Detective from The Future

Chapter 615: locking

Around seven in the morning.

"Jingle Bell……"

A mobile phone rang, awakening Han Bin in his sleep.

Before Han Bin opened his eyes, he habitually reached out and touched the right side of the bed, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button, "Hey."

"Leader Han, this is Ma Xiwen from the technical department. The DNA sample you sent to the technical department is compared, and the result is completely consistent with the DNA left at the crime scene."

"I'm afraid it will affect your investigation, so I told you the news as soon as possible, I hope it doesn't interrupt your rest."

"No, I thank you that it is too late. I will invite you to dinner another day."

"You're welcome, this is also my job. Well, I won't tell you, I need to clean up and change shifts."

"You are busy." After hanging up the phone, Han Bin stood up abruptly, not complaining at all about Ma Xiwen interrupting his sleep.

After investigating this case for so long, it has already reached the goal, regardless of whether it was stopped by the opponent's goalkeeper or the chance of being robbed by his teammates is not what Han Bin wants to see.

Han Bin immediately reported the situation to Ma Jingbo, and then asked his team members to assemble in an emergency.


Xinhua District, Li'an District.

This is a high-end community. The entire community is a low-rise slab apartment, with only one household on each floor, a large flat floor, and direct elevator access.

The house is good, the green rate is high, and the house price is naturally not cheap. Those who live here are either rich or expensive.

After collecting Shida's DNA, Han Bin sent Wang Xiao to stare at him worried that the other party was alert.

According to Wang Xiao, Shida returned to Li'an after get off work yesterday and never went out again.

Han Bin and Ma Jingbo discussed and set the arrest location at the gate of the community.

Han Bin drove to Li'an Community for the first time.

Han Bin had just parked his car not far from the gate of the community. Wang Xiao got out of the corner and got into Han Bin's car.

Han Bin turned his head and glanced at the other person. Except for the dark circles under his eyes and the smell of smoke on his body, his mental state is still quite good. "Can you be sure that Shida has not left?"

"Yes." Wang Xiao said with a certain tone, "This community has four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the other doors have been closed, leaving only the east gate to enter and exit. Moreover, the east gate is still the exit for cars, as long as it is here. Staring at Shida can't run."

Han Bin's right index finger tapped on the steering wheel, and he was still a little unsure. If Shi Da was not alert, it would be okay, if he was really alert, what to do if someone else ran away.

No matter how tightly Wang Xiao looked, it was impossible to stare at every car.

At this moment, Bao Xing and Jiang Yang walked over, opened the door, and got into the back of the car.

Bao Xing eagerly said, "Group leader, when shall we start to catch people?"

Han Bin answered the wrong question, "What time does the Shian Food Company start?"

Bao Xing thought for a while, "I remember it should be nine o'clock."

Han Bin glanced at his phone, "It's eight-fifth, if Shida doesn't come out within 20 minutes, let's enter the community and arrest it."

Jiang Yang looked around, "Why did Shida kill Lin Qiuyun? What kind of grudges are there between them?"

"I am also a little puzzled, what is the deep hatred between them, Shi Da is going to be such a cruel hand." Bao Xing smashed his mouth.

Before, he always felt that Guo Xiaoshan was more suspicious. After all, Lin Qiuyun who was killed by Guo Xiaoshan had a miscarriage, and Lin Qiuyun was bankrupt, and the grievances between the two were very obvious.

Han Bin did not answer the conversation. The reason why he suspected Shi Da was that he had noticed clues from the transcripts of Cheng Jiwen and Guo Xiaoshan. He only felt that the other party was suspicious, and he could not determine the motive of the murder.

Bao Xing boldly guessed, "You said, whether Lin Qiuyun and Shida have an unusual relationship, then the explanation can be made. After Lin Qiuyun had a miscarriage, Shida took her from the food factory into consideration for the physical condition of the other party. Transferred to the marketing department is also a kind of compensation in disguise."

