Detective from The Future

Chapter 624: Strange scene

With the earth so far away that anyone can turn, Han Bin has never taken himself too seriously.

The same goes for investigating the case. Han Bin never thought that the police station was a capable person himself.

Zeng Ping glanced around, and it was messy, so he could only give up temporarily, "Eat first, we will talk about it in another place after we finish eating."

Han Bin nodded, this place is indeed not suitable for discussing cases.

After a while, Li Hui brought the bride over to toast.

Li Hui had a little red word on his face, smiling from ear to ear, "Team Zeng, let me introduce to you, this is my wife Zhou Weina."

Zeng Ping stood up, looked at Zhou Weina, and smiled, "No wonder your kid is so anxious to get married. It turns out that the bride is too beautiful."

Zhou Weina picked up the glass, "Captain Zeng, I often hear Li Hui mention you, and finally saw me today. I respect you and everyone present here."

Zeng Ping hesitated for a while and showed a hint of apology, "The bride has toasted. It stands to reason that this glass of wine must be drunk. But it is not very convenient today, so let me entertain you another day. Let us all have fun again, today I owe this glass of wine."

Upon hearing this, and then thinking that Zeng Pingping left for a while earlier, Li Hui vaguely guessed something, "Team Zeng, is there a task?"

"Don't ask so much. Your task today is to get married happily. Leave the rest alone." Zeng Ping patted Li Hui on the shoulder and picked up a cup of tea from the table. "Come on, let's replace it with tea." Toast the bride and groom a glass of wine."

Han Bin, Zhao Ming, Tian Li and others all stood up and congratulated each other.

"Happy wedding!"

"I wish the bride and groom a hundred years of harmony."

"I wish you an early son."

With a blessing and drank the tea, the masters at this table did not have a drinker, and the people around were also amazed.

After the toast, Li Hui wanted to say something more, but was pushed by Zeng Ping, "There are so many guests today, don't worry about us, go."

Li Hui sighed. Although he knew that Zeng Ping should be hiding something from him, he was the protagonist on this occasion. The guests were all rushing to him. There was no time to ask more, so he could only rush to the next table to toast.

After dinner, Wang Ting saw that Han Bin had something to do and left first. Han Bin drove her to the door of the hotel and watched her drive away.

Zeng Ping, Tian Li, Zhao Ming, Sun Xiaopeng, Du Qi, Wei Zimo and others also followed.

Seeing these familiar faces, Han Bin couldn't help but said, "It's a pity, if we don't have a task, we can get together at night."

Zeng Ping joked, "Then you should get married early. Then we will all go and we can get together."

Han Bin shook his head and laughed, changing the subject, "Why do you say that the case is a bit weird?"

Zeng Ping organized the language, "The crime scene was near the construction site, and the deceased was a young woman. We only found the victim's footprints at the crime scene, not the murderer's footprints."

Han Bin asked, "Could it be that the ground is harder and there is no obvious footprint?"

Zeng Ping continued, "The situation at the crime scene is more complicated. There are dirt roads and some gravel roads, but you must walk a section of dirt roads to enter or leave the scene. It rained again yesterday afternoon and the soil was relatively soft. Shoemarks will definitely be left. The suspect will definitely leave footprints after going to the crime scene. Of course, if he can fly, it's a different matter."

Hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. It is difficult for Han Bin to judge by hearing Zeng Ping's words.

"It's okay this afternoon anyway, or I'll go take a look with you."

This is what Zeng Pingping said, "Let's say it in the car."

Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Zhao Ming and Tian Li took a car.

Han Bin got into the car, and immediately felt familiar and very close.

"Team Zeng, why hasn't there been any news from Team Zheng recently? What is he doing?"

Zeng Ping looked envious, "Team Zheng is now elevated and stays in the Criminal Investigation Corps."

Han Bin smiled, "This feeling is good, the old leader has been promoted, and we can be promoted in the future. When he returns to Qindao, he has to make a treat."

Zeng Ping nodded, "That is necessary, wait for someday when he comes back, so that everyone in our team will be full of excitement."

"What's the position of Team Zheng over there?"

"He is now the squadron captain of the second squadron of the 1st Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Serious Cases Detachment."

Zhao Ming asked, "When Team Zheng was in our branch, it was already the deputy captain, so it was down to a level when he reached the team."

Zeng Ping snorted, "That's the provincial and departmental team. How many people squeeze their heads and want to get in. It's not bad to have a real job. Can we compete in one branch?"

Han Bin was sincerely happy for the old leader, and said with emotion, "Team Zheng can be regarded as accumulative."

Zeng Ping patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "Work hard in the City Criminal Investigation Brigade, your kid also has a chance."

Han Bin is still very clear about how many catties he has. He is now a team leader. It is not easy to transfer to the Criminal Investigation Corps. If he wants to get down to the same level as Zheng Kaixuan, he will become an ordinary police officer. It doesn't make much sense to mix up the establishment of a provincial government.

The treatment of the Municipal Bureau is also good. Han Bin is very satisfied now. People must have long-term plans, but they can't be too far-sighted. It is practical to comment on the title of deputy squadron early.

Team leader Han has become the Korean team.

The happy time is always short. The four of them chatted and arrived near the crime scene within a short while.

Han Bin got out of the car and looked around. In the distance, there were four or five-storey buildings under construction. Bulldozers, forklifts, and workers were busy.

"This is the construction site."

Zeng Ping replied, "Yes, this is the project of Everbright Real Estate Company. It seems to be called... Guanghui Community."

"Let's go, there is construction ahead, it is not convenient to drive."

As Zeng Ping walked, he explained in detail, “We have already found out the identity of the deceased. His name is Lu Jingfang. He is a resident site information officer. He works in the project department of the construction site. The board and lodging are also nearby the construction site.

"After a preliminary autopsy by a forensic doctor, she died between 9:30pm and 1:30am last night. She was strangled and choked to death."

"Wearing a long yellow T-shirt on the upper body and no clothes on the lower body. There had been surname acts before death."

Han Bin thought for a while, digested the information, and asked, "Have you found the murder weapon?"

"Not yet." Speaking of this, Zeng Ping stopped and pointed to the red wall not far away. "This is the scene of the crime. The corpse was found at the root of the wall, and it was covered by black plastic sheeting. "

Han Bin observed the surrounding situation, "Is this the first scene?"

Zeng Ping said, "The technical department and forensic doctors have confirmed that it is the first scene."

"When did the reporter found the body? What time did the police report?"

"The reporter was the police who called at 7:30 minutes. To be precise, it was not the body he found, but a dog."

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