Detective from The Future

Chapter 614: Move with reason

"Li Dongzhi, what's the situation now, you don't know it in your heart. I'm still pretending to be calm and showing it to someone." Ma Jingbo's face sank, Li Dongzhi still didn't respond, and he couldn't continue to consume it. Someone had to sing blackface.

"You and Zhu Weichao were discovered by a prison guard on duty when you and Zhu Weichao escaped from the production workshop. You dared to stun the guard. Do you know that this is a riot escape? If it is serious, you will be sentenced to death."

"Your father is not too young anymore. I heard that we were sick because of your affairs. Our criminal investigators felt unbearable to see him. You, as a son, would have the heart to let him send a white-haired man to a black-haired man?"

"Of course, maybe he heard that you were going to be sentenced to death, so he couldn't hold it and left first."

Li Dongzhi's eyes were red, and his bandaged face was expressionless. He said in a hoarse voice, "Don't tell me, the guard was not injured by me, but by Zhu Weichao. I just ran away with him. Did nothing."

"If you didn't do anything, why would Zhu Weichao take you with you? Could it be that he is doing charity and wants to send you out to reunite with your father earlier."

Li Dongzhi glared at Ma Jingbo and said angrily, "Could you not mention my dad, it is me who escaped from prison, what does it have to do with my dad."

"Hey, self-esteem is quite strong. Now that I know you care about your father, what did you do earlier. From the moment you asked him to help pass the message, he couldn't escape the relationship." Ma Jingbo said harshly.

"I can correct it. You are responsible for this situation now. It is not that I disrespect your father, but that you let him do something that is not worthy of respect."

"My father doesn't know anything. He is just to help me. Don't embarrass him. He is so old that he can't stand the toss."

"You can't tell me this, I just handle the case according to the law. You can only blame your son for cheating."

"Cheating." Speaking of this word, Li Dongzhi smiled bitterly, "You think I am willing, I have to be in jail for more than ten years, and I will be an old man when I go out. I don't want to live like this for a lifetime. I will stay here. I'm suffocating, if I have a little way, I won't let him do this kind of thing."

Ding Xifeng said, "Since you feel guilty in your heart, please make up your father. At least don't let him send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. There is still hope in my heart."

Li Dongzhi lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then raised his head, "I really didn't beat the prison guard, Zhu Weichao did it."

Ding Xifeng asked, "Who was involved in the escape?"

"Just me and Zhu Weichao."

"Who is answering outside."

"No one answered."

Ding Xifeng leaned back and sighed, "I thought you were willing to assist the police, but now it seems that you are still stubborn."

"Your mouth is full of lies, and you said you didn't beat the prison guards. How can we believe it."

"Our police investigation is about evidence, and evidence is related. A single proof cannot prove anything. The chain of evidence is the most effective. If you lie, we will not only doubt what you are saying right now, but also doubt. Your attitude towards confession will be denied as well as the previous testimony."

"I believe you should understand what I mean."

"I really don't know who the outside person is. I'm just an accomplice. I'm an errand runner. Zhu Weichao planned all things related to the escape. He has been using me, otherwise I won't be the way I am. People are better than people, ghosts are not ghosts, how much better can I be alive than dead?"

Ma Jingbo pointed to the other person, "I just said that Zhu Weichao will not take a useless person to escape from prison. This will only increase the risk. What is your role and why did he choose to escape with you."

"Maybe it's just for me to be a backstop and help him get over the grid."

"According to our investigation, your role is definitely more than that. I'm reminding you that your father took advantage of the opportunity to visit prison and secretly passed you the news of prison escape. He also admits this."

"If you want to reduce your sentence for meritorious service, you can tell the people who respond to it outside."

Li Dongzhi was stunned for a moment, "I have been in jail, how could I have seen someone delivering the news outside? Since you have found my father, why don't you ask him?"

Ma Jingbo paused for a while, wondering if he should tell the truth.

Ding Xifeng on the side answered, "It's very simple, your father wouldn't say it."

"Hehe..." Li Dongzhi smiled, as if torn the wound, showing a touch of pain, "My father refuses to say, do you think I will?"

Ding Xifeng asked, "Do you know why your father didn't recruit?"

"My dad looks honest, but he's actually a temperamental guy. He's very tough. He doesn't say that he just looks down on you."

"You are wrong. Your father is a man of conscience. He knew that he had done something wrong, and he took the initiative to confess the crime. He expressed guilt to the police officer under me more than once."

