Detective from The Future

Chapter 621: grasp

"Bang!" Jiang Yang slapped the table and glared at him, "Shida, we have given you a chance, don't be obsessed with it."

"Comrade police, I'm telling the truth, don't scare me, I'm timid."

Jiang Yang snorted and showed another piece of evidence, "Shida, we went to the property company to investigate. On the night of June 9th, you were not at home at all. Your alibi was false. Where did you go?"

"I can't remember."

"You said the same in court, do you think the judge would believe it? What you said before was to celebrate your wedding anniversary with your wife at home."

"I lied, I don't have a good relationship with my wife. Besides, there is nothing to celebrate as an old couple."

"You lied a word, but you can't explain your whereabouts. Even if you really can't remember, you can tell the police directly, why deceive the police."

Shida spread his hands, "I didn't mean to deceive you, I'm just afraid, I'm afraid that I can't remember, and you will suspect me, just like now."

Han Bin said with a cold face, "Then you can think about it, where did you go that night?"

Shi Da shook his head, "I am very confused now. This is the first time I have come to the police station. I am very scared and can't remember anything."

Han Bin snorted, "You mean, if we let you go, you can remember?"

Shi Da showed an aggrieved look and shook the handcuffs on his wrists, "Comrade police, you really caught the wrong person. I was wronged. You should have let me go."

Ma Jingbo sighed, "Shida, the evidence we have now is enough to convict you. This is your last chance. Don't be obsessed with it."

"Oh... Comrade police, I was panicked, my heart was pounding, and my body was terribly uncomfortable..." Shi Da firmly grasped his chest, with a painful expression on his face.

The expressions of the three Han Bins were a little ugly.

"Ah..." Shi Da yelled louder, and squatted directly on the chair, "I'm sick, I feel uncomfortable, I need to see a doctor..."

Ma Jingbo's face was somber that water dripped, "Take him out and let the doctor examine him."

"Yes." Jiang Yang said in a low tone, regardless of what he thought, he had to follow the rules.

After leaving the interrogation room, Ma Jingbo also lit a cigarette, took a few sips, and said to Han Bin on the side, "We have to prepare with both hands. Shi Da may die to the end."

"The evidence in our hands is sufficient for a conviction with zero confession." Han Bin was in the chest, but his expression was not relaxed. The procedure for conviction with a zero confession is much more complicated. If it is not compelling, the police still hope that the prisoner can take the initiative to confess.

The prisoner's confession is extremely important evidence.

Ma Jingbo spit out a cigarette, "Huh, this Shida will really cause trouble, and some are busy."

Han Bin guessed, "Is he still holding a fluke mind, can't recognize the current situation, thinking that he can get rid of the crime. Would you like to show some evidence to make him die?"

"If it is what you guessed, he still has a fluke, and he may confess to continue interrogating him." Ma Jingbo sighed and squeezed out the cigarette butt. "I'm afraid that he knows the situation very well and knows that even if he confessed. If you’re wrong, you’ll be sentenced to death. It’s better to continue to die. Maybe you’ll meet a "kind" judge, and maybe you can get away with it."

Han Bin understands what Ma Jingbo meant. Shida killed three people in a row. If there is no special reason, he may be sentenced to death. Even if he cooperates with the police to confess now, he may still be sentenced to death.

It is better to take a gamble and refuse to admit it.

Anyway, it was a death, and maybe a way out of life.

If you really hold this idea, the next interrogation will be very difficult.

Ma Jingbo touched his nose and continued, "You have a number in your heart, and the interrogation will continue tomorrow. However, you must be prepared for a conviction with zero confession."

Han Bin nodded, "I see."

"I'll report to the captain, do you want to go together?"

Han Bin smiled bitterly, "I won't go."

Shi Da did not confess, the case was not settled, and Ma Jingbo didn't want to go. I guess he didn't look good after going there, but Ding Xifeng was still waiting for the result. He was not selected as the person in charge of the second squadron.


The next day, the results of Shida's physical examination came out. His health was very good without any problems.

This is tantamount to insurance for Han Bin and others.

In the next few days, the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade conducted a high-pressure interrogation of Shida.

In the morning, Han Bin led the interrogation, and in the afternoon Ma Jingbo led the interrogation.

At night, there may be a surprise interrogation.

Although Shida's evidence of murder is very clear, he still refuses to admit the crime of murder.

Ding Xifeng couldn't sit still, and participated in the interrogation. He was experienced in interrogation, but still did not pry Shida's mouth open.

For this reason, Shi Da is unlikely to confess again.

He was accused of too heavy a crime and committed three homicides one after another. No matter how good his confession is, he will eventually be sentenced to death by the court as long as he admits the crime.

If so, why should he admit it.

Now that he has made up this idea, the interrogation skills can no longer be changed.

The police also made two-handed preparations. Shi Da was reluctant to confess, and Han Bin and others proceeded to convict with zero confession.

