Detective from The Future

Chapter 623: wedding

"Leader Han."


Han Bin received a warm welcome as soon as he walked in.

"All busy." Han Bin greeted.

Among the people present, Zeng Ping had the highest position. If it were the usual, Han Bin would definitely speak to him first.

But in terms of importance, no one can compare to the bridegroom official.

Han Bin glanced at Li Hui, looked carefully, and lost weight. This was Han Bin's first impression, but he was quite energetic.

"Yeah, this little suit is almost as handsome as me."

Li Hui touched his hair and said, "Correct, this bridegroom official is not as handsome as a suit, and he can't catch up, but overtake."

Seeing that he is the groom's official, Han Bin didn't bother to argue, and glanced at the living room, "The new house is pretty neat, right?"

"Thanks to the big guy, or else I'm caught blind." Li Hui smiled bitterly. He is not a native of Qindao. It stands to reason that he should go back to his hometown to get married. With relatives and friends to help arrange the arrangement, he can also worry less.

However, her wife Zhou Weina wants to have a wedding in Qindao. It is impossible for all the relatives in her hometown to come to help in advance, so she can only rely on Qindao's colleagues and friends.

Han Bin rubbed his hands, "I need to do something."

"The bridegroom officer." At this moment, someone came again.

Li Hui hurriedly went to greet the other party, and said, "The first time you come to my house, please turn around and get familiar with it."

Han Bin was happy, and sat on the sofa next to Zeng Ping, "Team Zeng, when did you come here?"

"I've just been here." Zeng Ping picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Han Bin.

Han Bin gave his hand a vacant hand and asked in a low voice, "How come Li Hui got married so soon? Do you have any inside information? I was caught off guard."

Zeng Ping smiled and scolded, "It's your kid's **** when people get married. How can you be caught off guard?"

"You can't say that. We were originally members of the unmarried team. This kid announced marriage without warning, which will cause a potential pressure on us peers."

Zeng Ping seemed to remember something, and asked, "Hey, I remember Li Hui mentioned that you seem to have a girlfriend too."

"Yes, they met once at the resort last time."

"You are not slow at this speed. Try to invite me to have a wedding wine at the end of the year, and keep the money for you."

Han Bin couldn't laugh or cry, "Aren't we talking about Li Hui, why did you mention me again."

"Your City Bureau Criminal Investigation Team is not busy lately?"

"How could it not be busy? I just finished the first two days, so I have to let people rest and relax."

Zeng Ping asked, "What's the matter with Zhu Weichao's case? At first, there was a lot of movement, but now there is no movement."

"This case is more complicated." Han Bin thought for a while, picking up what could be said and roughly introducing, "Zhu Wei was killed in a few days beyond prison, and later the wanted order was withdrawn. We have been tracking down the murderer of Zhu Weichao. , The more the case is investigated, the more complicated it is. There are three murders in that murderer."

"Have you slapped it?"

Han Bin whispered, "The murderer knows that his crime is dead if he is recruited, and he has been reluctant to cooperate with the police."

"Humph, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water." Zeng Ping curled his lips, apparently also encountered this situation.

Regarding Shida's case, Han Bin didn't want to talk too much, and changed the subject, "Team Zeng, what time will you go to pick up your relatives tomorrow?"

"The convoy departs at seven o'clock. The bride stays at the Xiying Hotel. When she goes there, she walks on Yanxin Street, and when she comes back, she walks on Jing'an Street." Zeng Ping stroked his thoughts and continued, "Go to the hotel around 7:40. It will definitely be troublesome to pick up relatives. Forty minutes are reserved for the return journey at 8:20."

"I expect to be at home at nine o'clock and let the relatives of the woman's family come to see the house. The man will change her ban at home and go to the banquet hall around ten o'clock. The wedding will be held at twelve o'clock at noon, and it will be almost over."

Han Bin asked, "Where is the banquet hall?"

"Huang Ting Hotel, on the second floor, the Golden Jade Lobby."

Han Bin asked clearly and knew it in his heart. He must be coming tomorrow morning. As for Wang Ting, he should go directly to Huang Ting Hotel at noon.

Li Hui's family and relatives are all from other places. There are not many people here, and it doesn't look good if there are fewer people. Han Bin has to stay and fill the numbers.

Han Bin took this opportunity to chat with his old colleagues, looked around in the house, and saw Li Hui's parents.

Although he knew Li Hui very well, this was the first time he saw Li Hui's parents.

