Detective from The Future

Chapter 644: on site

Ding Xifeng has been listening by the side.

Generally speaking, when his subordinates are taking notes, he will not speak easily, but as long as he asks, he must be targeted.

"How many pairs of shoes did Zhou Jingjing buy?"

As soon as Ding Xifeng's words were spoken, Han Bin understood what he meant. This kind of shoes is not common. If Zhou Jingjing bought two pairs, it would probably be given to his boyfriend.

If this is the case, Yan Heyu's suspicion would be great.

Wang Ruoli thought for a while, "Two pairs, one pair is worn by herself, and the other pair is in men's style. He said he would give it to that Yan Heyu."

Han Bin asked, "When did you buy the shoes?"

"On June 1st, she acted like a baby and asked me to accompany her on Children's Day. I said you would celebrate Children's Day when you are so old, but I will accompany her to go shopping."

"When did she break up with Yan Heyu?"

"At that time, she had been living in the rented house. We don't know the exact time. When I know it, it seems to be June 5th or 6th."

"Is there any conflict between Yan Heyu and your daughter?"

"I don't know, I can't ask too much about their young love."

"Do you have a picture of Yan Heyu?"

"No, but you can watch'Let's generate electricity together.' Yan Heyu was on that show, which is the twelfth issue of 2020, and it was also the episode that he took my daughter away."

"After Zhou Jingjing went missing, have your couple received any unusual phone calls?"

"No, there is no phone."

Han Bin asked a few more questions but didn't get any more clues.

Han Bin gave them a business card for the couple and asked them to take them away first.

Ding Xifeng said, "Han Bin, you can tell Captain Wei and the others about the 626 project."

"Yes." Han Bin took another sip of the soaked tea, moistened his throat, and continued, "Project 626 has many similarities with this case. The victim, Lu Jingfang, is also a young woman who was also strangled. He died of suffocation. He was killed between 9:30 p.m. on June 25th and 1:30 a.m. on June 26."

"Both Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang participated in a variety show dating show'Let’s Generate Power Together.' When Zhou Jingjing was killed, she wore a pair of shoes with dog paw prints. When Lu Jingfang was killed, the suspect wore a pair of shoes with dog paw prints."

"To sum up, I personally feel that these two cases are somewhat related."

Wei Gaoyuan asked, "Is there any surveillance video in the 626 case, and has there been any surveillance of the suspect."

"The scene of the 626 case was on the construction site and there was not much surveillance around it. We collected the surrounding road monitoring and found a suspicious black Mercedes-Benz licensed car, but the driver intentionally blocked it and failed to take a frontal photo. Han Bin replied and concluded,

"I personally feel that the two cases are related to a certain extent. You can conduct a combined investigation and compare the evidence in the two cases. Maybe you can get more clues."

Ding Xifeng asked, "Old Wei, what do you think?"

Wei Gaoyuan thought for a while and said, "I have no opinion, everything is subject to the arrangements of the Municipal Bureau."

Ding Xifeng got up and said, "Okay, come here first today. I'll go back to the city bureau to report to the leaders. Let's keep in touch."

Wei Gaoyuan said, "Ding Detachment, we haven't got together for a long time, I still want to ask you to stay for lunch at noon."

"Old Wei, don't be polite with you and me. Let's get together again when we have time. The circumstances of this case are quite special. Several leaders of the city bureau are also very concerned. I have to go back and report quickly."

"That's right. It's not a trivial matter to make trouble for thousands of people."

"Okay, let's keep in touch, I'll leave first." Ding Xifeng shook hands with Wei Gaoyuan.

Wei Gaoyuan held Ding Xifeng's hand with both hands, and whispered, "Ding Detachment, what news is there from the Municipal Bureau, don't forget to remind me."

"Don't worry, don't forget, let's call."

Wei Gaoyuan took Ding Xifeng and Han Bin to the branch compound with a team from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Xinhua Branch, and watched them get on the car and leave.

After getting in the car, Han Bin asked while driving, "Captain, what do you think? Will these two cases be investigated together?"

"There are so many similarities between the two cases, and they must be investigated together. Moreover, the nature of this case has a relatively bad impact. It is safer to have a municipal criminal investigation team taking the lead." Speaking of this, Ding Xifeng's conversation changed.

"We will return to the Municipal Bureau in a while. We will act separately. I will report to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau. You will tell Ma Jingbo about the case of the female corpse in the water tower so that he can prepare for the investigation."

"Yes." Han Bin replied and asked, "Captain, do you want to inform the Yuhua branch."

"Yes, the 626 case cannot be relaxed. Regardless of which case has a breakthrough, it is possible to catch the suspect behind the scenes."

Half an hour later, Han Bin and the two returned to the city bureau.

Han Bin returned to the second squadron, instead of going to a group of offices, but went directly to the squadron leader's office.


