Detective from The Future

Chapter 620: trial

Qindao City Criminal Investigation Brigade, the third interrogation room.

Shi Da sat on the interrogation chair with his head drooping, looking weak.

Ma Jingbo, Han Bin, and Jiang Yang are still in charge of the interrogation.

Ma Jingbo looked at the other party and said in a caring tone, "Shi Da, is your health better?"

Regardless of whether it is sincere or polite, but it still sounds very kind.

"It's better, Comrade Police, thank you for your concern."

"If your body is okay, let's continue the previous interrogation."

Shida licked some dry lips, "Comrade police, I am willing to cooperate with your investigation."

Regardless of whether Shida is pretending to be sick or not, but on the surface this set is still doing well. Of course, he can also be said to be hypocritical and scheming, but this set is really useful in court.

Ma Jingbo looked through the previous record, "Let's talk about Li Dongzhi this morning, now let's talk about him."

"I'll ask again, do you know Li Dongzhi?"

Shi Da categorically cut the railway, "I don't know."

"What about Li Hongshan?"

"Neither do you know."

"But the father and son both know you, and they said that you are the suspect who assisted Zhu Wei in surpassing prison, and actively asked the police to testify against you. This is very unfavorable to you. How do you explain?"

Shi Da hesitated and said, "Perhaps their father and son deliberately planted me in order to reduce the sentence."

Han Bin smiled and then said, "Shi Da, I know you are a smart person, but you shouldn't think of the police as a fool. Li Hongshan and his son are inside the prison and the other is outside. It is not easy to see each other. If you are not the person involved in the case, what are they doing so hard to plant on you. And the trial testimony of the two is completely correct, the court will accept their confession, or will they believe your side?"

"Before you did something wrong, maybe you can use some cleverness to block it back, but this time it is different. This time it is a very bad murder case. The police will investigate it to the end. If you use those cleverness to deal with it, it will be stupid. ."

Many people have the heart to take advantage. The person who walked in the front dropped a hundred dollars, and you picked it up and said it was your own. A little clever with some rhetoric may be able to possess this hundred dollars.

But if someone else loses a million, you pick it up and want to take it for yourself, it won’t be that easy. The owner will definitely come back even if you have a clever tongue.

Because there is a cost problem between the two, once a dispute arises, a conflict will occur. Many people will feel that it is not worthwhile to fight for a hundred dollars. If the other party is injured, it is not enough for medical expenses. Maybe you have to pay several thousand. For a dollar, just open one eye and close one eye.

But one million is not the same, people will definitely fight to the end.

If you still think that a few words of rhetoric and rogues can possess this million, you are a big fool.

Little cleverness can't make it to the big stage after all.

Shida grabbed his hair and took a deep breath, "How do you let me admit what I haven't done?"

The evidence of this case is already very clear. If you change to an ordinary suspect, you may have already slapped him, but Shi Da still refuses to confess. Han Bin sees a kind of rogue in him, which makes people very disgusting.

Han Bin’s conversation turned, “Let’s change the topic. According to Li Dongzhi, you have promised that once the escape fails, as long as he doesn’t confess you, you will give his father 300,000 pension money. Something?"

Shida twisted his hands together, lowered his head and said nothing.

Although Han Bin only said one sentence, Shi Da realized that what Han Bin said was not a lie. Li Hongshan and Li Dongzhi and his son should have really recruited them. Otherwise, Han Bin would not be able to know the 300,000 things.

Shi Da shook his head, "Comrade Police, it's useless to say anything now, because you don't believe that I was framed."

"It's not that I don't believe it, but your own attitude. If you feel that you are framed, you should take the initiative to cooperate with the police investigation, so as to restore your innocence and look at yourself. You have encountered a key problem You just run away. If you don’t cooperate with the police, how can we trust you.” Han Bin said earnestly.

"I also want to believe that you were wronged, but the evidence the police have now has formed a complete chain of evidence. Unless you can produce new evidence to prove your innocence, the only thing waiting for you is the death penalty."

Shida was sweating on his forehead, and was already a little panicked, not paying attention to the image, and rubbed the sweat with his arm.

"I'll correct it." Ma Jingbo interrupted Han Bin and continued, "If you can't prove your innocence, as long as you proactively confess your crime and actively cooperate with the police investigation. If the court feels that you have a good guilty plea, and actively compensate The families of the victims still have the opportunity to reduce their sentences."

Shi Da replied, "What does it mean to reduce the sentence for meritorious service? Does it mean that I won't be sentenced to death?"

No matter who is facing the issue of life and death, they can't always remain calm, and Shi Da is the same.

Ma Jingbo said, "How to sentence that is the judge's business. We will only give the corresponding sentence reduction policy based on your guilty plea. The more you cooperate with the police investigation, the greater the chance of getting sentence reduction. You are a smart person, I believe you should understand ."

Shi Da looked tangled, hesitated for a while, and said, "I'm a little tired physically, and maybe I'm not very agile, can I make the transcript later."

Seeing Shi Da's old behavior again, Jiang Yang slapped the table and yelled, "Shi Da, you haven't walked a few steps from morning until now, so I am ashamed to say that you are tired. Did we just play the piano against the bull? This is you Attitude."

"If you still resist the police, the only thing waiting for you is the death penalty."

Ma Jingbo's complexion didn't show up, but he agreed with Jiang Yang's remarks in his heart. The above was very tight, hoping that Ma Jingbo could solve the case as soon as possible.

The police have already obtained enough evidence. Shi Da is still evasive, and he always talks about things with his body, which makes people feel like a punch on the cotton.

Of course, don't worry about what he thinks, Ma Jingbo still has to follow the script. In this play, he sings a red face. He hits and pulls by himself, so that he won't sing the play.

Although this method is simple and can be seen by a discerning person, it is very practical.

"Jiang Yang, don't say a few words." Ma Jingbo waved his hand, and looked at Shi Da on the opposite side, persuading, "Escape is not a way. The later you explain, the more serious the problem will be. The police have already obtained detailed evidence. It’s your attitude of confession."

"If you continue to procrastinate, it will only leave a bad impression on the police, and even in the end we won't be able to help you. Although our comrade's words are not good, but the good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, you should not resist the police. In my heart, we are also helping you."

"If you don't cooperate with the police now, it's too late to regret when you go to court."

Shida was silent, lowered his head, and covered his face with his hands, "I want to smoke a cigarette."

Ma Jingbo nodded.

Jiang Yang walked over, lit a cigarette and handed it to him.

"Thank you." Shi Da took the cigarette and took a few puffs. After smoking a cigarette, he still seemed unhappy and asked for another one.

Shi Da smoked three cigarettes in a row, and the small interrogation room was full of smoke.

Shi Da squeezed out the cigarette butt, showing a touch of resoluteness, as if he had already thought about it clearly, "Comrade police, I am willing to cooperate with your work and explain the situation clearly."

Ma Jingbo hit the railroad while it was hot, "Shi Da, have you assisted Zhu Wei to transcend prison?"

Shida took a deep breath, "I didn't."

Ma Jingbo frowned, "Then do you know Zhu Weichao?"

"I've heard about his escape from prison, but I haven't seen him."

"Do you know Li Dongzhi and Li Hongshan?"

Shida smiled, "I have never heard of it."

Three questions and three nos.

Ma Jingbo's face is a bit ugly, Shida is not trying to confess, but to carry it through...

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