Detective from The Future

Chapter 647: Joint investigation

Han Bin said lightly, "Try a few more homophones."

"I have tried all of them. There are quite a few people who call this name, but there is no match between age and appearance. I suspect this kid is using a pseudonym."

"Compare according to the photo I gave you?"


Han Bin thought for a while and ordered, "Send Yan Heyu's picture to the technical department, and ask them to search using facial recognition."

"Okay, I'm going now." Bao Xing cool off for a while, drank another glass of water, and left the office again.

Bao Xing left with his front foot, and Ma Jingbo walked in with Bao Xing in his arms.

Han Bin got up and said, "The horse team."

Ma Jingbo put the bag on the table, walked to the air conditioner, and tugged the shirt on his body, "Why did the kid go?"

Han Bin poured him a glass of water, "Remember, the Yan Heyu I mentioned to you this morning?"

"It's Zhou Jingjing's ex-boyfriend?"

"Yes, the fake name can't be found in the system. I cut a picture from that variety show and asked Bao Xing to send it to the technical department."

Ma Jingbo took a sip of water and said with a smile, "It's really interesting. These days, I use a pseudonym when I'm in a relationship. It's enough."

"How's the meeting going?"

"It's only June. Why is it so hot?" Ma Jingbo moved a chair and sat next to the air conditioner. "The city leaders attach great importance to this case and have decided to set up a 626 joint task force to combine the female corpse case on the construction site with the water tower female corpse case. Investigation."

"The brigade leader will serve as the leader of the joint task force, and Dai Minghan, deputy director of the Yuhua Branch, will serve as the deputy leader. The temporary office of the joint task force is set up in the municipal bureau, and a meeting will be held at exactly five o'clock."

"Where is the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Xinhua Branch?"

Ma Jingbo said, "Many people make it easier to handle things, and the reverse is also true. There are plenty of people and tasks. The city bureau and Yuhua branch have enough manpower. If the Xinhua branch is also involved in the case, it will not be easy to coordinate."

"The leaders of the Municipal Bureau simply asked Xinhua Branch to transfer the case to the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade."

Han Bin nodded. It is indeed crowded and troublesome. Joint investigations by the Municipal Bureau and a branch are relatively easy to coordinate, but joint investigations by the Municipal Bureau and the two sub-bureaus are easier to diverge.

This is the same as a father and a son, regardless of the family, even if the family is separated, regardless of giving more to less, the son must recognize.

A father and two sons are not the same. They must be separated. How to divide is a big problem. Even if the father is fair, one of them will always be dissatisfied, and both may even feel that they are at a disadvantage.


Half an hour later, two cars drove into the Qindao City Public Security Bureau.

Zeng Ping, Tian Li, Zhao Ming, Du Qi, Wei Zimo and others from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch got out of the car one after another.

Wei Zimo looked at the city’s public security department building and said with emotion, “The city bureau is still generous, and our Yuhua branch can be built like this anytime.”

Du Qi smiled, "I think you are looking forward to being transferred to the Municipal Bureau to be more reliable."

Zhao Ming recalled, "I remember the last time I came to the Municipal Bureau to shoot a promotional video, it was all last year."

Wei Zimo joked, "Zhao Ming, how do I think your kid is showing off."

Zhao Ming put on a pose, "Yeah, I'm just showing off."

"By the way, where are we going for the meeting and how do we go?" Du Qi asked.

Sun Xing of a group said, "Are we going to work at the Municipal Bureau these days?"

Zeng Ping lighted a cigarette and took a sip. He didn't know exactly how to arrange it. He had to listen to the deputy captain Ding.

Although Dai Minghan is the deputy team leader, he just does not participate in the specific investigation under the name, and it is the deputy leader Ding that led the investigation of the case.

Wei Zimo said, "Should we go to the Criminal Investigation Building."

While talking, a young man walked out of the Criminal Investigation Building. It was Han Bin, the group leader of the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Han Bin immediately came down to greet him as soon as he saw the car from Yuhua branch entering the hospital.

People in Yuhua branch also saw him and greeted him.

"Leader Han."

"Leader Han has picked us up."

"It's better to have an acquaintance, or you can get blind."

Han Bin waved his hand to greet everyone, "Team Zeng, and everyone, welcome! Welcome!"

After a brief greeting, Han Bin smiled and said, "Go, I'll take everyone to the meeting room. There is air conditioning over there, which is much cooler than outside."

Zeng Ping and Han Bin came together and asked, "Binzi, I heard Dai Ju said that he wanted to investigate the case together. Is the case of the female corpse in the water tower the same murderer as the 626 case?"

Han Bin said, "There are many similarities between the two cases. I will give you a copy of the case of the female corpse in the water tower. You can take a look first."


When he arrived in the conference room, Han Bin arranged for everyone to sit down and gave Zeng Ping a copy of the information on the case of the female body in the water tower. A joint task force was about to be established, and there was no need to hide it. Show him the information in advance and save him the meeting. Catch blind when

After all, Ding Xifeng is the deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment of Qindao City. Although he is not directly under the command, he is still half of the leader of Zeng Ping.