Li Hui's parents are not young, and they look like they are in their sixties. His father's hair is white, he is not tall, his skin is very dark, and he looks quite honest.

On the contrary, Li Hui looks more like his mother.

Han Bin stayed until after nine o'clock in the evening before returning home. In fact, he didn't do anything. He just sat there drinking tea and chatting. Zhao Ming, Tian Li, and Sun Xiaopeng were busy with work, and Han Bin and Zeng Ping were also talking.


At 6 o'clock the next morning, Han Bin arrived at Li Hui's house, just in time for breakfast.

Breakfast was booked in advance, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, tofu, soy milk, pickles, and they were delivered directly to the restaurant.

After dinner, I cleaned up and set off to pick up the bride on time at seven in the morning.

Han Bin originally wanted to wait at home, but Li Hui asked him to go too. Han Bin didn't want to save his brother's face, so he went to meet him with the car.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Hui got out of the car and hit two colorful flower buckets first.

Then he took someone upstairs to pick up the bride.

It’s not that easy to pick up a bride. First call the door, stuff red envelopes, find shoes, sing love songs...

Li Hui was quite embarrassed.


Han Bin watched the excitement on the sidelines, and made a lot of noise.

Marriage is a lively event, as long as it is not too much, it should be too busy, and it is not good to be too deserted.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang for a while, and Han Bin habitually touched the phone, but it was not his phone that rang.

Zeng Ping took out his cell phone and walked out quickly to answer the call.

The room is too noisy, and the loudspeaker cannot be heard clearly.

After a while, Zeng Pianping came in solemnly, "Binzi, I have a task, I have to go first."

"So anxious?" Han Bin frowned slightly, not surprisingly.

They have long been used to doing their business, and Han Bin had a hunch when he saw Zeng Ping answering the phone.

Zeng Ping nodded, "People from the third squadron have to follow me, too."

Han Bin showed a wry smile. There are not many people on the man's side. "Team Zeng, don't take them away. Anyway, leave two to help."

"No, I have to show up right away." Zeng Ping patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "You kid, work hard."

Han Bin asked, "Li Hui asks, what am I talking about?"

"You don't have to take the initiative to tell him, if he asks, just tell the truth. Let him get married in a down-to-earth manner, and don't care about the case, first settle the life-long matter."

"Got it. I'm staring at this. Go ahead."

Zeng Ping called the third team and left in a hurry.

The man's number of people was less than half. Han Bin had been watching the excitement before. At this time, he had to get close to the front. One was to fill the number, and the other was to **** Li Hui.

Before, with Zhao Ming and the others guarding, Han Bin could still watch the excitement and make noises. Now Zhao Ming and the others are gone, Han Bin can stand up.

There are always two stunners, regardless of severity or occasion. It's time for Han Bin to play, and he can't really let his brother suffer.

Although there were some small episodes, it did not affect the entire wedding.

Li Hui took the bride back as he wished, and offered tea to Li Hui's parents to change his mouth.

With the crowd watching, Li Hui's parents were a little nervous. After all, it was the first time that their hands trembled when they gave the red envelopes.

But when the new wife called her parents, the old couple laughed from ear to ear, leaving nothing but joy.

Around eleven, the convoy arrived at the banquet hall, and the guests attending the wedding banquet also arrived.

Han Bin ran to the hotel entrance and waited for Wang Ting.

Wang Ting wore a short-sleeved dress. Han Bin couldn't tell the specific color. It was between white, silver and gray. It looked very fashionable anyway, and perfectly showed Wang Ting's forward and backward figure.

Han Bin circled Wang Ting, looked at it carefully and smiled, "Tingting, you dress so beautifully, you are not afraid that the bride will drive you out."

Wang Ting hugged Han Bin's shoulder, "Look at what you said, there is no such exaggeration."

Han Bin said with a serious face, "It's not exaggerated at all. Once you enter the banquet hall, you will definitely become the focus of the audience."

"I'm not afraid to shame you."

"I feel better now, and I can't wait to introduce you to everyone." Han Bin took Wang Ting's little hand and walked in, "The banquet is about to begin, let's go in."

Li Hui and Zhou Weina were standing at the entrance of the banquet hall to welcome guests. It was the first time Zhou Weina had seen Wang Ting. There were so many guests today, and there was no time to greet each other. After introducing each other, Han Bin took Wang Ting into the table.

Li Hui and Zhou Weina still stood at the door to greet others.

