Detective from The Future

Chapter 626: dialect

Han Bin called Ma Jingbo to report, but Ma Jingbo did not object.

The second squadron has just handled a major case, and there will probably not be a new case scheduled for a while.

Not only is it to let the team members rest, Shida's case will definitely be rejected by the Procuratorate. It also needs to be stamped, signed, and completed again.

Although it is not harder than investigating a case, it is very cumbersome and a grueling task.

In Ma Jingbo’s words, Han Bin can go to the Yuhua branch to guide the investigation, which can also increase his qualifications. However, he cannot take too many team members. Once Shida’s case is rejected, the team members need to reorganize. evidence.

Han Bin originally didn’t want to lead people, but Ma Jingbo reminded him that even if he is close to Yuhua Branch, he is now a member of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. He went to Yuhua Branch to investigate the case alone, just like a polished commander. It’s not good-looking, and it’s easy to be looked down upon, so it’s okay to bring someone alone.

Han Bin thought for a while, and finally decided to take Bao Xing and let others stay in the City Criminal Investigation Brigade to assist Ma Jingbo.

Since Ma Jingbo agreed, the matter is basically stable, and Zeng Ping reports to go through the procedures.

Afterwards, Han Bin and Zeng Ping discussed and led a team to investigate the case separately.

Han Bin led the third squadron in the second group, and Zeng Ping led the third squadron in one group.

The second group now has a total of six people. In addition to the absence of group leader Li Hui, there are Tian Li, Du Qi, Zhao Ming, Sun Xiaopeng, and Mai Jun.

Mai Jun was transferred to the second group after Han Bin left, and the rest were Han Bin's old subordinates, and there was no problem in using them.

A case requires multiple investigations. Han Bin and Zeng Ping assigned some tasks. Han Bin was responsible for visiting, analyzing footprints, and notifying family members.

Zeng Ping is responsible for collecting and monitoring, checking mobile phone communications, investigating the source of shoes, and contacting the technical team and the forensic office.

After Zeng Ping took the people away, Han Bin called the people from the second group and arranged the task in detail.

"Everyone is not an outsider, and I am no stranger to me. I will make a long story short and arrange the task directly." Han Bin's eyes fell on Du Qi, "Du Qi and Mai Jun are responsible for notifying the victim’s family and figuring out the victim. The situation at home."

"Tian Li and Xiaopeng, find the person in charge of the victim's company. Zhao Ming and I will visit around the scene."


Everyone began to investigate separately.

Han Bin took Zhao Ming and strolled around the scene.

Han Bin didn't go fast and didn't worry. He ate a lot at noon, just to digest his food. It would be better if he could get another cup of tea.

Zhao Ming took out a box of Zhonghua from his pocket, handed it to Han Bin, and took out a lighter to Han Bin first.

"Brother Bin, I haven't investigated the case with you for a long time, I really miss it."

Han Bin spit out eye circles, "Bullshit, we did an investigation together last time at the resort."

"That's not the case, such a small case is not enough between the teeth, it is far worse than you used to lead us to solve the murder case."

"Okay, I haven't seen you in a few days, your boy's eyesight has become higher." Han Bin smiled and continued, "We are all in Qindao. There are so many opportunities for cooperation. Why not investigate the case together again."

"That's true." Zhao Ming took a puff of cigarette, and there was no sense of strangeness behind Han Bin's ass.

The two of them walked a distance, and not far away there was a middle-aged man standing guard, sitting on a horse and drinking tea.

Zhao Ming walked over quickly and handed the other party a cigarette, "Brother, I'll ask you something."

The man's forehead wrinkles are a bit heavy, and his skin is a bit dark. He doesn't know whether it is natural or suntan. Zhao Ming feels that the latter is more likely.

The man looked at Zhao Ming, his gaze fell on Zhonghua Cigarette, and hurriedly took it, hesitated for a moment, did not smoke, and clamped on his ear, "Brother, what's the matter."

"Brother, what do you call?"

"Just call me Lao Peng."

"Brother Peng, ask you about someone."

"Let's talk about it, I dare not say that I know all the people who come and go on this construction site, but I can be familiar with them."

"Lu Jingfang, do you know him?"

"Lu Jingfang." The man murmured, and the lines on his forehead squeezed into a mountain character, "We don't have many women on the construction site. I know most of them, but when you say this name, I really can't remember it."

Zhao Ming reminded, "She is a document clerk at the construction site, in her twenties, I have a picture of her."

