Detective from The Future

Chapter 612: Confrontation

Bao Xing drove to Fangtongyuan Community and put Jiang Yang at the door of the community.

Bao Xing turned around and drove away from the headquarters of An Food Company.

"Group leader, what do you think of the grudge between Lin Qiuyun and Guo Xiaoshan?"

Han Bin thought for a while, "I don't know the situation behind, but the cause of the matter must be Guo Xiaoshan's problem. If there is no problem with the ingredients in his restaurant, it will not cause food poisoning to the guests, and Lin Qiuyun will not have a miscarriage."

"At this point, Guo Xiaoshan must be wrong."

Bao Xing nodded, "Children are the hearts and minds of parents, and the miscarriage will definitely hit Lin Qiuyun a lot."

"In the final analysis, it is still ineffective. There are no corresponding laws and regulations. Food safety is related to the real life of the people. I think it should not be mixed with mud. It should be severely punished or even sentenced."

"If you eat unhealthy food, how can you improve your quality of life. Contaminated milk powder, waste oil, and fake vaccines are not trivial matters. They are more harmful than those murderers and should be given a heavy sentence."

"Grab one and severely sentence one. In the future, everyone will feel relieved after eating, and the social atmosphere will improve."

Han Bin smiled, "Your boy has a deep feeling."

Bao Xing said, "Once I went to a hot pot restaurant to eat, that hot pot restaurant tasted good, the service was good, and the food was very happy. Later, when I was reviewing online, I saw someone saying that the restaurant used hot pot. Don't throw away the base material after eating it, put it in a bucket and filter it, and use it the next day."

"Hey, seeing this made me sick and almost stopped vomiting. What I ate with me was someone else's saliva."

"Such a black-hearted boss should have caught him."

Han Bin also agreed with Bao Xing's proposal, but this kind of thing was out of his turn.

Han Bin sat in the back of the car and continued to think about the case.

When making transcripts for Guo Xiaoshan just now, the other party's words had a certain directional nature and brought the topic to Shi Da.

Han Bin also felt that Shida had some problems, and planned to give Shida another transcript.

However, Han Bin did not completely believe Guo Xiaoshan's words, who knows if he is causing trouble, so he sent Jiang Yang to verify his alibi.

Half an hour later, Han Bin and the two rushed to Shian Food Company.

This time Han Bin directly asked to see Shida.

Han Bin and the two were invited to the conference room. After a while, Shi Da opened the door and walked in. He smiled and said, "Officer Han, it's a coincidence that you are here. I will get off work one step later."

Han Bin got up and said, "Boss Shi, I will delay you for a while. We want to ask a few more questions."

Shida made a please gesture, "No problem, it is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the police, you sit down and say."

Han Bin looked at the other party, "Boss Shi, how is your company's recent business?"

"Very good." Shi Da replied, somewhat puzzled, "Why Officer Han remembered to ask this."

Han Bin tentatively said, "I heard people say that the food your company produces has quality problems."

Shi Dameng sat up straight, "How is this possible? It's pure nonsense. Our company's products are strictly in accordance with national standards in terms of material selection, production, and packaging, and there is absolutely no problem."

"Sergeant Han, who is chewing his tongue in front of you, this person must be uneasy."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Do you know Guo Xiaoshan?"

Shi Da frowned, "Which Guo Xiaoshan?"

"The owner of the Little Shepherd Boy Restaurant in Laiping."

Shi Da patted his forehead, "Oh, I remember when you said that, there seems to be a conflict between him and Lin Qiuyun, there was a lot of trouble at the beginning. I remember that he even came to the company to find me at that time."

"No, the company was still in Laiping City."

"What did he do with you?" Han Bin asked, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and handing it to Shida.

"Thank you." Shi Da took the cigarette with his left hand, took out the lighter, and lit Han Bin first, then lit his own cigarette, recalled.

"I remember that Lin Qiuyun was pregnant that year, and I mentioned it to me. I said it was okay. You will have a solid life. When you come back from maternity leave, the post will be reserved for you."

"It didn't take long for Lin Qiuyun to take time off to rest, and I learned about her miscarriage."

"I didn't know why she had a miscarriage at the time. As the boss, we were not easy to ask. After a while, this man named Guo Xiaoshan found me and told me that Lin Qiuyun had a bad stomach after eating in his restaurant and was caused by food poisoning. I had a miscarriage, I knew what was going on."

