Detective from The Future

Chapter 645: accident

"Ding Dong..." The group took the elevator to the top floor.

However, you still need to climb a flight of stairs to get to the roof.

Cui Hao led the crowd upstairs, suddenly waved his hand and made a silent gesture.

Han Bin lowered his voice, "What's the matter?"

Cui Hao pointed to the iron door and whispered, "In order to avoid being cracked on the scene, the door to the roof has been relocked and sealed."

Han Bin glanced at the door, the lock was broken, the door was hidden, and the seal was torn off.

Han Bin walked to the door and listened for a while, and found a faint noise on the roof.

Cui Hao reminded, "Do you want to call for support."

Han Bin nodded.

Cui Hao went down the stairs lightly and went to call for support from Han Weidong.

After a while, Cui Hao walked up again and made an OK gesture.

Han Bin took out the pistol around his waist and ordered, "Check the equipment and prepare to arrest someone."

Cui Hao asked, "Would you like to wait for the people brought by Han to do it?"

"I just heard that there should not be many people. As long as we are fully prepared, it won't be a problem to win them." Han Bin winked at Jiang Yang who was on the side. "You go in for the investigation, and if there are too many people, you will return. "

Jiang Yang nodded and drew the electric baton from his waist.

Bao Xing opened the door slowly, Jiang Yang catted his waist, walked in lightly, looked carefully at Han Bin and made a gesture.

Han Bin nodded knowingly, and said to Cui Hao who was on the side, "There are two people on the other side, and I haven't seen the weapon for the time being."

Cui Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little more confident in his heart, "Binzi, you can command."

Han Bin said simply, "I'm holding a gun and you go straight up to arrest people. If the opponent has a weapon, you will step aside and let me deal with it."


Afterwards, Han Bin also catted to the top of the building, faintly hearing the man's voice.

"Friends who have just entered the live broadcast room, click on the attention in the upper right corner, click on the attention to not get lost, and give love to the friends you like, let’s say a lot of love."

"Dear friends, the location of our live broadcast is a certain community in Xinhua District, Qindao City. I won't say which community it is specifically, so as not to be checked by the relevant authorities."

"Friends who have just entered the live broadcast room may have questions in their minds. What are these two fools doing on the top of the building? I will answer here. I am not here to convulse, but to broadcast a huge news to everyone."

"This is actually a crime scene. You look at it, and there is still a cordon. We are now at the risk of being caught live. It is really really dangerous. I hereby implore you brothers to walk around. Reward."

"Thank you, Brother Bangjiang, for the yacht, brother v5, brother domineering."

"Ladies and gentlemen, cheer for my big brother Bangjiang and go through a wave of six and six."

"Ladies old iron, let's go on to say, I saw the gate next to me. This is the gate of the high-rise water tower. The inside is too old and deep. I will open it for the big guy to take a look."

While talking, an assistant with a small flat head came over and opened the gate, revealing a dark water tower.

"We are now on the roof of a thirty-story building. This water tower is installed on the roof. This is to repressurize the high-level water. Why should the police pull the cordon in this place? This question is very important. This is why we are here."

"Some people say that the water tower is poisoned. No, it is really going to be poisoned. The water inside has been emptied long ago and it is impossible to keep it. Others say that it is a dead cat, a dead dog, a dead mouse, and that is even more nonsense, you With such a big name as a house mouse, they still use the police to pull the cordon."

"The answer is about to be revealed. Ladies and gentlemen, take another round of rewards."

"I don't ask all my friends to be as wide as my Big Brother Bangjiang. After all, who is my big brother? That is the God of Wealth going down to the earth. A stomped foot is a financial tsunami..."

The five Han Bin touched their waists and went up to the top floor, wrapping around from all around, listening to the man's self-talk, they had basically figured out the situation.

Han Bin has put away the gun.

Jiang Yang quickly stepped forward and snatched away the man's mobile phone that was live broadcast, and directly turned off the live broadcast interface.

The man who broadcasted the live broadcast was taken aback and cursed, "Wocao, you don't want to die, dare to use Lao Tzu's cell phone, my day @#¥%&......"

Cui Hao shouted, "Police, don't move!"

Then they swarmed up and pressed the two men to the ground.

"Ka Ka..." The crisp sound of handcuffs sounded, and the two men were directly handcuffed.

The two men were still struggling, "Let go of me, who are you?"

"Why steal my phone, let me go quickly."

Han Bin asked, "We all said that we are the police, are you deaf?"

"What happened to the police? We didn't commit a crime, so why should we catch us?"

"Slap!" With a slap, Cui Hao directly gave him a brain scoop, "What are you and me stupid? I caught you, and my mouth is hard."

