Detective from The Future

Chapter 616: Catch


Shida yawned. Since Han Bin took someone to the company yesterday, he felt a little unsure.

If the first time is just a routine inquiry, then the second time must be targeted, which makes him feel very uneasy.

Shida touched his mouth involuntarily, and when he remembered that his DNA had been collected, Shida felt even more uneasy.

Last night, he even had an urge to run, but could he get there? He is even more afraid that because of his escape, he will attract the attention of the police. By then, nothing will become a problem.

After all, he still couldn't let go of what he was doing now. After so many years of hard work, he finally got mixed up. Now that he has been away for so many years, isn't it a waste of work?

Whether it is a blessing or a misfortune or a misfortune, he decided to take a gamble.

He was able to make a food company such a big company from scratch, and he didn't do much to bet that every decision he made might bankrupt the company.

However, his luck is very good, most of the time he bet right, he believes that he will not lose this time.

The privacy of low-rise small slabs like this one-by-one floor is very good. Shida installed a monitoring system at his door and checked that there was no abnormality before leaving.

The car he often drives is a black Cadillac. He doesn't like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi. He prefers American-style cars, which are large, down-to-earth and feel at ease when driving.

Shida drove to work as usual. When the car drove to the door, the bar did not open automatically. Shida frowned involuntarily and fell into old trouble again.

Sometimes this bar does not work well. Generally speaking, the camera is not aligned with the license plate number and the vehicle information cannot be recognized, so the bar does not open automatically.

Shida overturned the car, twisted the steering wheel, pointed the camera on the bar, and drove slowly to the bar, but the bar did not lift.

Shida became a little impatient and pressed the car horn twice, "Beep..."

I wanted to ask the guard to come over and help activate the bar, but no one came over.

"My mother, this property company is getting less and less plausible. It charges so much every year for property fees, and the bar is always unusable, so TM can't change it to a new one. Also, these guards are lazier than the others, and they hear that When the horn rang, I didn't lift my hips."

Shida complained and moved the car again, but the bar still did not respond.

Helpless, he could only get out of the car to find the guard in person.

Shida pulled on the handbrake and got out of the car, still cursing, "I'm a dog, I must complain to you..."

When Shi Da quickly walked to the guard room, he vaguely felt something was wrong, and there seemed to be a few more people around him.

"Crack..." The door to the guard's room suddenly opened, and Han Bin walked out of it.

Shi Da was taken aback, and immediately woke up. He should have been spotted, and turned around to run.

However, it was too late at this time, and Wang Xiao, Bao Xing, Jiang Yang, Ma Jingbo and others had already surrounded them.

"Police, don't move!"

Everyone yelled and threw Shida to the ground. Shida was held down by several people and couldn't move if he wanted to resist.

"Ka! Ka!" Shi Da was handcuffed twice.

The handcuffs seemed to have magical powers, Shida didn't struggle anymore, his whole body was collapsed, and his body weakened.

Bao Xing and Jiang Yang escorted him into the car after standing up, and Shida's legs began to tremble.

He didn't shout or say anything, and was put into the car quietly.

Ding Xifeng walked to Cadillac and observed the car.

Han Bin came over and reported, "Captain, the man has been arrested."

"Yes, very neat." Ding Xifeng nodded, still staring at the car, "Call the technical department and ask them to come and inspect the car to see if there are other findings."


Ding Xifeng waved his hand again, "Forget it, let me call."

"You quickly **** the person back for trial. This case can't be dragged on any longer. Let the other party speak as soon as possible."

"I see." Han Bin responded with a quick walk and left, arranging for someone to **** Shida back to the police station.

Han Bin remembered Ding Xifeng's instructions and escorted Shi Da back to the police station and immediately interrogated the opponent.

There are three persons in charge of the interrogation, Ma Jingbo, Han Bin, and Jiang Yang.

Ma Jingbo sat in the position of the presiding judge, placed things on the table, and glanced at Shi Da who was sitting on the interrogation chair, feeling somewhat complicated.

Originally, he wanted to pry open Li Dongzhi's mouth and ask for clues from the master behind the scenes, but the boy was so stiff that he refused to say it.

And the other party is a patient, the interrogation time is limited, and it can't stimulate the other party, even if Ma Jingbo has great interrogation skills, he can't perform three points.

He originally wanted to grind it, maybe he could let Li Dongzhi speak.

Who would have thought that Han Bin directly found the master behind the scenes, which made him both gratified and depressed.

Fortunately, Han Bin is his optimistic person or his subordinates. Han Bin has made meritorious service. Even if he has a good leadership, he has followed suit.

What's depressing is that he just made a ticket with Ding Xifeng and wants to show it in front of the leader.

As a result, we went to bed the next day and the murderer was found. Is there any use in interrogating Li Dongzhi?

"Cough..." Ma Jingbo coughed lightly and said to Han Bin on the side, "Go ahead."

Han Bin responded and looked at Shi Da, "Boss Shi, let's meet again."

Shida held up his handcuffs with a cold face, "Police Officer Han, if you want to meet me, there are so many places, why should you bring me here."

"When you are here, don’t hide yourself. You know what you have done yourself, and we know that this is what brought you here. Moreover, we already have evidence, even if you You can be convicted without confession."

"I don't understand what you mean?"

"Do you know Zhu Weichao?"

"do not know."

"Don't promise so happy, this is his picture, take a good look, have you seen it." Han Bin took out a picture of Zhu Weichao and put it in front of Shida.

Shi Da took a look, frowned involuntarily, and then hurriedly stretched out, "I haven't seen it."

"Have you ever had a drink together?"

Shi Da squeezed a smile, "Police Officer Han, your question is interesting. I haven't met him, so how can I drink with him?"

"Zhu Weichao is the murderer who killed Lin Qiuyun back then."

Shi Da thought for a while and said, "Oh, it's him, I said it sounds a bit familiar. By the way, I also heard that a prisoner has escaped from prison. It's also called Chao. He won't be the same person."

"You are right, they are the same person."

"Sergeant Han, then I don't understand, why are you arresting me?"

"Because I suspect that you were the master behind the killing of Lin Qiuyun, and Zhu Weichao was hired by you."

Shi Da laughed, "Haha... Officer Han, you are really joking, what evidence do you have that I am behind the scenes, is it possible that Zhu Weichao personally testified me?"

Han Bin looked serious, "You are right, you are indeed the one that Zhu Weichao testified."

It's just that this testimony is not with the mouth, but in another way.

Shi Da showed a touch of sarcasm, "Well, you can find him, I will confront him face to face, I have to see if he can recognize me!"

"It's probably a bit difficult, he can't confront you now."

Shi Da leaned on the chair and relaxed a lot, "Oh, maybe your police haven't caught him yet. You have to hurry up. It's been many days. I really want to let him run away. Where can you find him? ."

Hearing this, Han Bin, Ma Jingbo and Jiang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Shi Da had a guilty conscience, Han Bin and others smiled, and he felt even more unsure, "What are you laughing at?"

Han Bin walked to the interrogation chair, took out another photo and placed it in front of Shida.

The photo was taken by the technical department. Zhu Weichao had just been dug out and opened the black plastic island, revealing a human head.

Shi Da only glanced at it, and was immediately trembling with fright...

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