Detective from The Future

Chapter 650: Suspect

Han Bin did not ask Zhang Yibin to stop recording the show, because he was not alone, but dozens of people.

Now that I have already waited, I don't care about waiting any longer.

After Liu Xiurong left, Han Bin and the three people looked at the information in the lounge.

Yan Heyu's cell phone number is down.

Ren Botao was in charge of the investigation by the Yuhua branch, and Han Bin photographed his information and sent it to Zeng Ping.

"Boom..." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

"Chuck..." The door opened, and Zhang Yibin walked in from outside, with a drooping face, as if someone owed him tens of thousands of dollars.

"Cough." After Zhang Yibin came in, he coughed slightly without speaking, and just stood straight.

Bao Xing turned his head and pointed to the opposite chair, "Anchor Zhang is here, sit down."

Zhang Yibin sat down, took a look at the three of Han Bin, and after a while, he said, "Ah, three police officers, I was eager to record the show before. I was so slow, please forgive me for the three."

"Just ask the three questions directly, and I will cooperate as much as possible."

The other party said soft words, don't care if they were sincere, Han Bin didn't bother to care, and said, "It's all for work, I can understand."

Hearing Han Bin's words like this, Zhang Yibin's expression eased.

"Host Zhang, what did Liu Production tell you just now?"

"I didn't say anything, just let me help the three investigators well and just ask and answer whatever."

Han Bin nodded and began to ask the topic, "Host Zhang, are you familiar with Zhou Jingjing?"

"It's okay. She has been in three or four episodes, and I know her basic situation, otherwise I can't make a good show."

"Do you remember who led her away?"

"The male guest came only once. I really can't remember that. However, based on my understanding of Zhou Jingjing, the male guest she chose must be tall, handsome, and versatile. Don't recognize people." After Zhang Yibin finished speaking, he asked, "What happened to Zhou Jingjing, what happened?"

"Didn't Liu Production tell you?"

"She just said that there was an accident with the two female guests who had participated in the show. You are here to investigate them. She didn't say what happened."

Han Bin did not conceal, "Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang were killed. According to our analysis, it is likely that the same murderer did it."

Zhang Yibin took a deep breath and twisted his hands together, "Do you suspect that their death is related to our program group?"

"Not bad."

Zhang Yibin denied, "This is impossible. Our program group has been to so many female guests, but the other female guests are fine. I think it is more likely that they are personal reasons."

"We are here to investigate in order to restore the innocence of the program group. If you think that their deaths have nothing to do with the program group, you should cooperate with our police investigation. As long as the case is clear, it will naturally prove that it has nothing to do with the program group."

"How can I cooperate?"

"Is there anything unusual when the two of them recorded the show, or do they have anything in common?" Han Bin asked.

Zhang Yibin thought for a while and said, "Both of them are female guests with relatively distinct personalities. One likes handsome guys and the other wants to find a rich boyfriend. Because of these distinctive characteristics, they have received relatively high attention."

"When the attention is high, there are more people talking, some like and some hate. There are a lot of related comments on the official Weibo of the show, and some black fans are bad to hear, saying that they have corrupted the atmosphere and will not allow them in the future. Join the show again."

Han Bin asked, "Are there any threats in those comments?"

"Yes, why not." Zhang Yibin snorted. "Many of those black fans are keyboard guys. They are very counseled in their daily life. Once they are on the Internet, they are bullied. They claim to be the incarnation of justice. They dare not say anything. of."

"Let’s take Lu Jingfang as an example. Her criteria for choosing a mate is very clear: she wants to find a rich boyfriend. In my opinion, that’s nothing. Many female guests have this idea and come with this purpose. It’s just that they don’t speak so bluntly, but directly implement actions."

"Lu Jingfang's straightforwardness has attracted some insults from black fans, saying that she is a woman who worships money and only recognizes money but not people. She also said that she is not worthy to stand on that stage. Propagating such interest-oriented remarks would be a bit bad. Young people who have not been in the world affect the next generation.

"Anyway, I have everything."

"Among them, there is a black fan that I am deeply impressed with. He is called Brother Jing who is in the sun. This person is the black fan of our show. He is the most vicious and threatened Lu Jingfang to leave the show, otherwise he would splash her with dog blood. "

"I think this black fan not only has a problem with his brain, but also has a tendency to violence."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "Has this black fan scolded you?"

Zhang Yibin showed an embarrassed look, "I curse, why don't I curse, saying that my dog ​​has a green onion in his nose. He also said that the reason why I am not red is because I didn't shave my head. He also called me a parrot. Hmph, this guy is a crazy dog. Who to bite."

Han Bin made a note in his notebook, "This person has hatred with your show crew?"

Zhang Yibin said, "No, no, I think this person is like a vindicator. He thinks his ideas are right, and others must act according to his ideas. If others don't do that, it is immoral."


Zhang Yibin guessed, "Yes, it's a defender. This kind of person is just like a mental illness. Maybe it will kill people if they accumulate to a certain level."

"Do you know the true identity of'Brother Jing Basking'?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yibin spread his hands, "The dog bit you, you can't bite it back, right."

Han Bin did not answer, and said to himself, "Host Zhang, we need to ask routinely as usual. I hope you don't mind."

"All right, I just cooperate."

"What car are you driving?"


"Have you driven a Mercedes-Benz recently?"


"Recently, when was the last time you saw Zhou Jingjing and Lu Jingfang?"

"I can't remember when, anyway, since I didn't record the show, I never saw them again."

"Are you sure you haven't seen them in private?"

Zhang Yibin's tone was determined, "No."

"From 9:30 p.m. on June 25th to 1:30 a.m. on June 26th, where are you?"

Hearing this question, Zhang Yibin was a little anxious, "You don't think of me as a suspect anymore. How could I do such a thing? It's ridiculous."

Han Bin said lightly, "Host Zhang, as I said before, this is a routine inquiry, not for you."

"Huh..." Zhang Yibin sighed, "It has been several days, and I can't remember it."

"Then you just think about it, we have time, don't worry."

"You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry." Zhang Yibin muttered, after thinking about it, "that day, I didn't need to record the show tonight, I should go home."

"Where do you live, tell me the specific address?"

Zhang Yibin blurted out, "TV station dormitory, Room 302, Unit 1, Building 1."

"Who can prove it to you?"


"Bang!" Bao Xing slapped the table and scolded, "Hey, pay attention to your attitude and speak well."

"I live alone, and there are no living things in the house except my dog."

Han Bin was so angry and funny, he didn't know what to ask for a while.

"Okay, I will stop here for the query, thank you for your cooperation." Han Bin closed his notebook, then took out a business card and handed it to the other party, "If you think of any new clues, you can just call me."

After speaking, Han Bin packed up his things and led people out of the lounge.

Zhang Yibin watched the three people leave, snorted, and threw the card directly into the trash can, "What is it, isn't it just a policeman? What a bully."

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