Han Bin and the three returned to the TV station again.

Han Bin has Liu Xiurong's contact information and contacted her directly, which also saved a lot of trouble.

Seeing Han Bin's trio going back and forth, Liu Xiurong was still a little nervous, for fear that Han Bin's trio might find out that there was a problem with the program group.

Knowing that Han Bin wanted to view the unedited video tape, Liu Xiurong was a little embarrassed and hesitant.

However, Han Bin's attitude was firm. Even if Liu Xiurong was reluctant, he could only agree in the end.

Han Bin and the three came out of the TV station, ate some food on the road, and drove back to the city bureau.

It has already reached the beginning of July, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter. No one wants to investigate the case outside at noon. It can be as comfortable as blowing cold air in the office.

Han Bin poured a cup of hot tea and sat at the table studying the footprints of dog paw prints left at the crime scene at the construction site.

Jiang Yang went to the Internet Security Brigade to ask the other party to assist in the investigation of'Brother Jing in the Sun'.

Bao Xing received a good task and sat in front of the computer to watch the unedited video of the program.

Huang Qianqian sent Zhang Yibin's DNA to the technical department.

Han Bin has studied dog paw prints for half an hour, but has made little progress. It is difficult to analyze the physical characteristics of people based on three dog paw prints.

Han Bin stood up, stretched his waist, don't look like he was just sitting and studying, but his mental exhaustion was more exhausting than investigating a case.

Han Bin put on the thermos cup and prepared to go out to hang out.

The 3rd Squadron of Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch is in the office next door.

"Boom." Han Bin knocked on the door symbolically.

"Please come in." Zeng Ping's voice came from inside.

Han Bin pushed the door and walked in. Zeng Ping, Tian Li, and Zhao Ming were all in the office.

Han Bin smiled, "Team Zeng, are you still used to working here?"

"Very good, the little girl named Huang Qianqian has arranged everything for us." While speaking, Zeng Ping picked up a box of gum from the table and threw it to Han Bin.

Han Bin smiled and poured out two chewing gums. This is also the second group of tradition.

Zhao Ming poked his head out from behind the computer, "Brother Bin, when will we take us around the city bureau, we are not familiar with the city bureau yet, and we dare not wander around casually."

"It's hot now, tomorrow morning, if I don't have time, let Huang Qianqian take you around, the little girl is very talkative."

Zhao Ming smiled, "That feeling is good."

Tian Li glared at him, "What are you going to do, you still plan to stay at the Municipal Bureau."

Zhao Ming opened his mouth, took another look at Zeng Ping, then retracted his head and continued to stare at the computer screen.

Zeng Ping pulled a chair and let Han Bin sit down, "How is your investigation there?"

Han Bin gave an overview of today's investigation.

Zeng Ping smashed his mouth, "This kid is quite courageous. He has a history and dared to change his name to TV."

Tian Li went on to say, "It is understandable to change your name on TV, but the purpose of your visit is not pure, which makes people very angry. If I were Zhou Jingjing, I would break up with him."

Zhao Ming nodded quickly and patted his chest, "That's right, this man, everything else is secondary, the key is to have a sincere heart."

Tian Li "..."

Zeng Ping glanced at him contemptuously.

Han Bin ignored him, and continued, “This Yan Jiachao is a man with an idea. The tea shop is decorated in a distinctive manner. The staff are all handsome men and are very popular with female customers.”

Zeng Ping shook his head, "Isn't the popular male se in power now? Those who follow the stars are all female fans, such as small fresh meat, old bacon, old cadres and so on."

Zhao Ming said, "This doesn't mean that male customers are turned away. The waiters in a milk tea shop are all men. Anyway, I feel awkward and I won't go."

Tian Li said, "Aren't all the barbershops now made by men? You have to go as long as your hair grows."

Zhao Ming smiled bitterly. It is indeed not easy to find a female hairdresser now, "Isn't there no way."

