Detective from The Future

Chapter 634: grateful

Zeng Ping was a little surprised, "making small videos makes money so much!"

Bao Xing said, "I have a friend who also does self-media. According to him, this website also has a certain relationship. If the website is promoted and subsidized, it is indeed very profitable."

"And many of them are following the trend. If a material becomes popular, everyone will shoot similar ones."

Mai Jun echoed, "I have also encountered this situation. Before, Team Leader Han asked me to search for the account of'Sister Xiaofang at the construction site', and I just watched her video. Now that website keeps pushing me similar videos. , What site materials staff Xiaoli, Xiaoxiu, some mess."

Dai Minghan listened very carefully, and concluded, "I have understood the general situation."

"From the current clues, there are two reasons for Lu Jingfang's death. The first is an impulsive crime, focusing on investigating personnel with violent crimes on the site."

"The second is to make a small video, which may involve some interest disputes, but also can be used as a key investigation direction.

"Specifically how to divide the labor, Captain Zeng and Captain Han, you two will discuss it yourself, and you can go to the office directly to see me if you have anything."


Dai Minghan glanced at the clock on the wall, "Let's do it then, the meeting ends."

De Minghan packed up his things and got up to leave.

Zeng Ping said, "Dai Ju, that kid Li Hui called me and said that he would like to invite the people in the bureau to have a potluck tonight. Please enjoy it."

De Minghan waved his hand, "I'm not going, I'm going, you shouldn't have fun anymore."

"Look at what you said, how can it be."

Han Bin also persuaded, "Dai Ju, you also go with it, there are no outsiders, we are lively and lively."

"You young people, go live by yourself. I have old arms and legs, but I can't stand the toss." Dai Minghan declined politely and left the meeting room.

When he walked to the door, Dai Minghan did not forget to remind him, "Drink less at night and don't affect the investigation tomorrow."



Huang Ting Hotel.

Inside a larger private room.

The bride, Zhou Weina, sat on the sofa, pouting her mouth, as if she should not be near.

Li Hui walked over, holding a glass of water in his hand, "Nana, you have been tired for a day too, drink some water."

"Huh." Zhou Weina turned her head aside.

"What's wrong with Nana, today is our wedding day, so I should be happy."

Zhou Weina glared at Li Hui, "I'm happy, how did you promise me before that no matter how busy you are, you will take me on my honeymoon after getting married, and I will choose where I want to go."

"Well, the wedding was finished at noon, and you changed your mind in the afternoon. What happened? I didn't care when I lied to it. After another two years, do I have to kneel and talk to you."

"No, of course not. Why would you think that way? How dare I not care about you? Isn't there an emergency case? You have also seen that the people on our team will be tasked when they pick up their relatives. The seats are only half open. Come back, there is indeed an urgent task."

"Then I don't care, anyway you promised me. If you let me dove on the first day of marriage, you are a liar in my eyes."

Li Hui sighed, sat next to Zhou Weina, and dried up the water in the cup.

He was also very helpless. He had promised Zhou Weina to spend her honeymoon and never thought of lying, but now things have changed suddenly.

Zhao Ying has not returned from training in Quancheng. If he does not return to the team, Zeng Ping will not even have a helper.

Li Hui sighed again, his heart was also very entangled. Marriage happened once in his life. He also wanted to spend her honeymoon with Zhou Weina, but work was also very important...

"Tingling bell..." Li Hui's cell phone rang, and he took out his cell phone to see that it was a call from Zeng Ping.

"Team Zeng."


"I'll pick you up below."


"On the third floor, 312 private rooms."

"Good." Li Hui hung up his phone and looked at Zhou Weina on the side. He couldn't help but feel a little worried. "Nana, Zeng team are all here, you see..."

Zhou Weina stood up, "What are you doing in a daze? Go pick them up."

"Are you not angry anymore?"

"I'm angry, but I'm angry with you. What does it have to do with others? People can attend my wedding because they give me face. I'm not so ignorant."

Upon hearing this, Li Hui was relieved and smiled, "Yes, yes, when I get home at night, you can punish me whatever you want."

"Abacus, washboard, kneel casually, I'm fine."

Zhou Weina curled her lips, "Okay, what age is it? Your house still has a washboard. This is to let me wash clothes by hand in the future."

"No, I mean if you are unhappy, we will buy it on the way home. It is exclusively for me and will never be used by you. Besides, you are not alone now, how can I be willing to let you wash your clothes."

Zhou Weina rolled her eyes, "You are not a human being."

Li Hui smiled, grabbing Zhou Weina's hand and out of the private room.

As soon as the two walked to the elevator on the third floor, the elevator door opened, and Zeng Ping, Han Bin, Wei Zimo and others stepped down the elevator one after another.

Li Hui shouted, "Team Zeng, Han Bin, Lao are all here."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Leader Li is a treat, how could we not come."

