Detective from The Future

Chapter 635: Rental house

The next morning.

Han Bin ate breakfast at home and rushed directly to Yuhua branch.

Han Bin used Li Hui's office desk and began to study the footprints of dog paw prints.

There are two pairs of shoes on the left and right, each with three dog paw prints, which are all symmetrical, with the same size and shape.

The difference is the depth of the impression and scratches.

After a lot of analysis and comparison, Han Bin can more or less see some problems.

Han Bin browsed the web on the computer, looking for shoes of the same style.

Tian Li came over, "Leader Han, Lu Jingfang's mother has come to recognize the body."

"Oh." Han Bin replied and turned off the computer screen "Sell her to come in."

Tian Li turned and left the office.

When I came back again, there was a man and a woman behind him, both of whom seemed to be about fifty years old.

The middle-aged woman's eyebrows and Lu Jingfang are somewhat like portraits.

Tian Li pointed to Han Bin on the side and introduced, "This is Team Leader Han and the person in charge of Lu Jingfang's case."

The middle-aged woman looked at Han Bin and said politely, "Hello Team Leader Han, my name is Lin Yansha and I am Lu Jingfang's mother."

"Hello, Ms. Lin, please keep your sorrow and change." Han Bin made a gesture of please, motioning for the two of them to sit down, and then looked at the man, "What is the name of this gentleman and what does Lu Jingfang do?"

"My name is Zhao Bing and I am Lu Jingfang's stepfather." Zhao Bing took the initiative to shook hands with Han Bin, "Group leader Han, or let's recognize the corpse first, maybe it is not Lu Jingfang who died, and we will save our fears."

It makes sense for Han Bin to think about it, but it's really rare for parents to be so calm. "Tian Li took two to the forensic room to get a corpse."

"Yes." Tian Li made a please gesture and led the two out of the office.

After the three of them left, Bao Xing approached him, "Group leader, how come I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Bao Xing rubbed his chin with his right hand. "It's too calm to be parents. The parents of those victims came to recognize the corpse, and if they didn't cry and died, I wish the entire public security bureau could hear them. These two are like okay people. "

Han Bin replied, "The world is diverse. There are billions of people. There are no such people."

Bao Xing shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

A few minutes later, Tian Li took the two back to the office.

Zhao Bing's face was a little serious.

Lin Yansha's eyes were red, and she looked like she had cried.

What surprised Han Bin was that it was Zhao Bing who spoke first, "Group leader Han, why did our daughter die."

"The murderer strangled his neck and suffocated to death."

"Who killed her?"

"The police are still investigating, and I want to find out some information when they come over."

"Then where did she die?"

"She died on a construction site."

Zhao Bing asked, "What is she doing at the construction site as a woman?"

Han Bin frowned. He came here to find out about the situation. Well, you asked me about it instead.

"Don't you know she works on the construction site?"

Zhao Bing still didn't believe it, "Don't be kidding me, she is a young and beautiful woman who can support herself by doing anything. What kind of shift does she go to the construction site?"

"I'm not kidding, he does work on the construction site."

Zhao Bing subconsciously said, "According to you, she worked on the construction site and died on the construction site, so is she considered a work injury?"

Han Bin was a little speechless, everyone was dead, and instead of caring about the deceased first, it was enough to ask if it was a work injury.

"I don't know this, and I am not responsible. My duty is to catch the murderer and give an explanation to the dead Lu Jingfang."

"Yes, you are right, I just asked casually..." Zhao Bing was a little embarrassed, and touched Lin Yansha with his elbow.

Lin Yansha sighed, her tone a little sad, "My bitter daughter has never enjoyed a blessing since she was a child, and she finally grew up to earn money to support herself, and then she left within a few days."

Zhao Bing curled his lips, "In front of the police comrades, what are you saying about this? She is so frustrated that she hasn't been short of food and drink since she was a child."

Han Bin interrupted the two, "Ms. Lin, your daughter's case still has many doubts. We would like to ask you to assist in the investigation and provide some valuable clues."

"What clue, I don't know anything."

"In this way, you can answer whatever I ask, just tell the truth."

Lin Yansha nodded, "Ask."

Han Bin used a color and motioned to Tian Li to take the record, "When was the last time you saw Lu Jingfang?"

Lin Yansha wiped her eyes, "'s been a while, I can't remember a specific day."

"Has it been more than a month?"

"There should be."

"Have you contacted in other ways recently?"

"At the beginning of June, she had a phone call with me, but then she never contacted me."

"What did she tell you?"

"I didn't say anything, just asked me how I've been lately. I mailed me two jars of honey and told me to go home to see me after a while." As he said, Lin Yansha's voice choked and said a thousand words After all, it was her daughter who died ten thousand, so how could she be indifferent.

"In other words, you don't understand Lu Jingfang's situation during this period."

