Detective from The Future

Chapter 622: Variety

The next morning, Han Bin woke up naturally when he fell asleep.

Since Zhu Wei transcended prison, Han Bin has been busy for nearly a month, and has not taken a good rest during this time.

Today is exactly Saturday, and Han Bin can just sleep in.

Han Bin got up and washed out of the bedroom. There was no one in the living room, but there was noise in the kitchen.

Han Bin walked to the kitchen to see that Wang Ting was wearing an apron making breakfast.

Wang Ting blinked her big eyes and looked over, "Wake up, sit down and wait. The meal is almost ready."

Han Bin walked over and hugged Wang Ting's slender waist from behind, "Let me see, what is delicious."

Wang Ting put the beaten eggs on the plate, dipped the slices of bread into it, waited for the slices of bread to be covered with egg liquid, and then put them in a pan for frying. After a while, the egg scent of yours was released.

The slices of bread were cut into triangles and put tomatoes, ham, and cheese on them, which looked very beautiful.

This breakfast is very simple, but served on the table in five minutes.

Wang Ting put tomatoes, ham, and cheese on the bread slices and handed them to Han Bin, "How's it taste?"

Han Bin took it and took a bite. The taste was very rich and he involuntarily picked up his thumb.

"How does it taste?"

Han Bin seriously commented, "Very delicious. The scents of fried eggs, ham, cheese and bread are superimposed on each other, which makes you memorable. The slice of tomato is also very refreshing, which is less greasy, praise."

Wang Ting smiled happily, seeing that others like the food she cooked, happier than eating it herself.

Han Bin took a sip of orange juice, "Tingting, are you still going to the restaurant today?"

"Go, today Saturday, I will definitely have to go around."

"Do you want me to go with you."

"No, you can take a good rest at home, this time will also exhaust you."

Han Bin nodded, "That's okay. Go to my parents' place for a meal at noon. A colleague is going to get married tomorrow. I have to go over and help in the afternoon."

Wang Ting asked, "Are you a colleague from the Municipal Public Security Bureau?"

"You have also seen the one from the Yuhua branch, the one named Li Hui. I contacted him yesterday and said that I would take you with you on the wedding day."

Wang Ting hesitated for a moment, "It's inappropriate for me to go, and I don't know him well."

"There is nothing inappropriate, you can just go over to have a meal at noon tomorrow, just in time I introduce a few friends to you." Han Bin said.

"Then do I have to give money to the people?"

"Of course not."

"I'm sorry that."

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. That kid often eats at my house. You go to give him face."

Wang Ting smiled, "I still feel a little embarrassed."

Han Bin said solemnly, "I'm going to definitely pay for it. If you give it too, wouldn't it be a double share? When we get married, he will have to pay double the same. "

Wang Ting snorted softly, "I didn't promise to marry you."

Han Bin joked, "Then you have to think about it, Li Hui and her wife have known each other for more than half a year, and at their speed, we will almost have to do business by the end of the year."

"Puff......" Wang Ting was amused, "That's too fast."

"From the realization that meeting my parents, getting engaged, taking wedding photos, and getting married, it takes half a year to toss, so I have to rush."

Han Bin shrugged, "Who knows, anyone will get married tomorrow anyway."

Wang Ting shook her head slightly, still feeling too fast.


After eating, Han Bin fell asleep again.

Said it was a return to sleep, but in fact, I couldn't sleep anymore. I lay in bed and played with my mobile phone.

Near noon, I went to my parents' house for dinner.

As soon as the door was opened, Wang Huifang walked out of the kitchen and looked at Han Bin carefully, "You are thin, why are you thin again."

Han Bin changed his slippers and said, "It's better to be thinner, and to be thinner is healthier. At this time, the conditions are good and most people are overnourished."

Wang Huifang frowned and said, "Can you survive so hard work without eating too much?"

"Don't worry, I eat a lot." Han Bin comforted, and walked into the restaurant, smelling the smell of food, "Mom, what is delicious today."

Han Weidong replied, "Salmon, flavored eggplant, mushroom oil wheat, lamb chops are all your favorites."

Han Bin smashed his mouth, "So rich."

Han Weidong took a sip of the tea and snorted, "Knowing that you are off today, your mother started preparing last night, saying that eating lamb chops would be more delicious overnight."

Han Bin glanced at the pot and swallowed, "No wonder it smells so fragrant."

Seeing Han Bin's arrival, Han Weidong and his wife were also motivated. They cooked the food after a while, and set a half of the table for delicious food.

Han Bin’s family has no rules for not to say nothing about food. The chat is more lively when eating, and there is a family atmosphere.

Wang Huifang put a piece of lamb into Han Bin's bowl, "eat more, no more cooking at night."

Han Bin smiled, "Mom, if you cook at night, I don't necessarily eat."

"What's wrong, you still have something tonight?"

"Li Hui gets married tomorrow, I have to go there to help in a while."

Wang Huifang showed a surprised look, "Li Hui is getting married!"

Han Weidong was also a little puzzled, "Isn't the kid just a girlfriend, so neat."

Han Bin vomited a piece of sheep bone, "This can be fake."

Wang Huifang sighed, hating that iron can't become a steel track, "Look at people, and then at you, I have to work harder."

Han Bin lowered his head and ate the lamb chops without answering.

Wang Huifang was not willing to miss this topic, "Well, don't you also have a girlfriend? When will you bring it home for us to take a look."

"Let's go with the flow." Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded. People were afraid of comparison. It was good at first, and everything came up.

"That's right, getting married is not a trivial matter. I can't be anxious." Han Weidong finished speaking and took a sip of wine. In his words, how can you not drink two glasses of such a good dish.

Wang Huifang glared and said dissatisfied, "Don't help out, drink your bar."

Han Bin took two bites of rice, and could not speak at this time, and try not to speak, so as not to burn himself.

After eating, Han Bin took a nap at his parents' house.

Being able to take a solid nap in bed is definitely a great pleasure in life.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Han Bin strolled to Li Hui's house.

Li Hui sent Han Bin an address. It was said that it was a newly bought house, not far from Han Bin's house. This was the first time he went.

Thinking of this, Han Bin couldn't help feeling a little bit. This kid has changed so much. How long has it been? Not only did he have his wife, but he also bought the house. There was no movement at all.

Han Bin went upstairs, and as soon as the elevator door opened, there was a loud noise. There were happy characters on the wall. Someone was hanging balloons at the door. They took a closer look at Zhao Ming and Sun Xiaopeng.

"Brother Bin."

"Leader Han."

Han Bin greeted the two of them and walked inside. Well, there are more acquaintances in the house, most of whom are from the Yuhua branch.

Zeng Ping is sitting on the sofa drinking tea, Du Qi is standing on a stool to arrange garlands, Tian Li is directing below, Wei Zimo is blowing a balloon, Li Hui is standing there with a giggle...

This time it was lively.

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