After Wang Ting took the seat, she put her handbag aside, glanced around, and said with some surprise, "The guests next to me are full, why is there no one at this table."

Han Bin spread his hands, "This table is all colleagues from Yuhua Branch. They also picked up the family together this morning. As a result, there was a temporary case and they were all withdrawn."

"Then are they coming?"

"I'll call and ask." Han Bin took out his cell phone and dialed Zeng Ping's cell phone number. The cell phone rang for a while but no one answered.

"Forget it, leave them alone, maybe they're busy."

Han Bin knew that Wang Ting loved cleaning, so he tore open the plastic of the dinner plate and rinsed her with tea.

Wang Ting approached Han Bin and whispered, "Do you know why they got married so soon?"

"I don't know." Han Bin shook his head. Most women have a little gossip, which can be said to be natural.

Wang Ting pretended to be mysterious, "I should have guessed it."

Han Bin didn't believe it, "You, really?"

"Don't look down upon people. Although I am not a policeman, I am a woman. You men don't understand some things."

"For example?"

"Do you understand it?"

"How can you know that I don't understand?"

Wang Ting looked around and whispered in Han Bin's ear, "I suspect the bride may be pregnant."

"Cough..." Han Bin coughed lightly, "You can't talk nonsense about this."

"I'm not talking nonsense, I have a basis."

"What basis?"

"Don't you see that the bride's belly is a bit bigger?"

"Maybe it's because I've been fat recently."

"How is it possible." Wang Ting curled her lips, revealing a look that you don't understand, "Most women will consciously lose weight before getting married. clatter."

Han Bin's observational power is extremely strong. After Wang Ting's a little bit of advice, he can also see some of it, and thinks it is really possible.

However, this kind of thing is hard to say, and the two did not talk more.

At 12 noon, the wedding was officially held, and Han Bin still had only him and Wang Ting at the table.

When the wedding music sounded, the atmosphere was immediately present, the dazzling lights came on, the projector also played a slideshow of the two from meeting and knowing to marriage, and the bride slowly stepped out on the red carpet...

Seeing this scene, Wang Ting was also a little excited, watching intently with a pair of Shui Lingling eyes.

The wedding procedure is relatively simple. Li Hui picked up the bride, the master of ceremonies gave the opening remarks, the witnesses spoke, the two exchanged rings, drank a glass of wine...

After the wedding, the banquet officially began.

Facing this big table, Han Bin and Wang Ting could not finish eating.

When the dishes were halfway through, Zeng Ping rushed over with people, and as soon as the third squadron arrived at the table, the table was full.

Taking this opportunity, Han Bin introduced Wang Ting to his colleagues in the third squadron, and the atmosphere on the table immediately became lively.

Zeng Ping was sitting on Han Bin's right hand. Han Bin poured him a glass of wine, "Team Zeng, I toast you a glass."

"Don't drink the wine, I have to keep busy in the afternoon."

Han Bin didn't persuade him, and picked up the tea cup on the side, "Then use tea instead of wine."

"Come on, we haven't been sitting for a long time. I wanted to have a drink with you today, who knows we have encountered a case again." Zeng Ping picked up his teacup and touched Han Bin, and drank it all in one go.

Han Bin put down his tea cup, "Team Zeng, what is the case?"

Zeng Ping glanced around and whispered, "If the murder case is not just nearby and the scene has just been surveyed, it is not certain whether this meal can be eaten."

"Then some of you are busy." Han Bin knew the rules and didn't ask much.

"Who says no? Li Hui is going to spend his honeymoon. I have promised him. He will only be in his life, and I don't want to influence him." Zeng Ping took a bite of the dish and continued, "Speaking of which, this case Maybe you have to ask for your help."

Han Bin put down his chopsticks and smiled, "Even if Li Hui is no longer, there are still you and Sister Zhao, who are using me?"

"It's fine if Zhao Ying is here." Zeng Ping snorted and said helplessly, "Zhao Ying has gone to the training, and now I can't rush back. I am now leading the two teams alone."

Han Bin asked, "Sister Zhao is going to be promoted?"

"It should be, she was not less senior than me. I suppressed her last time. This time I have the opportunity to promote her." Zeng Ping responded, "Don't change the subject, you kid," This case is indeed a bit weird, and you really have to."

Han Bin came and wondered, even if Zhao Ying is not there, Zeng Ping can lead the investigation by himself, and curiously asked, "What do you say?"

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