Detective from The Future

Chapter 653: reason

Bao Xing touched his nose, but he guessed wrong, but fortunately he didn't say it.

"Why is that?"

Yan Jiachao patted his forehead, "This...this matter is a long story."

"There is air-conditioning here, it's very comfortable to blow on, you say slowly."

"Do you think my shop is beautifully decorated." Yan Jiachao looked at the milk tea shop, with a complicated look on his face, and asked and answered, "I personally took care of the design, decoration, tables and chairs of this shop. I have spent a lot of hard work and spent a lot of money on it. I have invested hundreds of thousands back and forth."

"The store has been open for less than half a year, and it has started to make love. I haven't opened the door for a few months. After finally opening the door, the business is affected. I am not afraid of your jokes. I can't even earn rent every month, employees. The wages have been in arrears for more than a month."

"During this period, I also thought of various methods for publicity and promotion. I want more people to drink our milk tea and enjoy our service. Our milk tea is really good."

"Later, a friend named Leizi came up with an idea and asked me to publicize it on a TV show. I remember it very clearly. I laughed at him for being stupid at the time. When I advertise on TV, let’s not talk about the effect. How much is it? If I have that money, I don’t need to worry."

"Leizi on the other hand laughed at me stupidly, saying that it doesn't have to cost money to get on the show, maybe you can find a wife for free. Then he said let me go to the blind date show'Let's generate electricity together'."

"I thought about it, and what he said made sense, so he signed up. I didn't expect to be selected by the program group."

"You all know what happened later. I participated in the show and took Zhou Jingjing away. After my friend named Leizi found out, he asked me to have dinner."

"The kid drank and didn't speak well, so he told Zhou Jingjing about the incident. She turned her face on the spot, saying that my purpose was impure, that I deceived her and wanted to break up with me."

"At that time, I had a bit of a loss, so I started to coax her, but the more I coaxed, the bigger her temper. She quarreled in front of a few of my friends and didn't give me any face."

"I was also in a hurry. At that time, I drank again and the two had a big fight... broke up."

Han Bin asked, "In other words, your participation in the variety show "Let's Generate Power" is to promote this milk tea shop."


"I watched the show where you took Zhou Jingjing away, and I didn't see you promoting this milk tea shop."

"I advertised, and I brought a cup of milk tea to every female guest and host, and also said the name of the beautiful male milk tea shop in public, but the **** on the TV station were playing tricks... They were all edited out later. I was depressed for a long time after the broadcast."

Hearing these words, Han Bin suddenly woke up. The video of the show they saw was all edited. The TV station wanted them to see it, not the original. At least the unfavorable scenes for the program group and the TV station have been edited out.

Some clues are probably missing.

Han Bin continued to ask, "Have you ever seen a pair of shoes with dog paw prints?"

"No, but Zhou Jingjing said that she would give me a pair of shoes, but we broke up before she gave us two. I don't know what the shoes are."

"Where are those shoes?"

"I do not know."

"From 9:30 p.m. on June 25th to 1:30 a.m. on the 26th, where are you?"

Yan Jiachao swallowed and said nervously, "You don't suspect that I am the murderer, do you? I didn't kill her. I broke up. I don't need to do this."

"You don't need to be nervous, ask routinely."

Yan Jiachao thought for a while, "I should be at home. After breaking up with Zhou Jingjing, I am basically a two-point line."

"Who can prove it?"

Yan Jiachao hesitated for a moment, and pointed to the corner. "Our milk tea shop is in charge of food and housing. Both of them live with me. It can be proved."

"where is your house?"

"Just behind, Room 201, Unit 2, Building 3, Rongbin Community."

Han Bin recorded it and continued to ask, "Have you ever been to Tiannanyuan Community?"



"Of course, I have never heard the name of this community."

"According to the regulations, we are going to collect your DNA, please cooperate." Han Bin said.

Yan Jiachao hesitated, "Can I refuse?"

Han Bin glanced at him and said nothing.

Bao Xing chuckled, "Just take an oral epithelial cell. What are you afraid of as a big man? You won't be afraid of pain."

"I am not afraid of pain."

"Then why do you refuse and be a guilty conscience?"

Yan Jiachao sighed, only knowing that he couldn't avoid it and could only cooperate with Bao Xing.

After collecting DNA, Han Bin called the man who handed out the flyer to the car for questioning.

"What is your name?"

"Ma Tao." The man replied and asked, "Comrade police, what did you call me for? I don't know anything."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know, then you know." Han Bin paused and said straightforwardly, "Where are you between 9:30 p.m. on June 25th and 1:30 a.m. on the 26th?"

"It's been several days, I can't remember."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, we can give you time to think slowly. But if you remember and don't want to say it, then we can only take you to another place and think about it."

"Don't do it, I think so." Ma Tao thought for a while and replied, "I should be renting out the house that night."

"Who can prove it?"

"It is equivalent to the staff dormitory, Yan Jiawei and another colleague are there."

"Did he ever go out during this period."

"It shouldn't. After breaking up with his girlfriend, he spent most of his time with us."

After inquiring about Ma Tao, Han Bin called the male waiter to the culture again, and the three confessions were basically the same.

Subsequently, Han Bin and the three left the milk tea shop.

After getting in the car, Bao Xing turned his head from the cab and asked, "Group leader, where are we going now?"

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "Go to the TV station."

Bao Xing wondered, "Why go back to the TV station? What new clues have you found."

Han Bin said, "It is because no new clues have been found, so I have to go back to the TV station."

"I still remember Yan Jiachao said that he sent milk tea to the female guests present, and he also specially promoted this store, but the video content we found was not in the video content. If the TV station wants a master tape that has not been edited, it may be possible to find new ones. clue."

Bao Xing suddenly realized, "Really, how come I feel a little awkward."

"And that Yan Jiachao is really not a thing. In order to promote his milk tea shop, he really does everything. Isn't this just deceiving the girl's feelings, it is no wonder Zhou Jingjing wants to break up with him."

"If you look at it this way, he failed Zhou Jingjing, and he has no motive to kill the other party."

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