The people from Yuhua branch didn't come for a long time, and Ding Xifeng also brought people there.

Everyone hurriedly got up, "Ding Detachment."

Ding Xifeng waved his hand, "Sit down, don't be polite, we are all involved in criminal investigation, we are a family."

Ding Xifeng glanced, "Why didn't Dai Ju come here?"

Zeng Ping said, "Dai Ju was originally going to come, but Director Chen Dongliang was going to inspect the work below, so he temporarily called Dai Ju away."

Chen Dongliang is not only the director of Yuhua Branch, but also the deputy head of Yuhua District.

Ding Xifeng nodded, then turned around, "Since there are almost people here, let's have a meeting."

"Today we are gathered together mainly for two cases, one is the female corpse case on the construction site, and the other is the female corpse case on the water tower. The two cases have many things in common. After research, the Municipal Bureau decided to investigate the two cases together. , Established the 626 joint task force, and I will be the leader of the joint task force."

"Papa......" Everyone applauded in unison.

After the applause, Ding Xifeng pointed to Han Bin, "Han Bin, you are familiar with these two cases. Please introduce the common characteristics of the two cases."

"Yes." Han Bin responded, briefly explaining the situation and similarities of the two cases.

Everyone present had some understanding of these two cases. Together with Han Bin's narrative, they basically figured out the general situation.

After Han Bin finished speaking, Ding Xifeng continued, “The purpose of our meeting is to share clues in a timely manner, to compare evidence, and to reasonably divide the investigation. To put it bluntly, we should solve the case as soon as possible.”

Ding Xifeng stood up, walked to the whiteboard, and wrote down the names of the two victims.

"From the perspective of the two cases of Lu Jingfang and Zhou Jingjing, although Lu Jingfang’s case was discovered earlier, Zhou Jingjing was killed first. Apart from the similarities in age and gender, the biggest similarity between the two suspects is that they both participated together. Variety show'Let's generate electricity together'."

"From the current situation, the murderer is likely to be the two victims I met through this variety show."

"Captain Zeng, you investigated Lu Jingfang's case earlier. What have you found so far?"

Zeng Ping organized the language and said, "We called the surveillance near the scene of the crime. We found a black Mercedes Benz car during the time of the crime. We are still tracking the whereabouts of this Mercedes Benz car."

"In addition, I watched Lu Jingfang's participation in the videos of'Let’s Generate Power Together', and I have a more comprehensive understanding of Lu Jingfang."

"Lu Jingfang's family environment was not very good when she was a child. Her parents divorced and grew up with her grandmother. Although her grandmother loved her, she is still old and financially poor, so the love she can give her is limited."

"She is a relatively insecure person and wants to find a mature, stable and financially capable boyfriend. She even openly said on the show that she likes Mercedes-Benz cars the most."

"Although she gives people the impression of being a bit snobbish and values ​​external conditions, she is more genuine and has no concealment. She is very clear to tell others that I want to find a rich person."

"Lu Jingfang participated in a total of four issues. The fourth issue was taken away by a man named Ren Botao. According to him, he is the founder and CEO of a wealth management company, and I am about to summon him to the police station for transcripts."

"The most critical evidence is that we found the suspect's genetic material in the victim. As long as we find the suspicious person, we can directly compare the DNA."

"Currently, these are the clues we have found."

Ding Xifeng listened very carefully, and praised, "Yes, looking for clues from past videos, this is also a way to understand the victim, I think it can be promoted."

"The case of the female corpse in the Water Tower was only reported last night, and the city bureau was only ready to take over today. The investigation has not yet officially started, and there are relatively few clues. Han Bin, you have been following this case. Is there any new investigation progress?"

Han Bin rationalized his thoughts and said, "I watched the video of Zhou Jingjing participating in variety shows. Although she and Lu Jingfang are about the same age, they are both young and beautiful, but they have different personalities."

"Zhou Jingjing's family environment is superior, she has been favored by her parents since she was a child, and it can be said that it has been smooth sailing. She participated in a blind date show more like to have fun."

"Her mate selection conditions are also different from Lu Jingfang. In her words, there are only three conditions for finding male votes."

"Good-looking, good-looking, good-looking!"

Zeng Ping smiled, "Isn't that just one condition to look at your face."

"Yes, she is a standard face control." Han Bin continued, "Zhou Jingjing participated in three programs in total, and was finally taken away by a handsome guy named Yan Heyu. The two have been dating for a while, but the time of the relationship is not Long, Zhou Jingjing was killed soon after breaking up."

"I asked someone to check Yan Heyu, but his identity information could not be found in the police system."

"In addition, on June 1st, Zhou Jingjing bought two pairs of dog paw print sandals at the Kuchao shoe store on Guang'an Street, one pair for men and one pair for women. Zhou Jingjing was wearing female dog paw print shoes at the time of his death. The current male models are The whereabouts of the shoes are unknown, this clue is also very important."

"I have a bold guess. The shoes that the suspect wore when committing the crime were probably those shoes."

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