Zhao Ming took out his phone and clicked on a picture of Lu Jingfang.

The man grinned, "Hey, isn't this Xiaofang? I know each other, and often beat me, this girl is very energetic."

Han Bin said in a curious tone, "How can I be strong?"

Old Peng swallowed, "young, beautiful, and in good shape, especially when he just took a shower and came out with the washbasin, he would either wear a skirt or a T-shirt, with his two big Bai legs exposed. The workers were all dumbfounded, none of them were straightforward."

"By the way, I heard that she had an accident. The police are here." Old Peng made a gesture of cutting his neck, as if thinking of something, then looked at Han Bin and Zhao Ming, "Who are you?" "

Zhao Mingliang issued a police officer ID, "We are the police."

"Hey, you take a look, it turned out to be a police comrade." Lao Peng shrank his neck back.

Han Bin pinched out the cigarette butt, "Old Peng, how long has this Lu Jingfang been here for the construction site."

"It's been a while. I can't tell you exactly when it came. It should be a month."

"Are you familiar with her?"

Old Peng waved his hand, "I'm not familiar with the little girl who was in the same year. I don't look at an old clapper like me. The old cow has to find a supporting one to pull a cart."

"When was the last time you saw her?"

"Last evening, she came out of the public bathroom with a basin after taking a shower, and I saw him, wearing a yellow T-shirt." At this point, Lao Peng swallowed and recalled, "The thighs are exposed underneath. , It looks as if you don't wear clothes... it's nice."

Zhao Ming has been staring at each other, and after seeing the other's expression, he tentatively said, "Old Peng, it seems that you like Lu Jingfang a lot, and you always pay attention to her."

Old Peng was stunned for a moment, thinking of Zhao Ming's identity, he suddenly woke up, "No, no, I'm working here, I don't have time to stare at her."

Zhao Ming said, "Then why did she come out of the bath, you just happened to see her, and you didn't fix it next to the bathroom."

"It's not that I saw her, and I didn't deliberately stared at her. It was the other masters on the construction site. When they saw her, they were yelling. They greeted her from afar. Xiaofang just took a shower, and she was wearing energetically... "Lao Peng sighed, "I didn't want to watch it. They yelled, and the workers passed by in a swarm. If I didn't go there, I looked fake and upright."

"Furthermore, they all went to see it, and when they came back, they had to tell me how beautiful and well-dressed Xiaofang was, I felt uncomfortable in my heart, so I followed it."

Han Bin was a little dumbfounded, "Everyone is going to see, if you don't go, do you think you are at a disadvantage?"

Old Peng patted his thigh, "Yes, that's how it feels."

Han Bin took out his notebook and joted it down, and continued to ask, "Did these workers on the construction site do anything unusual to Lu Jingfang?"

"How do you say this?"

"Tell the truth."

Lao Peng hesitated, looked around, and whispered, "We are working on the construction site. It is not easy to see our wife and children for two or three months. We all miss home and children and wives. However, children are Think from the top, and the wife thinks from the bottom. It's all lords, and you should understand."

"The workers are all right after work and dinner. They love to drink a cold beer and talk about the mountains. This conversation will inevitably involve women. There are not many women on the construction site, most of them are five big and three rough , Not far from the masters, only such a treasure as Xiaofang."

"Some workers like to make jokes. Those who don't have a door on their lips will also mention Xiaofang, guess Xiaofang's surroundings, whether there is a boyfriend, whether he has a leg with the leader on the construction site, and which worker has carried the gun."

At this point, Lao Peng was afraid that he was going too far, and added, "Of course, it's just joking and amused."

Zhao Ming was a little puzzled, "What does it mean to carry the gun?"

Old Peng smiled, showing his yellow teeth, "Comrade police, this is the native dialect of our hometown, which is what you think."

Zhao Ming was a little embarrassed, "What do I think, you can make it clear."

"Papa......" Lao Peng clapped his hands vigorously, "That's how it looks."

Zhao Ming "..."

The local dialect of your sister's place is too that.

Thinking and doing are two different things. Han Bin is also a man, and he can understand and ask, “Are there any of these workers who have more radical ideas or have more contact with Xiaofang?”

Lao Peng wrinkled his forehead lines again, pinched his chin with his right hand, his eyes flickered, "Well, I am not particularly...clear."

Han Bin felt that the other party was hiding something, "There are no outsiders here. Our police will keep your words secret. You don't have to have any psychological burden. Just tell the truth about what you see and hear."

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