"Listen to what he said, Lin Qiuyun was making a lot of noise. He kept on holding on to this matter and kept telling him. The restaurant was almost out of business. He wanted to ask me for help and be an intermediary to make peace. Trouble with him. He is also willing to make some compensation."

"As soon as I thought that everyone was from Laiping City, and I didn't look up until I saw each other, and maybe they got in touch with each other, and he was really sincere at the time, so I agreed."

"I called Lin Qiuyun to the office and mentioned it to her. She was very excited at the time. The miscarriage had a great impact on her. She did not agree, saying that she would look at it and deal with it and it would not affect her work."

"She said so, I couldn't persuade me."

Han Bin took a cigarette, "Is there anything else between you and Guo Xiaoshan?"

Shida shook his head and said, "No."

"Think more about it."

With a cigarette in his left hand, Shi Da flicked the soot, "Police Officer Han, things have passed for so long, I really can't remember. If you have any questions, just tell me."

Han Bin looked through the transcript, "When Guo Xiaoshan came to you, did he bring information about the use of low-quality ingredients by Shian Company."

Shi Da was stunned for a moment, "What information?"

Han Bin said, “According to Guo Xiaoshan, during the time when he and Lin Qiuyun had a conflict, he found someone to collect information from Shian Food Company, and he discovered that Shian Food Company used unqualified ingredients such as dead pork and sick chicken.”

"Also, after you learned that you had the information, you not only agreed to persuade Lin Qiuyun, but you also had to spend money to buy the information."

Shi Da scratched his head, "He is talking nonsense, there is no such thing. Our Shian Food Company has always used the best ingredients, and I personally check it. If something goes wrong, how could I not know."

"Fake, he is lying."

Han Bin confirmed, "Really nothing like this?"

Shida's tone was determined, "Absolutely not."

Bao Xing said, "Boss Shi, if this is not the case, why would Guo Xiaoshan say that? Are there any conflicts between the two of you?"

Shi Da thought for a while and said, "I met him once, if he has to talk about conflicts, maybe he thinks I agreed to help make peace, but Lin Qiuyun didn't listen to me, maybe I was blamed."

"A lot of people have this problem. If something goes wrong, they like to blame others without first thinking about whether they have a problem. I see a lot of such people."

Han Bin said, "Lin Qiuyun is dead, and it has been more than two years since this incident. In order to be so contradictory, there is no need for him to deceive the police."

"Then I don't know." Shi Da squeezed out the cigarette **** and added, "Maybe he is guilty of conscience and wants to interfere with the direction of the police investigation.

Han Bin asked, "Do you think he hired someone to kill Lin Qiuyun?"

Shi Da said, “He was originally the owner of a chain restaurant. He heard that the restaurant’s business was pretty good. But when Lin Qiuyun told me, several restaurants closed down. He didn’t hate Lin Qiuyun. It’s the blame. It’s possible to do anything. ."

Han Bin tentatively asked, "What would you do if you were Guo Xiaoshan."

Shi Da smiled, "This is hard to say, there is no personal experience, there is no feeling of putting yourself in the place, no one can tell."

"How many years has Lin Qiuyun worked in Shian Food Company?"

"Seven or eight years, Officer Han, you seem to have asked this question."

"In these seven or eight years, what positions has she held."

Shi Da recalled, "She was a worker in the workshop at the beginning, and later I saw that she was practical and capable, so I promoted her to be the team leader, the person in charge of the production line, the supervisor of the food factory, and the manager of the marketing department. An employee of ."

"When was she transferred from the food factory from the supervisor to the head office as the manager of the marketing department?"

"Yeah, I don't remember this clearly. After all, it's been more than two years."

Han Bin said, "It doesn't matter if you don't remember, you can go to the personnel department to check, I think there should be files."

"Isn't Lin Qiuyun dead? Our company has destroyed her files." Shi Da said.

Han Bin turned over the transcript, "It doesn't matter if you destroy it, you can't remember it, but Lin Qiuyun's husband remembers it clearly. According to him, Lin Qiuyun had been working in a food factory before and was transferred to the marketing department some time before his death. ."

"Lin Qiuyun has always been responsible for production management in the food factory. It stands to reason that the promotion is also within the food factory. Both the deputy director and the factory director are possible. Why should she be transferred to a marketing department that has never been in contact with? You are not afraid of her doing it. not good?"

"Or did she have to be transferred from the food factory for special reasons?"

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