Detective from The Future

Chapter 651: address

Sitting in the car, Bao Xing turned his head back and asked, "Group leader, where are we going now?"

"TV dormitory, check Zhang Yibin's alibi." Han Bin said.

"Group leader, do you suspect there is a problem with Zhang Yibin?"

Han Bin lighted a cigarette and spit out a cigarette ring, "I can't talk about suspicion, just a routine verification."

In Bao Xing's view, the more such a bad attitude, the less suspicion is sometimes. Although this idea is not entirely correct, in his experience, most of them are like this.

Jiang Yang twisted his body and said, "This host named Zhang Yibin, didn't he tell us that there is a problem with the name "Brother Jing Basking"? Would you like to check the true identity of this person?"

Han Bin flicked the soot, "Check, it must be checked, but I always think this Zhang Yibin is a bit public revenge."

Jiang Yang asked back, "You mean, this kid is using us as gunmen."

"Let's check first, just a few thoughts."

The TV station’s dormitory was not far from the TV station, and the car arrived shortly after driving. Han Bin stayed in the car to study the data and asked Jiang Yang and Bao Xing to verify Zhang Yibin’s alibi.

Because there are no witnesses, the so-called verification is only for monitoring.

Han Bin finished smoking a cigarette and began to check the data of Zhou Jingjing, Lu Jingfang and Yan Heyu.

Among them, there is an application form sent by Yan Heyu himself, with Yan Heyu's mailing address left on it.

Xinhua District, Qingyuan Street, Rongbin District No. 35 Bottom Shop.

Yan Heyu's name is fake, his ID is also fake, Han Bin doesn't know if his address is fake, but Han Bin feels that it is also likely to be fake.

Of course, I feel that this kind of illusory thing is innumerable, so I still have to verify it myself.

After reading the information, Han Bin checked it on the mobile phone map. Rongbin District is not far from here, about a 20-minute drive away.

I checked my watch, and then checked whether there is a restaurant with a good reputation near Rongbin Community.

Han Bin doesn't have many hobbies, so eating is just one.

After smoking two cigarettes, his mouth was a little dry, Han Bin unscrewed the thermos and took a sip of green tea.

A sense of satisfaction engendered spontaneously.

I used to see that some leaders in the bureau were wearing thermos mugs with them, and felt that thermos mugs were a symbol of middle-aged men. However, the number of appearances and investigation tasks increased, and Han Bin discovered that it is valuable to drink a sip of hot tea outside.

In order to be able to drink a cup of hot tea while performing the task, Han Bin bought a thermos cup online a few days ago, and it cost more than two hundred yuan. After the payment, it was somewhat distressed, but after he got the cup, he found that it was still relatively Useful.

This cup not only has good heat preservation performance, but also can separate the tea and water, so that the tea will not be soaked, and the taste of the tea will not be affected. It can fully meet his requirements for drinking hot tea when working abroad.

It's also considered a penny, a penny.

Of course, even though Han Bin used a thermos, he was still very young, at least he thought so.

The sun was getting hotter and the temperature rose by several degrees. Han Bin turned on the air conditioner in the car, but he was still a little sleepy. The glass of the car was left empty, and then Han Bin began to take a nap.


I don't know how long it has passed, someone is knocking on the car window.

Han Bin glanced at Jiang Yang and Bao Xing, and unlocked the car.

Jiang Yang opened the car door, and a rush of heat came in, "Huh, I'm so hot."

Jiang Yang is already fatter, has strong firepower, and is most afraid of heat.

Bao Xing handed Han Bin a bottle of cold water.

Han Bin put aside casually, "How is the investigation?"

"The TV station dormitory is not big. There are two buildings in total. Each building has three units. The total number of people in each building is less than 100 households. There is no property company. The TV station’s staff live in it. The TV station is responsible for management. There are cleaners and cleaners. Guard." Jiang Yang said, taking another sip of mineral water.

"Cool. The community is equipped with surveillance, the gate is monitored, and the corridor of each unit is also monitored. The surveillance video can be kept for half a month. We have already brought the storage card for the surveillance video."