"He wants to say it, but he can't say it. He wants to leave this opportunity to you. He wants you to live and live well."

"He also told our police officer that his greatest wish now is to see you and hear your voice, and he will be content."

Li Dongzhi showed pain and choked up, "Seeing me, what is the use of seeing me? I'm already like this. He can recognize him. I don't want to scare him. I hope the son in his memory is still The previous one, nothing to see."

Ding Xifeng persuaded, "Seeing or not seeing is your own choice, but don't forget what I just said. This opportunity for commutation of your sentence is left to you by your father. If you go your own way and refuse to cooperate with the police investigation, it is tantamount to It has failed his good intentions."

Li Dongzhi was silent for a while again, "I said everything, I don't know the person who responded."

"Then how your father contacted him, you should always know."

"I can't remember."

Ding Xifeng asked patiently, "Then let's change the question, how did you and Zhu Weichao get in touch?"

Li Dongzhi thought for a while, "We always meet when we work in the wind and the workshop, and occasionally we talk a few words. After a long time, everyone knows who is who and what they think. We have been in touch for a long time, and we have been probing. Now, I know that each other has the idea of ​​jailbreaking."

"To be honest, I just had ideas and complained a few words at the beginning. I really didn't expect Zhu Weichao to succeed in escape from prison."

"I have watched the American drama Prison Break, and always felt that the performance was too fake. As a result, reality is more dramatic than TV drama."

"Li Dongzhi, if you think about it, has Zhu Weichao mentioned to you someone outside the prison?"

"You want to know why you don't ask Zhu Weichao, he is the mastermind of the escape, he knows better than me, why waste time with me."

Neither Ding Xifeng nor Ma Jingbo answered.

After a while, Li Dongzhi smiled and said, "Let me guess, you guys haven't caught him yet. If this is the case, then I am really envious and jealous. This guy has been running for so many days. His wish should have been fulfilled."

Ma Jingbo asked back, "Wish? What is Zhu Weichao's wish."

"He still has a lot of wishes. I think about it... Add up to five or six."

Ma Jingbo took out a notebook, "Tell me, what are his wishes."

"First, he wants to meet his family members, especially his parents and daughters. Second, he wants to eat mutton-shabu. Third, he wants to drink Maotai and smoke Chinese. Fourth, he wants to find a woman to fight. Five... I can’t remember what it is."

Ma Jingbo frowned, everything was messed up, and the more he said it, the less plausible he said, "I will ask you again, has Zhu Weichao mentioned, who will meet you outside after you escape from prison?"

"When you catch Zhu Weichao, everything will be clear. Why waste time with me. Zhu Weichao has been out of prison for days. Now that he knows that I was arrested, even if he really said something to me before, what's the point? ?"

"Besides, you can guarantee that what I said is true, and you are not afraid that I will cover Zhu Weichao and disrupt the direction of your investigation, but let Zhu Weichao go."

Ma Jingbo snorted and was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, "Don't worry, Zhu Weichao can't run anymore. He is lying down honestly now, waiting to be a general teacher."

Li Dongzhi sneered, "What the **** is still a teacher like him. He doesn't know a lot of **** characters. If he can be a teacher, I can be a principal."

Ma Jingbo looked speechless, isn't this just playing the piano to the cow.

It’s said that things gather together. Isn’t it difficult for people to communicate all the way?

Ding Xifeng glanced at Ma Jingbo. You are not a literate person, and you talk about terms at critical moments.

"Zhu Weichao is dead."

"Huh? Zhu Weichao is dead!" Li Dongzhi showed a surprised look, and then chuckled lightly, "Yes, it seems that he is no better than me? By the way, how did he die? He won't be killed by you. Come on. Ruthless enough, old iron."

Ding Xifeng was a little bit dumbfounded. He was called Lao Tie for the first time.

The leaders of the police station, who are older, mature, stable, and dignified, will definitely not use this term, and may not even know this internet term.

No one of his subordinates dared to make such a joke.

Ding Xifeng never expected that a prisoner would call him Lao Tie.

Seeing that Ding Xifeng was silent, Ma Jingbo continued, "Zhu Weichao wanted to be killed by us, but unfortunately he didn't have such a good life. He was buried alive. My people dug him out of the soil with his own hands."

"Buried alive!" Li Dongzhi's tone was a little surprised and shocked, "What buried him alive?"

Ma Jingbo did not answer the question, "I believe you should know the person who can bury him alive before the police."

Li Dongzhi closed his eyes and said after a while, "I don't know."

