Detective from The Future

Chapter 646: Shoe source

Sun Wenxuan's affairs can be big or small.

After Han Bin learned the general situation, he handed him over to the Guang'an Police Station, where Han Weidong was located. It was very convenient for Han Bin to interrogate or understand the situation.

Sun Wenxuan was taken away by the police from the police station. Only Han Bin, Jiang Yang, and Bao Xing were left on the top floor, and the surroundings immediately became clean.

This environment is also conducive to Han Bin's thinking.

People from the technical team have already come to the scene. Han Bin doesn't expect to find new evidence at the scene. He wants to get a first-hand experience of the crime scene environment.

Sometimes the circumstances of the suspect can also be learned through the crime environment.

The environment on the top of the building is relatively closed, and usually no one comes up. The suspect chose to commit the crime here. It is estimated that he is also attracted by the secret environment here.

To get to the top of the building, you have to take the elevator first, and then climb the stairs. It is more difficult to carry the dead body and it is easy to be found.

Therefore, Han Bin is more inclined to kill the victim on the roof of the building.

As I said before, people rarely come to places like the roof.

Why a young woman is willing to come to the roof is a bit intriguing.

In Han Bin's view, there should be three possibilities.

The first type of victim was taken to the top of the building by the suspect.

The second type of victim is deceived to the top of the building by the suspect.

The third type of suspect came to the roof of the building.

Judging from the current situation, the first two are more likely.

The most unfortunate thing is that the surveillance of the community is covered. If the surveillance is still there, just check the surveillance and you can find clues about the suspect.

One more thing, why did the suspect choose to commit the crime here, and why did he throw the deceased into the water tower by accident or intentionally?

The current clues are too few for Han Bin to judge.

Han Bin walked carefully from the entrance of the top floor to the gate of the water tower, basically knowing the situation at the scene of the crime.

It was almost noon after Han Bin and the three people came down from the roof.

Han Weidong invited guests to a restaurant a little far away for dinner. After this incident, no one wanted to eat nearby.

With his son's colleague, Han Weidong would not be stingy anymore. He ordered a table full of dishes and welcomed Jiang Yang and Bao Xing very warmly.

During the meal, Han Bin asked Cui Hao about the shoe store. The reason why he didn’t ask Han Weidong was because Han Weidong didn’t go out very much and stayed at the police station most of the time. On the contrary, he didn’t know the situation on the street as well as Cui Hao. .

After Han Bin finished speaking, Cui Hao was a little impressed with the shoe store and knew the approximate location, but couldn't remember it.

On the contrary, a policeman often goes out on patrols and is more familiar with the situation on the street. According to him, the name of the shoe store should be called Kuchao Shoe Store.

Han Bin asked him to help lead the way, and he readily agreed.

Well, actually he has no choice.

After the meal, Han Bin said hello to his father and drove to the Kuchao shoe store.

Father and son met every day, and they had dinner together in the morning, and there was not much to say.

As for work matters, Han Weidong is more experienced than him, and he has already prepared well, so he doesn't need to worry about Han Bin.

What Han Bin has to do now is to solve the case as soon as possible and give your people an explanation.

The sinking of the water tower is disgusting. It is simply not done by humans. It is good that Zhou Jingjing has no infectious diseases. If there is an infectious disease, it will harm people in a community.

The Kuchao shoe store is on Guang'an Street, just a few minutes' drive from where they eat.

This store is not small in size, and the black plaque is very different from the style of the surrounding stores. It looks a little abrupt, allowing people to see it from a long distance.

To avoid being too glaring, Han Bin let the policeman from the police station stay in the car.

Han Bin took Jiang Yang and Bao Xing into the store.

"Welcome!" On the right side of the shop stood a waitress in her early twenties. She was wearing a black T-shirt with the word "Cool" printed on it. She was in tight jeans and she was in good shape.

"Hello three gentlemen, what style of shoes do you want."

"Let's see for ourselves."

After speaking, Han Bin and the three began to search in the store.

After a while, Bao Xing shouted, "Group... Brother Bin, come here, I think these shoes are good."

Han Bin walked over and found it was a black sandal with three dog paw prints on the bottom of the shoe.

Han Bin picked up the shoes and checked them carefully. The outline, spacing, and size of the dog paw prints were almost exactly the same as those on the construction site.