Bao Xing also turned his head, and then asked, "Group leader, where are we going now, do you want to go back to the city bureau to check surveillance video. Or continue to investigate?"

Han Bin took out Yan Heyu's information unhurriedly, pointed to the address where Yan Heyu sent the mail, "Go here."

"Yeah, I found it by accident." Bao Xing took a look at the information, and then said with a thumb, "The team leader is still powerful, and you can find such important clues without getting out of the car."

Han Bin said, "Why am I listening, your kid has something to say, or if we change it next time, you stay in the car."

Bao Xing scratched his head and smirked, "Don't don't, you're panicking in the car, I still like to investigate outside."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

Bao Xing nodded and said against his will, "I like sunbathing the most."

Jiang Yang "..."

Han Bin stopped teasing him and said with a smile, "Let's go, we will meet this Yan Heyu."


Qingyuan Street and Rongbin District.

The neighborhood is surrounded by a row of bottom merchants, hairdressers, restaurants, fruit shops, duck shops, milk tea shops, etc., which is full of life.

Because of the influence of yiqing, the business in the store is not very good.

In order to attract customers, these stores all show their abilities.

At the entrance of Huamei Men's Milk Tea Shop, a man in his early twenties stood, wearing tight jeans and a thin waistcoat, showing the muscles of his arms perfectly.

While shouting, they handed out flyers to the girls passing by.

They all say that men are good, but women are the same. Many women passing by will stare at men more.

A bunch of young girls entered the milk tea shop under the enthusiasm of men.

As soon as I walked into the store, another tall and handsome waiter greeted me, "What two beautiful women would like to drink? We have milk tea of ​​various flavors here. You can go to the counter and order directly."

The two girls looked at the counter, and there was a handsome man standing behind the counter. When the two girls looked over, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a faint smile.

A girl lowered her head shyly.

Another girl walked over eagerly, "Um, I want some milk tea."

"Beauty, what kind of flavor do you want to drink."

The girl blinked her eyes, not too big, "Can you recommend me."

"I can not only recommend, but also make it for you by myself."

The girl smiled, very sweet.


Han Bin got out of the car and felt like he had entered another world.

Bao Xing used a fan printed with infertility ads to block the sun, "Huh, it's really hot."

Jiang Yang tugged on his shirt, "Don't you like to bask in the sun."

As if he hadn't heard it, Bao Xing turned his head and looked around, "This is Rongbin Community, but which is the No. 35 base business, it is not written."

Han Bin glanced at the bottom line of vendors selling everything, but did not find any trace of Yan Heyu.

There was a young man standing at the entrance of the milk tea shop, but it was not Yan Heyu when he took a closer look.

"Group leader, I'll go to the convenience store to ask." Bao Xing took a sentence and rushed to the convenience store. When he came out again, he had a bag of spicy noodles in his hand.

"Group leader, do you want one."

Han Bin waved his hand, "Did you make it clear?"

Bao Xing tore open the bag of spicy strips and pointed to the Huamei Men's Milk Tea Shop. "The convenience store is the No. 32 retailer. It should be the third one from the right."

"Go, I invite you to drink milk tea." After Han Bin finished speaking, he walked to the milk tea shop.

Jiang Yang walked to Bao Xing's side, "What brand of spicy tiao?"

Bao Xing handed it over, "Wei Long."

Jiang Yang swallowed, and sniffed his nose, "It's this smell, but it used to be in a transparent packaging, which is different from this bag."

"Brother, I changed the packaging a long time ago." Bao Xing curled his lips, handed the spicy strip bag to Jiang Yang, and hurried to chase Han Bin.

Han Bin walked to the entrance of the milk tea shop, was responsible for handing out the flyers and walked over, winking his eyes, "Brother, go in for a cup of milk tea, the shop has air-conditioning and beautiful women."

Han Bin nodded and glanced at the shop, then walked into the milk tea shop quietly, and sat at a table near the counter.

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