"My daughter is a strong person. She takes care of things alone and rarely mentions it to outsiders. She keeps saying that she wants to make a career, buy a big house, buy a good car in the future, and make those who look down on her regret it. ......" Lin Yansha sighed in a low voice,

"Both blame me for caring too little for her and failing to fulfill the responsibilities of a mother."

"As far as you know, has Lu Jingfang offended anyone before, or has there been emotional entanglements?"

"She hasn't told me this, and I am not very clear."

"Then do you know, what kind of work is she doing?"

Lin Yansha shook her head.

Han Bin is also a little speechless, this Nima just asks three questions.

Han Bin stepped back, "Does Lu Jingfang have close relatives and friends?"

Lin Yansha thought for a while and said, "She grew up with my mom and has a very good relationship with my mom. My mom passed away a few years ago, so she has no special close people."

"Except for the company dormitory, does she have any other residences."

"Not sure."

"Does she have anything left in your house?"

"No, she moved out before, and took away everything. The remaining pieces of old clothes can't be worn anymore. I threw them away when I cleaned the house."

Han Bin concluded, "In other words, there is not much overlap between you and Lu Jingfang, and can't provide any useful clues about her death?"

Lin Yansha lowered her head, "In contrast, I know that I am not a competent mother."

Han Bin feels a bit ironic, you can tell me.

For Lu Jingfang, this mother is dispensable.

"Where is Lu Jingfang's biological father? Is there a connection between them?"

"I never heard her say it."

"Do you have her biological father's contact information?"


Han Bin put down the pen in his hand and talked more about it.

Zhao Bing on the side rubbed his hands, "Group Leader Han, I don't think you need to contact Lu Jingfang's biological father."


"Lu Jingfang’s biological father is not a person in charge. Otherwise, he would not leave their wives behind. As far as I know, he has never approached Lu Jingfang for so many years. We are taking care of our daughter. And the daughter’s funeral, We will also deal with it, without her biological father."

Han Bin glanced at him, did not speak, took a sip of water from his teacup.

Zhao Ming stood up and said, "Two, do this first in today's transcript. There are new circumstances in the case, and I will inform you."

Zhao Ming put on a posture of seeing off the guests.

Zhao Bing stood up, took two steps, and then turned around, "Leader Han, I still want to ask, is my daughter's death a work injury?"

Han Bin said perfunctorily, "The case hasn't been cleared, and I can't answer it. Go back and wait for the news."

"Then which construction site my daughter was working on, I went to find their boss, and my daughter was killed.

"It is not convenient to disclose the relevant information involved in the case." Han Bin waved his hand.

Zhao Ming urged, "Hurry up."

When Zhao Bing and his wife left the office, Bao Xing couldn't help but sipped, "Your sister, what is it? It's your daughter now, so what did you do?"

Tian Li said, "Just now Zhao Bing said that he should not notify Lu Jingfang's biological father. They will help with the funeral. I thought he found out with his conscience. The co-author was afraid that his father would pay the compensation."

Bao Xing shook his head and said, "It's a good old saying that there is a stepfather and a stepmother. It's really true."

Tian Li pondered for a while, and felt something was wrong, "How do I remember that if there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather."

Han Bin waved his hand, "Stop fighting, this kind of thing is the same regardless of men and women."

Zhao Ming returned to the office and complained, "Well, this transcript does one question and three questions, and the whole morning is wasted."

Seeing that everyone was coming, Han Bin began to arrange tasks, "Tian Li checked the situation of Lu Jingfang's biological father and notified him to come to the game."

"Zhao Ming and Bao Xing went online to browse the shoe-selling website to check the shoes of the same style worn by the suspect."


Han Bin returned to the desk and clicked on the website where Lu Jingfang uploaded the video to view the video taken by Lu Jingfang.

The first video that Lu Jingfang posted was on May 14, when she had not yet come to work on the construction site and was in a state of waiting for work at home.

The content of the video was that she was cooking at home. The food was very simple, one fried greens, one boiled egg, and half a steamed bun.

The background of the video seems to be in a rental room.

The second is a video of Lu Jingfang looking for a job. She left home in the morning and lived in an old community. After leaving the community, she walked along the sidewalk to the stop sign and got on a 38 bus.

Lu Jingfang took the bus to the vicinity of the construction site, and then went to the project department of the construction site to apply for a job. Chen Baoquan's voice appeared in the video for the first time. However, perhaps because of the impact, she did not take a frontal photo of Chen Baoquan.

Han Bin thinks this video is very valuable. In the video, there are many items in the house where Lu Jingfang is located, and her dormitory is so small that she can't put those things at all.

Moreover, Lu Jingfang came to work on the construction site with other purposes, and it would not last long.

Han Bin analyzed that the house should not be retired...

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