Han Bin beckoned, "Beauty."

The female salesman came over, "Sir, do you want these shoes?"

"Is your boss here?"

"Huh?" The female salesman was a little surprised.

"We are the police." Bao Xing showed the police officer ID. "Call your boss over. We have something to look for him."

"Okay." The female salesman was a little surprised and nervous, didn't dare to ask more, turned and left.

After a while, a woman of about 30 years old came over with a plump figure and walked in the direction of Han Bin, "Hello, what can I do?"

"Are you the boss of this?"


Bao Xing showed the police officer's ID again, "We are the police, and I want to find out about the situation with you."

"You can talk about it."

"How many shoes do you have here with dog paw prints?"

The female boss frowned and thought about it, "Just two, one for men and one for women."

Han Bin said, "You call me the sales records of these two shoes."

"Comrade police, is there any problem with these two shoes?"

Han Bin did not answer, and continued, "Call out your monitoring here."

The proprietress became more and more unsure, "Comrade police, I am willing to work with you, but can you tell me what the **** is going on?"

"We are investigating a criminal case. We suspect that the person involved may have come to your store to buy shoes. Please cooperate with us, thank you."

"No problem, I will adjust sales records and monitoring."

The lady boss went to the counter, and Bao Xing also followed up and asked, "Madam boss, how long can your monitoring be kept here?"

"About two weeks."

Bao Xing spread his hands to Han Bin.

Han Bin said, "Call it out first."

The proprietress is also a swift person, and quickly investigated the purchase records of the shoes. A total of more than a dozen pairs of these two shoes were sold. The same person bought two pairs on June 1st, one for men and one for women. It was the victim Zhou Jingjing.

Han Bin now has two guesses. The first one is that Zhou Jingjing gave the men's shoes to the murderer, and then the murderer killed Lu Jingfang while wearing that shoe.

There is another possibility that Zhou Jingjing gave the shoes to Yan Heyu, but Yan Heyu is not the murderer.

After killing Zhou Jingjing, the murderer felt that her shoes could cover her footprints, so he bought a pair of shoes of the same style. If this is the case, the suspect is likely to be on the subsequent purchase list.

If the suspect purchases it late, it may still be monitored.

Of course, these are all Han Bin's guesses, and the specific situation will be clear after investigation.

In order to be able to compare shoe prints better, Han Bin bought a pair of dog paw print shoes of the same style and prepared to take them back for further research.

Back to the city office is already more than three in the afternoon.

Ma Jingbo was indeed called to a meeting.

Although the leaders of the city bureau had not set the tone, they could not delay the investigation. Han Bin simply arranged the task.

Bao Xing went to check Yan Heyu's information.

Jiang Yang went to the technical department to check Zhou Jingjing's mobile phone communications.

Han Bin himself made a cup of tea and found the blind date show "Let’s Generate Electricity Together" on the Internet, and checked Zhou Jingjing’s previous contest videos.

Not to mention, Zhou Jingjing is a pretty girl with a slender figure, a melon-seeded face, a small tiger tooth, and the temperament that once babbled and acted like a baby, she is definitely a cute girl.

Zhou Jingjing is stylishly dressed, beautifully dressed, and has a personality, at least on the show.

Zhou Jingjing has been on three shows in total. The first show happened to be the one that Lu Jingfang was taken away. The man who led Lu Jingfang was named Ren Botao, the founder and CEO of a wealth management company, and Han Bin didn’t watch what he was doing. Understand, it sounds awesome anyway.

Zhou Jingjing was taken away in the third period. The man who took him away was Yan Heyu. Just like Zhou Jingjing’s parents said, this Yan Heyu is indeed sunny and handsome. When he came up, he did a street dance, attracting young guests and women on the scene. The scream of the audience is a handsome guy in short.

Han Bin cut a picture and sent it to Bao Xing.

After watching three episodes of Zhou Jingjing's videos, Han Bin watched Lu Jingfang's video again, and he also learned more about the two women.

After watching these videos, Han Bin felt that it was necessary to go to the TV station to make a transcript for the relevant personnel, and he might get some valuable clues.

"Chuck..." As soon as the door rang, Bao Xing walked in from outside, walked to the air conditioner and blew cold air, and said, "Group leader, the identity information of Yan Heyu cannot be found in the police system."

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