Various procedures, various chapters, various signatures, the entire Second Squadron was busy for a week, and after repeated inspections by Ma Jingbo and Ding Xifeng, it was transferred to the Procuratorate (not a typo).

That night, Han Bin invited everyone to dinner at the Four Seasons Restaurant, which was considered a celebration of the conclusion of the case.

After get off work, Han Bin and others drove to the Four Seasons Restaurant. In addition to a group of team members, Han Bin also invited Ma Jingbo and Ding Xifeng, but both captains had problems and declined.

That's good, without the leadership, everyone will be more comfortable.

Today's dishes are prepared by Wang Ting personally, and they are very rich.

The main course is grilled meat, as well as side dishes such as takoyaki, croquette, and vegetable salad, together with cold beer, it is a cool one.

After a few glasses of beer, the dining table also became lively. Everyone was chatting, and it was inevitable that the case was mentioned again.

Bao Xing put down his beer glass, his face was a little red, and complained, "This case is really depressing. We have been busy for so long, but the old boy Shida refused to recruit."

"You thought it was filming TV. Every case can be handled smoothly. As soon as the protagonist's domineering spirit spreads, the suspect will honestly confess when the evidence is presented." Wang Xiao wiped his mouth. The deputy said in a voice, "I can only say that you have encountered few cases. After a few years, you will be surprised."

Huang Qianqian was also involved in the case, but did not understand the specific details, and asked, "Then why did this Shi Da murder?"

"He didn't admit to killing, so how could he tell the reason for the killing." Han Bin snorted, put down his chopsticks, and continued, "However, after this period of interrogation, we reorganized the case. I often discussed with the horse team. Probably analyzed the reason for his murder."

"What's the reason?" Huang Qianqian looked over like a curious baby.

Han Bin took a sip of draft beer and analyzed, "Speaking of the source of this case, we have to start with the Lin Qiuyun case back then."

"Back then, Lin Qiuyun suffered a lot of miscarriage, and blamed everything on Guo Xiaoshan, the owner of the Little Shepherd Boy Restaurant, which caused Guo Xiaoshan's restaurant chain to go bankrupt."

"During this period, Guo Xiaoshan also made some counterattacks, such as collecting black material from Shian Food Company in order to force Lin Qiuyun to stop."

"Guo Xiaoshan also said some radical things. For example, Lin Qiuyun miscarried because of retribution. Bystanders were clear and the authorities were fans. Lin Qiuyun might have heard it."

"Lin Qiuyun is the director of Shi'an Food Factory. She is very clear about the use of inferior ingredients in the food factory. Maybe she feels guilty at first, which makes her even more convinced that abortion may really be retribution.

"Later, Lin Qiuyun may propose to Shida not to use inferior ingredients to produce food. Shida will definitely not agree with the cost issue. Without wanting Lin Qiuyun to be an eyesore, she transferred her from the position of production supervisor to the manager of the marketing department."

"Originally, Shi Da thought that Lin Qiuyun would go away, but after experiencing the miscarriage, Lin Qiuyun became a bit paranoid. She might not have listened to Shi Da's advice."

"I asked Bao Xing to go to the Bureau of Quality Supervision and Inspection. During that period, someone reported that Shian Foods Company used inferior ingredients. Later, because the report was made anonymously, the reporter was not contacted, so it stopped."

"The person who reported the Shian Food Company was probably Lin Qiuyun, and for this reason he caused the killing."

A series of cases happened next. Shida hired Zhu Weichao to kill Lin Qiuyun, after which Zhu Weichao was arrested and in turn threatened Shida to help him escape from prison.

During this period, in order not to expose himself, Shi Da invited Niu Xin to meet Zhu Weichao.

Shi Da is a smart man. He has been threatened by Zhu Weichao once. He knows very well that as long as Zhu Weichao is alive, it is his biggest threat.

Therefore, Shi Da fascinated Zhu Weichao and buried him alive in the courtyard of Sun's house.

Niu Xin and Zhu Weichao's situation is very similar, both were hired by Shida.

Shida suffered a loss, so naturally he would not suffer a second loss. In order to destroy the evidence and no longer be threatened, he killed Niu Xin again.

After Han Bin described the crime, everyone present was a little silent.

Huang Qianqian listened very carefully and took a deep breath, "This Shida is really cunning and cruel. He has refused to plead guilty. Will the court really acquit him."

"Let's talk about it after passing through the procuratorate." Li Qin shook her head. Based on her experience, the procuratorate would definitely dismiss it on the basis of insufficient evidence.

It's not so easy to convict with zero confession.

Bao Xing also showed a worried look, "If we really can't be convicted, wouldn't we be in vain!"

"Don't worry, the evidence we found is enough to convict, and Shi Da is dead." Han Bin said firmly.

No matter how hard Shida's mouth is, he can't escape death. He is sure of this.

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