"You just broadcast the incident, we heard it clearly, and even dared to break the seal and the cordon. You know the law and break the law, and really think that you can't be cured."

"Hold your head in your hands and squat down!"

"Squat down!"

"Squat for me!"

The two men squatted down involuntarily when they were scolded, feeling a little frustrated, their legs were a little soft.

"Look up!" Han Bin scolded, and looked at the two of them. "What do you do?"

The live broadcast man with glitches said, "We are here to play."

"How old, how can I play, how can I not play, I don't have any points in my heart?" Han Bin snorted, and said in a stern tone, "Don't play tricks with me, ask you what, tell me what."

"Yes, you ask, we must say." The glitched man said, glancing at the flat-headed man with his eyes.

How can Han Bin fail to understand his thoughts, and said to Cui Hao who was on the side, "Cui Brother, you take this small flat head to the stairs for interrogation."

"No problem." Cui Hao walked over and patted the flat-headed man on the head. "Let's go, boy, let's talk about life and ideals."

"Hey, look at this." Han Bin pointed at the man with the burr head and said, "What is your name?"

"Sun Wenxuan."

"What is it for? Why are you here."

"I'm an anchor, just want to come here to make a video."

"Which website's host wants to make a video of what content, please give me a clear explanation."

"Comrade police, can you give me your phone first, there are very important information on it, you can't lose it."

Han Bin denied, "No, that's evidence, you can't tell the matter clearly, you can't finish it, don't want to take the phone back."

"Hey, why am I so unlucky? I haven't just been here for a long time, so why did you guys come up."

Han Bin's tone became more and more severe, "Stop talking nonsense, and answer my questions honestly."

"I am the number one anchor. I heard that the water tower here drowned people, so I wanted to come over and do a live broadcast to increase fans and earn some rewards."

"Who told you that this water tower drowned people?"

Sun Wenxuan bowed his head and said nothing.

Bao Xing came over and drew his head. "I tell you, you have committed a crime now. You broke into the crime scene and broke the seal and the cordon. You can be caught by these two lines alone, or honestly. Said, either follow us back to the police station."

Sun Wenxuan shrank his neck in fright and said, "My cousin, he lives in this community. He said that he saw a policeman on the top floor last evening, and he saw the corpse being transported outside at night, and he sent me a video."

"How did it send it to you?"

"Sent to me on WeChat."

Han Bin handed the phone over, "Find it out."

Sun Wenxuan took the phone with both hands, clicked on WeChat, and found out the video.

When Han Bin clicked it, it was a high-altitude shooting, but it was not too high. It seemed that there were about three or four floors, just enough to capture some scenes.

Although it is not particularly clear, you can vaguely see the picture of moving the corpse.

The corpse was covered, but the outline was still relatively obvious. In addition, the corpse formed a giant view. It was a bit difficult to carry, and it took some time to move it to the car.

This video cannot visually see the corpse, but it can be guessed based on the situation in the Tiannanyuan community. Once this video is posted to the owner group, the consequences will be disastrous.

"What is your cousin's name, which building, and which unit number does he live in?"

"It's my own idea to come to the top of the building to do the live broadcast. It has nothing to do with my cousin. You don't need to disturb him."

"Stop talking nonsense, and answer whatever you ask."

"I...I can't remember, I was so scared by you, my mind was short-circuited."

Han Bin smiled, and said to Bao Xing on the side, "He doesn't want to say, what should I do?"

Bao Xing replied, "This is a crime of shielding."

"Yes." Han Bin said solemnly, "Once this video spreads, it will easily lead to some conflicts. Guo Jia manages this aspect very strictly, and the charges are very heavy. If you are involved, I can't guarantee you will Will not be severely sentenced."

Sun Wenxuan's voice trembled, "It shouldn't be, it's just such a video, which I didn't shoot."

Han Bin patted him on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter whether you took the picture or not. Your behavior hinders the police investigation, so you have to take responsibility. However, you don't have to worry about it. , Squat up."

"Don't, let me say, I will tell you all, my cousin is Li Shuo and he lives in Room 302, Unit 1, Building 3."

Han Bin asked, "Where is your cousin now?"

"He took a rest today, and said he invited me out for dinner at noon. In total, how to deal with this matter, is to file a complaint directly, or to apply for compensation. He was very angry about the dead person in the water tower and said that he almost made him sick last night. dead."

Han Bin frowned. This video is definitely not allowed, but Li Shuo did not break the law when shooting the video. It is still difficult to handle this matter properly.

The best way is to patiently persuade Xiaozhi to move with emotion and reason, and ask Li Shuo to delete this video voluntarily.

Of course, the Criminal Investigation Brigade is not suitable for this work. The best way is to hand it over to the comrades at the police station.

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