Ding Xifeng said earnestly, "When things have reached this point, why do you want to protect the other party. Do you know that your current situation is very dangerous? You not only escaped from prison, but also injured the prison guard. If you cooperate with the police investigation, there may be more Opportunity for commutation."

"If you refuse to cooperate, no one can help you, and the death penalty may be waiting for you."

Li Dongzhi shouted, "I said, I didn't beat the prison guard, it was Zhu Weichao's hand."

"I said, our police investigating the case is the chain of evidence. We can't trust you with this sentence alone. If you want to prove that you are telling the truth, and you have not lied, you should show the police more evidence. ."

Li Dongzhi lowered his head and became silent again.

Ma Jingbo's clenched fists creaked, "Li Dongzhi, if the person who was outside the prison killed Zhu Weichao, he might kill you. Why should you help him hide his identity? What good is it for you."

Li Dongzhi spread his hands and said, "There is no benefit, because I don't know the situation of this person at all. Let's go, don't waste time on me."

"How could you not know?"

"I can't remember the head office."

Ding Xifeng looked serious and stood up, "I can tell at a glance whether you really can't remember or you are lying. When I step out of this door, you may lose your only chance to reduce your sentence."

Li Dongzhi didn't even look at it, and slowly lay on the bed, turning his head to the other side, making it clear that he didn't want to talk to the two anymore.

Ding Xifeng left the ward directly without catching the point that the other party cared about, no matter how much nonsense it said.

We greeted Dr. Chen outside, and exhorted the police officer in charge of guarding, then Ding Xifeng strode away.

Entering the elevator, only Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo were the only two.

Ma Jingbo pinched his forehead, "Captain, if I stay, I will explore the bottom of this guy."

"Are you sure?" Ding Xifeng took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag and handed one to Ma Jingbo.

Ma Jingbo took the cigarette, but did not light it in the elevator, and said, "Li Dongzhi sheltering the suspect is nothing more than two possibilities in my opinion."

"First, he cares about this person who helped escape from prison. This person is likely to have a deep relationship with him, so he has to protect the other party and refuse to tell the other party's true identity."

"Second, the person who helped escape from prison has promised benefits in advance. As long as Li Dongzhi does not recruit him, he or his family will be compensated for some benefits."

Ding Xifeng agreed with Ma Jingbo's idea after listening. The two got off the elevator. Ding Xifeng lit his cigarette and took a sip, "Let's talk, how do you want him to recruit."

"First check his network. If it's the first case, then Li Dongzhi is very close to that person, and it shouldn't be difficult to find out."

"If it's the second case, then know it with emotion and reason."

Ding Xifeng flicked the soot. He didn't think Ma Jingbo and Li Dongzhi could have any affection, "How can they be moved by reason?"

"I think Zhu Weichao's death can be used to prove that this person who helped escape from prison is dangerous and untrustworthy. He clearly assisted Zhu Wei to surpass prison, and he killed the opponent backhand."

"Li Dongzhi and Zhu Weichao are in the same situation. It is impossible for him not to whisper in his heart. It is not good to say that if he escaped with Zhu Weichao, he might be buried alive by the other party."

"In other words, how can such a person who is not honest, even if he gives someone a promise?"

Ding Xifeng thought for a while, he still felt that Ma Jingbo was unlikely to succeed, even if he guessed why Li Dongzhi lied. But it does not necessarily mean that he has a solution.

However, this is a very important clue, if Li Dongzhi speaks. Provided the identity information of the behind-the-scenes chief envoy, the police might be able to catch people by following the vine.

Ding Xifeng hesitated for a while, and finally reluctant to bear this line, "Okay, just stay. No matter what method you use, as long as you can let Li Dongzhi confess, I will give you the first credit."

Ma Jingbo raised his chest and said loudly, "Yes."

This is a shortcut, which is more reliable than other investigation directions. He is confident that as long as he is given a few days, he will be able to open Li Dongzhi's mouth.

As if seeing the other party's thoughts, Ding Xifeng added, "It must be fast, there is not much time left for us."

"This case has a great impact. The entire Qindao City is watching from top to bottom. The leaders of the city bureau are under great pressure, and the pressure on the City Criminal Investigation Brigade is even greater. We have always regarded ourselves as the elites of the Qindao City Criminal Investigation Detachment. Don't let the criminal investigation team of the following sub-bureau read jokes."

Ma Jingbo said sternly, "Don't worry, I will pry open this kid's mouth as soon as possible."

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