Jiang Yang asked back, "Why is this unusual? Do you think Lin Qiuyun has an improper relationship with Shi Da, and the child in Lin Qiuyun's belly may be Shi Da?"

Bao Xing replied, "This is just my guess, and I haven't found enough evidence. However, if I really guessed it, I think this is probably Shida's motive for killing."

Wang Xiao interjected, "Even if the two have an improper relationship, Shida doesn't have to kill."

Bao Xing touched his chin and thought thoughtfully, "Maybe Lin Qiuyun wants more. A manager of the marketing department can't satisfy her appetite. But Shida didn't want to pay too much, because he was afraid that Lin Qiuyun would continue to struggle, so he looked for People solved her."

Although Bao Xing’s conjecture is not empirical, it is still valid from a reasoning point of view. Han Bin thought about it carefully, “When we made a transcript for Lin Qiuyun’s husband, Cheng Jiwen, he did not raise this issue. I personally feel that if The woman is really cheating, and it is impossible for a man to be unconscious."

Bao Xing smiled, "Group leader, you think everyone is as alert as you, you are a policeman, they are not. There are too many news like this kind of daddies, you only need to read one and you can push ten. "

"Furthermore, Shi Da is Lin Qiuyun's boss. Two people work in the same company. When you want to date, you can just find a place to start. At that time, you will still get off work normally. As long as you are not caught, you will be caught. ?"

Although Bao Xing's speculation was a little bit bloody, he explained it well.

Wang Xiao mentioned another person, "Actually, I always think Cheng Jiwen is suspicious. The time he bought Li Qiuyue's insurance is too accurate. It's hard not to be suspicious."

Bao Xing shrugged his shoulders, "I also suspected that the process followed the article before, but now the DNA comparison results have come out. The murderer who killed Zhu Weichao is Shi Da."

Wang Xiao still feels that Cheng Jiwen is more suspicious. According to his previous investigation experience, it is no accident that killing his wife and cheating for insurance is not accidental. "Is it possible that Shi Da and Cheng Jiwen jointly committed the crime?"

Han Bin feels a bit unreliable, why the more reasoning and the more **** he is, "If it is really like Bao Xing guessed, Shi Da killed Lin Qiuyun because of the improper relationship between the two. Then the relationship between Shi Da and Cheng Jiwen Absolutely in the same situation, what reason do they have to join forces to kill."

"Don't guess at random. Now that you have obtained the evidence of the conviction, Shida will definitely explain it, and just ask him at that time."

"I will explain the arresting process now. If he drives out, he still has some difficulty in arresting him. Therefore, he must get out of the car by himself. Anyone who has good ideas can say anything and brainstorm... …"

Han Bin discussed with the team members for a while, and when it was about time, a car drove over.


Han Bin had been observing the surroundings, and naturally the car could not escape his sight.

"It should be the horse team coming. I'll get out of the car and have a look. You continue to stare at the order." Han Bin took a sentence and then got into the car next to him. In addition to Ma Jingbo in the car, Ding Xifeng also came. .

Ding Xifeng yawned, "How is the situation?"

"Shida lives in this community. Yesterday I sent someone to stare at him. I haven't noticed that the other party left the community. If Shida hasn't come out after 8:25, I will go to Shida's house to arrest him.

Ma Jingbo asked, "Wait for him to work now?"


"Why don't you just go to the house and arrest?"

"According to the property company, many homeowners have installed private surveillance. For safety reasons, it is safer to catch them outside the community."

"How does he go to work?"

"Should be driving to work."

"Did you think about how to intercept it?"

Han Bin smiled and said confidently, "After collecting Shida's fingerprints yesterday, I asked Wang Xiao to follow him here. He has already greeted the property, and I also made arrangements in advance. Right."

Ma Jingbo turned his head and glared at Han Bin, "Your kid is now all over, patted his chest and banged, don't drop the chain at the critical moment."

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