In Han Bin's view, Yan Jiachao's positioning is quite accurate. First of all, most people who drink milk tea are women. One more thing, when men and women go out to play together, most of them are women. Women are thirsty and tired, and want to go to the milk tea shop for a cup of milk tea, can men not agree.

Another point is that where there are women, there will be men. When the Penguin was first established, Xiao Ma pretended to be women to attract male netizens. The same is true for milk tea shops. There are more female customers, which can also attract some men. client.

Of course, these are only at the tactical level, and the strategic level depends on the overall environment.

As far as the current market prospects are concerned, the business of milk tea shops is indeed difficult to do.

Han Bin changed his words, "Team Zeng, how is your investigation going on there?"

Zeng Ping organized the language, "The surveillance videos near the scene are still being compared, and there are no new clues yet."

Han Bin frowned, "Have you not tracked down the Mercedes-Benz?"

"The car has been circling in circles, passing some unmonitored sections of the road. During the period, the license plate was changed. It was very cunning." Zeng Ping sighed and continued, "Ren Botao is here this morning, and we made a note for him. "

"Is that kid suspect?"

"I have sent someone to verify his alibi. So far, there is no big problem."

Han Bin unscrewed the tea cup and took a sip of water, "Why did he break up with Lu Jingfang?"

"Ren Botao really likes Lu Jingfang, but his parents feel that the two are not suitable. Ren Botao still respects the opinions of his parents. The two got along for more than half a month, and finally they broke up."

Tian Li hummed, "In the final analysis, Ren Botao is not firm, either he doesn't like it enough, or he is Ma Baonan. Don't worry about this kind of man."

Han Bin knows Lu Jingfang's situation better and knows that her family environment is not good. This is probably the reason why the husband's parents disagree.

In the aspect of marriage, parents still have a great influence on their children. As for right or wrong, it will be different.

"Tingling bell..." Han Bin's cell phone rang, it was a call from Jiang Yang.


"Group leader, I'm on the network security team. They have found the IP address of'Brother Jing Basking'."


"The address is Room 1207, Chongwen Building, and the account owner is Leng Su Mei Herbal Tea Company."

"I see. Five minutes later, we will gather in the compound parking lot." Han Bin hung up his cell phone and muttered, "Cold Plum Herbal Tea Company."

"Are there new clues?" Zeng Ping asked.

"Yes, we found the IP address of Brother Jing, who is basking in the sun, and the account registrant is Lengsuanmei Herbal Tea Company."

Zeng Ping touched his chin, "This company sounds familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere."

"I know." Zhao Ming raised his hand, for fear that others would respond to him, "I have drunk this drink. It is our local brand, but the taste is average. And he is also the sponsor of the'Let's Generate Power Together' program. "

"Yes, yes, I said how so familiar." Zeng Ping suddenly realized, he smashed his mouth and said, "It's a bit interesting to black the show sponsored by my own company."

Han Bin was also a little surprised at this point, "Team Zeng, I will investigate this clue, let's talk later."

After speaking, Han Bin left the office and called Bao Xing to go downstairs.

After getting in the car, Bao Xing couldn’t wait to say, “Leader, this cold and sour plum herbal tea company is a sponsor of the program “Let’s generate electricity together”. I was almost brainwashed when I was watching the program, and I was wondering whether to buy it. Drink from a bottle."

"It's also weird, why does this company hack its own sponsored programs."

Han Bin didn't think about it for a while, and asked Jiang Yang, "Any other clues?"

Jiang Yang said, "This Weibo account only publishes posts related to'Let's generate electricity together'. Except for a small part of the praise, most of them are stabs and often scold the fans of the show. It is basically certain to be Intentionally targeting this show."

Bao Xing guessed, “Could it be that an employee of Leng Sour Plum Herbal Tea Company was dissatisfied, was treated unfairly, and deliberately hacked his company.”

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