Detective from The Future

Chapter 627: Superfluous people

Lao Peng hesitated and looked at Zhao Ming, "Comrade, can you give me another cigarette?"

Zhao Ming pointed to the cigarette in his ear, "Isn't the one I just gave you smoked yet."

Old Peng scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "I have an old buddy who yells all day that he gets Wuliangye for drinking, and he has to smoke Zhonghua if he smokes. He is reluctant to buy it, so I just want to keep one for him."

Zhao Ming was a little bit dumbfounded, looking at the other's pitiful eyes, took out another cigarette and handed it to Lao Peng.

The others dare not say, this wish is still satisfying.

"Thank you, thank you." Lao Peng took the cigarette, sniffed it on his nose, and then clamped it on the other ear.

Zhao Ming reiterated his previous question, "Old Peng, is there any worker who has unhealthy thoughts about Xiaofang."

"Those who have thoughts have gone." Old Peng smiled, showing a look you know, "However, most of them are guilty and not guilty. They are arrogant in the crowd and let them be alone with Xiaofang. Speaking, they all say that it is unsuccessful."

"There are only a few thick-skinned and playful people who like to stop Xiaofang and tease Xiaofang. Ma Si is the one who has more contact with Xiaofang. He has always wanted to raise a gun with Xiaofang, and often follows Xiaofang. Walking behind her ass, her eyes never left Xiaofang, and the halazi almost came out."

"What's Ma Si's name?"

"I don't know this. Everyone called him Ma Si, so I called along with him." At this point, Lao Peng asked, "Comrade police, I heard that Xiaofang was murdered. Is it true? "


Old Peng pursed his lips, he wanted to say nothing, "Then, before she was murdered, was there anybody raising a gun?"

Han Bin's face was black.

Zhao Ming scowled and scolded, "Okay, don't say anything messy."

Old Peng said, "Comrade police, don’t think I’m gossiping, and don’t think we are bad. In fact, we are all normal people. You said that the construction site itself is the place where the rough men stay. A young and beautiful little girl is here. This is not appropriate. Since you are staying here, don't be afraid of others saying, right."

Zhao Ming said sternly, "Lao Peng, I don't agree with what you said. People also come here to work, and they didn't deliberately hook you. You have to be a little bit of a door to talk."

"It’s not that we didn’t speak well, and she’s fine at work here, but it’s a construction site after all. You can dress decently." Old Peng gestured with his hands, "The clothes she wears are more revealing, no Just let the masters see it, or else what you are doing in it will affect us as well."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. When she didn't come before, I drank a bottle of beer to sleep at night. But since she dangled in front of me, I would not be able to sleep well at night. It is inevitable that I would be a little worried. I am like this. Those young lads."

"I saw her during the day, and there were so many horse races at night."

"To be honest, if I were the person in charge of the construction site, I would have to resign her. Too much shaken the military."

"Do you know where Lu Jingfang lives?"

"Yes, but she didn't live in the same place with us, otherwise the group of old men must be crazy." Lao Peng pointed to the east, "She and a few old ladies live in the dormitory on the other side of the project department. Just walk there."

"Thank you." Han Bin said, and left with Zhao Ming.

After walking not far, Old Peng boldly asked, "Comrade police, you can tell me what to say. Was Xiaofang fired before his death?"

Han Bin "..."

Zhao Ming "..."

The two of Han Bin continued to walk forward. There was a fence in front of them, and there were some simple houses. After the two of Han Bin walked in, they saw a woman in her forties washing clothes.

The women were a little fat, big and thick, and they looked bigger than Zhao Ming.

Han Bin walked over and said with a smile, "Sister, I'm sorry to disturb you."

The middle-aged woman turned off the faucet, "What's wrong?"

"What's your name?"

"My last name is Zhang."

"Sister Zhang, I want to ask you personally."

Sister Zhang wiped her hands on her clothes, "Who is it?"

"Lu Jingfang, do you know him?"

"Xiaofang, you know, live in the house next to me." Sister Zhang showed a wary look, "Who are you? Why are you looking for her?"

"We are the police."

"Then why don't you wear a police uniform?"

Han Bin touched his chin. He was going to a banquet today and didn't bring his ID at all.

Zhao Mingliang issued a police officer's ID, "We are criminal police, this is our ID."

"Comrade police, Xiaofang was really killed?"


"It's scary. It's all neighbors who live together. If you don't, you're gone." Sister Zhang patted her thick chest and asked, "Did she get caught by that before she died?"


"Papa Papa," Sister Zhang clapped her hands vigorously, as if you understand, "That's it."

Zhao Ming was a little bit dumbfounded, "Sister, why are you a woman curious about this?"

"I'm not interested, I'm afraid." Sister Zhang sighed, showing a worried look, "I am also a woman. If she was killed because of this kind of thing, then I have to be careful. What if I am also targeted by bad guys."

Zhao Ming "..."

He wanted to say, eldest sister, you think too much, you are absolutely safe.

"Cough..." Han Bin coughed lightly, before turning around, "Sister, are you familiar with Xiaofang?"

"Make a fool of yourself, although we live not far away, we don't speak much."

"What do you think of Xiaofang's death?"

"How do you say this, in fact, I thought she might have trouble."

Han Bin asked, "Did you find anything abnormal?"

Sister Zhang shook her head and nodded again, "It's not unusual, it's just that her dressing up on the construction site is really inappropriate. The masters on the construction site are like hungry wolves. She is dressing up in a beautiful way. To call me ignorant, to call me ugly is to deliberately gou man."

"How can she be tricky?"

"I'm a stupid person. I can't tell you the details." Sister Zhang thought for a while, and pointed to the lanyard.

Han Bin glanced at it, and there was a long pink T-shirt and some beautiful underwear.

Zhao Ming pointed to the dress, "This T-shirt has its arms exposed, and it's quite long underneath, so I don't see any problems with it."

"Is there any problem? You have to look at how you are wearing it." Sister Zhang snorted, picking up one of her clothes and making gestures, "Her T-shirt is quite long and it just covers her thighs. She is wearing something special inside. Short shorts, a T-shirt just covers the shorts, and the thighs are exposed. Outsiders look like they are not wearing pants."

"This construction site is full of tough men. How can you stand this? You said it's nothing to look for trouble."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "You live closer to her. Have she ever been harassed before, or encountered any trouble."

"Yes, why not." Sister Zhang looked a little weird and hesitated. "Since she came to us, she has been losing things."

Zhao Ming took out his notebook and jotted it down, "What have you lost?"

Sister Zhang squeezed, "It's all the clothes worn by some women. At first she just lost it by herself, and then my clothes followed."

"Have you called the police?"

Sister Zhang shook her head, "Why report to the police? It's not embarrassing to report to the police for this kind of thing."

"Furthermore, it's nothing more than the masters on these construction sites. Things are too ugly and not good."

"Do you have evidence?"

Sister Zhang stared and said, "I just lose my underwear and not my coat. What evidence is needed for this?"

Zhao Ming smiled, "It sounds like you are still a little dissatisfied with this Xiaofang."

Sister Zhang sighed, "Actually, these are all okay. I am not a picker, but there is one thing I can't bear. She doesn't care about taking pictures with her mobile phone wherever she goes, and talking to herself on the mobile phone. Although I am getting older, I am also a woman. Whoever doesn’t have any privacy, take pictures and let others see what’s going on."

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