Detective from The Future

Chapter 617: Pressure

The police have revoked the arrest warrant for Zhu Weichao, but no news of Zhu Weichao's death has been announced.

Shida did not know in advance that the police had discovered Zhu Weichao's body.

He thought that the method of killing and burying the body was very secret, and he did not expect the police to discover it so quickly.

"Shi Da, I told you before that the reason why we reinvestigated Lin Qiuyun’s case was because we discovered that Lin Qiuyun was murdered and there was a master behind the scenes. The master behind the scenes is you, and Zhu Weichao is the killer you hired. ."

"Zhu Weichao was arrested, but he did not confess you. But this matter is not over. He wants you to help him escape from prison, otherwise he will confess you. You don’t want to be ruined, let alone go to jail, so you agreed He just had a series of cases."

"Just like back then, you hired a young man named Niu Xin, just like when you hired Zhu Weichao, let him go beyond prison, so that even if the police found some clues, they would only find him first."

"You arranged Zhu Weichao to Sun's house and killed him on the night of June 7. I was right."

Shi Da stared at Han Bin firmly, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down, "Officer Han, this is just your guess. Although it is wonderful, I will not admit it."

"This is not speculation, and we will not arrest people based on speculation. We have enough evidence to convict you. I will tell you this now, just to give you an opportunity to proactively explain. You should be very clear about what crimes you have committed. If you actively cooperate with the police, there may be a silver lining. Otherwise, the death penalty is only waiting for you."

Shi Da pressed En's temple with two thumbs, "Police Officer Han, I think there may be some misunderstandings here. I really don't know what Zhu Weichao is. I don't even know what Niu Xin is. Is it that Niu Xin? Framing me."

Jiang Yang snorted and asked, "You said you don't know Zhu Weichao, so why are you shaking when you see the photo of his body?"

"This comrade, you are a policeman and a great hero. You have seen many scenes like this. But I am an ordinary person, let alone a human head. I have only seen pig heads. Suddenly Seeing a dead head, it would be a problem if I am not afraid."

"No wonder Boss Shi is doing such a good business. Most people can't do it with this calmness and psychological quality alone." Han Bin smiled, walked to the interrogation table and took another photo. Put it in front of Shida, "One time to regenerate and two to recycle, you will see another one."

The photo Han Bin took was a corpse, but this time it was Niu Xin’s corpse, which was also dug out from the ground, and it was also a black plastic bag. The difference is that this time the corpse site was turned into a stinky drain. .

Seeing this photo, Shi Da was stunned for a while, then sighed secretly, lowered his head, and said nothing.

"Da da da."

Han Bin knocked on the table, "Shi Da, look up. Don't play tricks to test the police anymore. We have more evidence than you think. Don't hold on to fluke. Your only chance to survive now is Cooperate with the police."

Shi Da raised his head, looked at Han Bin, and then at Ma Jingbo on the side, "What evidence do you have, even if these two of them are dead, they cannot prove that they are related to me. What do you want me to say, I don’t know what I can tell you."

"You really don't shed tears if you don't see the coffin." Han Bin's face sank, pointing to Shi Da and said, "Remember when we passed away yesterday, An Food Company was looking for you."

"I asked your DNA to be collected, which exactly matches the DNA of the murderer left on the scene."

"Officer Han, which scene are you talking about?"

"Which scene have you been to?"

"I have never been to any scene."

"Then explain why your DNA is on the crime scene."

Shi Da bit the thumb of his right hand, "Maybe I've been there to do errands, and I accidentally left some DNA. This is probably a coincidence."

"Do errands, what do you do? To kill or bury the body?"

"Don't scare me, I can't do this kind of thing, maybe someone framed me. After all, I have been in business for so many years, and there are many enemies, big and small, and those people are jealous of me for making money. Do it."

"Bang." Ma Jingbo took a sip of tea and put the water cup on the table. "Shida, I have done a lot of cases. It's really rare for someone like you to be hard-mouthed. You are also a talent."

"I'm not stiff, I really haven't done it."

"If you have the material evidence, you still don't admit it." Ma Jingbo paused and continued, "Then we are talking about the evidence, do you know Li Dongzhi?"

"do not know."