"Come in." Ma Jingbo's voice came from the room.

Han Bin pushed the door in. Ma Jingbo was sitting at the table looking through the information, raised his head and said, "Good job, I'm waiting for you."

Han Bin smiled, "The horse team, what are you waiting for me?"

"You kid, don't ask knowingly." Ma Jingbo snorted, squeezed out the cigarette butt, and sat on the sofa. "Tell me, how about the water tower female corpse case?"

Han Bin licked his dry lips, "Cavaliers, can you drink some boiling water first."

Ma Jingbo got up and walked to the drinking fountain, "You said yours, I will pour you water, it won't affect."

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded. This was the first time he received this treatment, and he narrated the case of the female body in the water tower without further delay.

After listening, Ma Jingbo couldn't help shaking his head, "This murderer is really bad enough. He threw the victim's body into the water tower. The residents of the entire Tiannanyuan community followed suit. If they knew they had drunk carrion water, It must be disgusting forever."

Han Bin echoed, "The most worrying thing now is this. Once the residents of Tiannanyuan Community learn about this, they have to fry the pot."

"My dad also sent me a message just now, asking what's going on in the case. He ran to Tiannanyuan community after eating in the morning and stared at him, just because he was afraid of trouble there."

Ma Jingbo hummed, "Even if it's a problem for the property company, why did you go there early? It took more than ten days before I went to check the water tower. It was much more positive when collecting property fees."

"But having said that, we still have to solve the case as soon as possible. If the murderer is really delayed, the people are holding a fire in their hearts, and it is time to vent to the police."

Han Bin walked to the drinking fountain, took another glass of water, took a sip, and said, "The horse team, or let's go to the scene and not check the scene in person, I always feel that there is something wrong in my heart."

Ma Jingbo also agreed with Han Bin's proposal, but hesitated, "In this way, you take the team and I will stay at the Municipal Bureau. I will know what news the captain has."

Han Bin thinks about it, if the city bureau leaders have a meeting and Ma Jingbo ran out to investigate again, wouldn't he be caught blind.

Han Bin returned to a group of offices and planned to take the people in the group to check the scene, but Li Qin, Wang Xiao, and Huang Qianqian were not there.

Just as Han Bin had guessed before, because Shida did not confess, the procuratorate rejected the case on the grounds of insufficient evidence. The three of them were busy sorting out the evidence, stamping, and completing the formalities.

This is also the reason why the future police badge will not be awarded for a long time.

Han Bin first brought Jiang Yang and Bao Xing to the scene of the crime.

When they arrived at Tiannanyuan Community, Han Bin and his father met and brought a box of mineral water to the police at Guang'an Police Station.

Let alone ordinary people, even the police do not want to drink the water near this community.

Because of work, Han Bin did not talk to his father for long.

After that, Sergeant Cui Hao and auxiliary police Heizi led Han Bin to the top floor.

Cui Hao patted Han Bin on the shoulder and said kindly, "Binzi, I really didn't expect this case to fall into your hands."

Han Bin explained, "A case I investigated before has a lot of similarities with this case. It is likely that the same murderer did it, so I was sent to fight the front."

"How is the investigation done in this case? Has the identity of the deceased been verified?"

"This morning, I went to the Xinhua branch office. It happened that a couple came to recognize the corpse. They claimed that the deceased was their daughter. But the DNA comparison has not yet come out."

"You haven't seen it, the victim is so old and miserable. When he was fished out of the water tower, he was almost inhuman." Cui Hao lowered his voice, "I'm not afraid of you laughing, I vomited last night. I feel nauseous thinking about it now."

Han Bin cared, "How are the feelings of the residents here?"

"What's the matter, the police and the property company have not given accurate statements. They have everything they say. Those who know are dead people, those who don't know are poisoned, and others are dead cats, dogs, and mice. , Anyway, I have everything." Cui Hao sighed, showing concern, "I guess it won’t last long, and the property side will soon be unable to withstand it. Once the property fails to withstand it, it will be our police station’s turn. Up."

Cui Hao pressed Han Bin's shoulder hard, "Binzi, you have to investigate this case, not only to help the victim, but also to help the residents here, as well as Han Suo and I, Alexander."

Han Bin comforted, "Our brigade captain has personally investigated this case, and the leaders of the city bureau also attach great importance to this case. A joint task force should be established. There is no need to worry about the police and resources. I believe this case will definitely be solved."

Cui Hao breathed a sigh of relief, "I feel more at ease when I hear you say that. I think that we still have the city bureau behind us, so the burden on our back is lightened.

Han Bin is not easy. The police station only needs to maintain stability, but the criminal investigation team needs to solve the case, but now they have not found even key clues.

When it comes to pressure, the pressure on the City Criminal Investigation Brigade will only be heavier.

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