Zhou Weina smiled on her face and warmly invited, "Everyone is standing, let's go to the private room to talk."

Everyone rushed to the private room. There were two big round tables. This time there was no group or two. Everyone sat in a mixed room.

Zeng Ping sat beside Li Hui.

Li Hui couldn't help asking, "Team Zeng, how is the investigation going?"

Zeng Ping joked, “If you don’t talk about the case on the wine table, you didn’t drink the wine toasted by the groom and the bride at noon. You can have a few drinks in the evening.”

Li Hui glanced at Zhou Weina, gritted his teeth, "Team Zeng, if the case is more difficult, I apply to return to the team tomorrow."

Zhou Weina also looked over, but said nothing.

Zeng Ping patted him on the shoulder, "No, you just need to spend your honeymoon steadily, don't worry about the case."

"That's not good, Sister Zhao isn't there, you are alone..."

"Don't worry." Zeng Ping interrupted him and pointed to Han Bin on the side. "I have discussed with Han Bin and asked him to come to the branch to guide the investigation and set up a 6.26 joint task force to investigate this case together. "

Li Hui was a little surprised, "Really?"

"Of course it is true." Han Bin took the stubbornly and pointed to Bao Xing on the side. "This guy is called Bao Xing. He belongs to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau and will also participate in the 6.26 Joint Task Force."

Bao Xing scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "Leader Li, I came to eat today."

"Welcome, you are here to give me face, I am too happy to be too late." Li Hui is really happy, with Han Bin and Zeng Ping jointly investigating, there is nothing he can worry about, and he can spend his honeymoon steadily. .

Taking a step back, if Han Bin and Zeng Ping can't solve the case together, he will be useless even if he returns to the team.

The happiest one is Zhou Weina. For a woman, her honeymoon trip is once in her life. Who doesn't want to have a good memory.

She stood up, "Team Zeng and Team Leader Han, I toast you a cup."

Zeng Ping and Han Bin hadn't reacted yet, Li Hui stood up abruptly and grabbed Zhou Weina's glass, "Don't, Nana, you can't drink now. I'll drink for you, I'll drink for you."

No one asked why Zhou Weina could not drink. All the people present were involved in criminal investigations. Through the clues of previous contact, one could guess more or less.

"Sister-in-law toast, I must drink it, you almost meant to toast." Han Bin secretly said, if it weren't for me to ask you to eat big waists, it is not certain whether your kid can get married so quickly.

In the past, Li Hui would definitely quarrel with Han Bin, but today’s situation is different. He can continue his honeymoon journey thanks to Han Bin. The other party has helped so much. If nothing else, he has to have an attitude. A little bit.

"Then you talk about drinking, I'll listen to you." When it comes to drinking, Li Hui is really not afraid.

Han Bin smiled and said, "I will say in which round, if you want to say, it will be the team Zeng."

Zeng Ping took the stubbornness and said with a smile, "You are the groom's official today, and we don't bully you. Let's make a circle first to activate the atmosphere."

"That's it." Li Huicheng was on his chest, holding a wine glass in both hands, "Team Zeng, start with you first, I will toast you a glass, do it first..."


After eating a meal for two hours, many people sat out at nine o'clock in the evening.

But I didn't drink much wine, after all, I will continue to investigate tomorrow.

To say that the one who drank the most was Li Hui, the groom official, but he had a lot of alcohol. Although he had a big tongue, he still had a clear mind.

Li Hui and Zhou Weina have been sending everyone to the door of the hotel, watching everyone board the car one by one.

Han Bin and Li Hui lived close together, and they both drank, so they just took a taxi back.

On the way back, Li Hui handed Han Bin a cigarette, "Binzi, thanks."

"Thank me for what?"

Li Hui stretched out his hand and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "I know in my heart that you are willing to come to the branch to guide the investigation. Most of the reason is to help me. Brothers will remember it."

Han Bin smiled and said, "With a little effort, this is also the proposal of Team Zeng. He doesn't want to be complained by you for the rest of his life."

Zhou Weina is also very grateful to Han Bin, and she intends to get closer, "By the way, why didn't I bring Wang Ting tonight, I still want to get to know her better."

"Today is a colleague in the bureau, so I didn't call her over. Next time, we will have more time to gather in the future." Han Bin responded with a curious look, "By the way, where are you going to spend your honeymoon? ?"

"We originally planned to go to Erya, but after thinking about it, it's no different from our Qindao Island. If you want to go to the beach and play on Saturdays and Sundays, you can go there. If you want to eat seafood, it will be easier. Why bother to go to Erya." Zhou Weina said, looking at Li Hui on the side,

"Later, the two of us talked about it, and we were going to go to Menggu to visit the prairie, learn to ride a horse, live in a yurt, taste horse milk wine, roast whole sheep, and feel the life of the prairie people.


Li Hui smirked from the side, showing a look of longing.

Probably this is the so-called "women-song-husband".

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