"You don't know him, but he can know you. He was injured by the power grid when he escaped from prison. He has been treated in the hospital. I went to the hospital to meet with him yesterday. He said a lot about you and knew you and Zhu Weichao’s relationship, with his testimony, coupled with DNA, can directly convict you."

After listening to Shi Da, he was stunned for a long time, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he stayed along the temples.

Ma Jingbo said sternly, "Shida, I have given you a chance to reduce your sentence, don't be obsessed with it!"

"Comrade police, I feel a little sick, I feel uncomfortable."

Jiang Yang curled his lips and asked, "Which is uncomfortable?"

Shi Da panted heavily, clutching his chest, "I was so panicked that I couldn't catch my breath. I'm dizzy and I'm dying. I want to rest."

Han Bin glanced at Ma Jingbo, who nodded slightly.

Although the two knew that Shida was probably pretending, the police station also has police station regulations. In this case, they can only suspend the interrogation.

Otherwise, Shida's body is really going to go wrong, and both of them will have to take off their skin.

Ma Jingbo concerned, "Is it terrible? Do you need to call a doctor?"

Shi Da felt weak and said, "I don't need it for the time being, I just want to take a break, my body is a little weak."

"Jiang Yang takes him down to rest and asks the police officers in charge of detention to pay more attention. If the situation becomes serious, call a doctor immediately."

"I see." Jiang Yang replied somewhat reluctantly, obviously he also felt that the other party was pretending to be sick.

Han Bin left the interrogation room, still feeling a little depressed, as if he had hit cotton with a punch.

Both the personal and physical evidence were presented, and Han Bin could feel that Shi Da could no longer hold it, and his heart began to shake. I thought that if the fire was added, the other party would recruit.

Who ever thought that the other party came so out.

Ma Jingbo handed Han Bin a cigarette, "Clean up and go to a place with me."

Han Bin took out a lighter and lit Ma Jingbo a cigarette first, "Where?"

"Go to the hospital."

"Go there..." Han Bin reacted before he finished speaking and asked, "Go find Li Dongzhi."

"Yes, I'll talk in the car."

"Do you want to call someone else?"

"No, there are regulations in the ward not to allow too many people to enter, and they will stand outside when they go."

Han Bin went back to the office, picked up the equipment for going out, and drove to the hospital with Ma Jingbo.

In the car, Han Bin couldn't help asking, "Captain, what's the situation with Li Dongzhi now?"

"The condition has been brought under control, but there is still the risk of infection. Each time you make a transcript, you can't take more than half an hour, and you can't say some extreme things. To put it bluntly... We can only move to reason."

Han Bin thought of Shi Da and said with a smile, "Well, another uncle."

"Who said no? You didn't see it. When the captain and I saw Li Dongzhi, he was so nervous. We talked for a long time without raising our eyelids. Afterwards for a long time, I still ignored him. Ask him about the people who are responding outside, and he starts acting stupid."

"As long as we pretend to be stupid and stunned for half an hour, we have to interrupt the interrogation, stupefied by others."

Han Bin recalled, "Co-author, you were Fudge Shida just now."

"So it is time to say that Shi Da is'ill'. We can take advantage of this opportunity to take Li Dongzhi down. Then, with Li Dongzhi's testimony, Shi Da will not last long."

Han Bin asked, "Do you want to use Shida to put pressure on Li Dongzhi?"

Ma Jingbo nodded and replied, "I have talked with Li Dongzhi. According to my analysis, he is not sincerely acting against the police. The reason why he refuses to recruit Shida should have two possibilities. First, he has a relationship with Shida. Very close, so he instinctively wants to protect each other."

"But judging from the current evidence, there is no intersection between the two people. Even if they know each other, it is impossible to have such a deep relationship."

"The other possibility is that Shi Da promised Li Dongzhi's benefits, so Li Dongzhi was willing to help him down."

Now that Shida has been arrested by the police, even if he promised Li Dongzhi no matter how good he was, he can't keep it.

There is no reason for Li Dongzhi to carry on.

Han Bin nodded. He also agreed with Ma Jingbo's analysis. Li Dongzhi and Shi Da are grasshoppers on the same rope. As long as one of them is thrown, the other can't run.

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