite. I picked a piece and never touched the ham again. ."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Let's talk about this first." Han Bin stood up.

"Comrade police, come here if you want to eat roasted gluten in the future. No matter what else is guaranteed, my roasted gluten is all good ingredients." Guo Xiaoshan showed a complex expression, "Thinking of what happened back then, I actually didn't do much. The place also taught me a lesson. In the future, in the food business, we must use good materials."

"It doesn't matter if you make less money, do it yourself, customers eat well and sleep well at night."

"That's right, I wish you a prosperous business in the shop."

Guo Xiaoshan confidently said, "My shop is doing well, and today is Saturday. If it is a normal school day, if students are blocked at the door, you will not be able to get in."

"This is my business card. If you think of any new clues, you can call me." Han Bin put down a business card, turned and left the Guoji Baked Gluten Shop.

After everyone got in the car, Jiang Yang looked at Guo Xiaoshan at the entrance of the store through the window, "Group leader, it is really unexpected that this Guo Xiaoshan knew Shida."

Han Bin touched his chin. He didn't expect the two of them to know each other. He ordered, "Jiang Yang, you can contact Li Qin and check Guo Xiaoshan's alibi with her."

"Group leader, what about you?"

"Let's go to see Shida."

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