Tian Li asked, "What's the difference?"

Zhao Ming recounted the words of the owner of the dough stick stall.

Tian Li frowned, "You mean, the two of them are very close, and Wang Siyu doesn't seem to be held hostage."

"Yes, that's what I meant."

"Could it be a mistake."

Zhao Ming's tone was determined, "Impossible, I have let my boss see the photos, it is Wang Siyu."

Tian Li suggested, “There are many stalls around here. Since they have bought fried dough sticks, they may have bought other things. Ask others if they understand the situation.”

"Okay." Zhao Ming took a bite of fried dough sticks, his tone a little vague.

The two began to inquire along the street. To be more precise, Tian Li asked, and Zhao Ming followed to eat fried dough sticks.

The two walked to a fruit stand, and a fat man with the appearance of the boss asked, "Come on with some fruits, they are all fresh, they are only available in the morning."

There was also a fat lady proprietress who agreed, "My fruits are picked in the nearby orchard. They don't use medicine and are cheap."

Tian Li glanced and saw that the bananas were not bad, "Bring me a handful of bananas."

The chubby brother grinned and vowed to say, "Okay, beautiful women have eyesight, this banana is very delicious, very sweet, not delicious, come back to me."

While the boss was calling bananas, Tian Li asked, "The boss will ask you something."

"Say it."

Tian Li took out Wang Siyu's photo, "Do you know this woman?"

The fat brother only took a look, "Yes, I saw it at the Youtiao stall earlier this morning."

The fat sister also came over, "I have also seen him, and there is a handsome rich guy with him."

Zhao Ming took a sip of soy milk, "Sister, how do you know he is rich."

"I have seen that little handsome guy drive a Mercedes-Benz, think about it, he drove a Mercedes-Benz, can he have no money."

"What's the license plate number of the Mercedes-Benz?"

"I can't remember this." The fat sister shook her head.

The fat brother got a little more thoughtful, "Two, are you looking for someone, or what's the matter?"

Tian Liliang issued a police officer ID, "We are the police."

The fat elder sister asked, "Hey, it's a police comrade, what can I do with them?"

"Involving a criminal case, I want to find them out."

The fat brother came to the spirit, "Look, I'll just say it, that kid doesn't look like a good person, you don't believe it.

The fat elder sister hummed, "What are you making a fool of? The police comrade just said that he understands the situation, but he didn't say that the little handsome guy is a bad person."

"Brother, do you know them?"

"I can't talk about it, I just saw it." The fat brother handed the banana over, "Beauty, no, comrade police, this is the banana you want, ten yuan. However, there is no need to give the money, it is a treat for our husband and wife. "

"That won't work." Tian Li took out ten yuan from her pocket and put it on the fruit stand.

The fat brother chuckled, "Thank you Comrade Police Officer."

"It should be we thank you." Tian Li replied and asked, "Big brother, what relationship do these two young people look like?"

The fat elder sister rushed and said, "What kind of relationship can it be, the little couple in love. Look at that handsome guy, don't want to be considerate."

The fat brother whispered, "People ask me, you always..."

The fat sister glared, "What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me?"

The fat brother hesitated for a while, then suffocated two words, "It's okay."

Zhao Ming ate the fritters in his hand, "Big Brother, what do you think they are related to each other."

"It looks really close, like a couple, but I always feel that the woman is a bit...how to say, I can't describe it, I always feel a little awkward."

The fat elder sister hummed, "You just don't have fun, so you can't see others kissing."

"Do you know where they live?"

The fat eldest sister raised her hand, "I know, the other day I saw the little handsome guy's Mercedes-Benz drive into the yard of Lao Liu's house."

"Is this man from Lao Liu's family?"

"That's definitely not the case. Lao Liu's family has two daughters and no son at all. Lao Liu's family has two homesteads, one lives in their own home, and one rented out." The fat sister said.

"Sister, can you help us identify the two houses of Lao Liu's house."

The fat elder sister waved her hand, "This is not good. It's all in the same village. I'm going to do that. How can I meet people in the future."

Zhao Ming stepped back and asked for the next best thing, "What is the specific name of the old Liu's house you are talking about, and where are the approximate locations of the two homesteads?"

The fat elder sister looked around, saw no one else, and whispered, "Lao Liu's name is Liu Xuezhi, who is in his forties and is in the fourth team. He has a homestead in the east and south of the village. The southern ones are usually rented out. The little handsome guy’s Mercedes-Benz is driven into the courtyard of the southern village."

"Thank you both." Tian Li and Zhao Ming left after asking.


Zeng Ping has arrived at the village committee and is responsible for receiving him, Feng Jianshe, the village chief of Xiaofeng Village.

Zeng Ping asked about the track of Mercedes-Benz and Wang Siyu, but Feng Jianshe was also unclear.

Until Zhao Ming called and told Zeng Ping what he had found.

Zeng Ping turned to ask Feng Jianshe, "Villor Feng, is there a villager named Liu Xuezhi in your village."

"Is it from the fourth team."


"Yes, he lives not far from my house. The two daughters wanted to hire a son-in-law. The eldest daughter quit, and the younger daughter was unhappy, so she rented another house out of anger."

Zeng Ping immediately summoned his team members and surrounded the two yards of Liu Xuezhi's house.

The door of the rented house in Dongtou was closed and locked.

The courtyard where Liu Xuezhi lived was left open, and Zeng Ping and Feng Jianshe went in to find out the situation.

After a brief inquiry, Zeng Ping got the general situation.

Liu Xuezhi’s south yard was indeed rented out. It was rented to a young man named Yang Xiao. He drove a Mercedes-Benz and looked very rich.

Liu Xuezhi also asked the other party, it’s not bad, why rent a house in the village, Yang Xiao said that he likes to be hospitalized, although the city is convenient, but there is no yard.

When Liu Xuezhi heard that it was such a reason, he didn't ask much.

As for whether Yang Xiao had a female companion, Liu Xuezhi didn't know. In his words, the house was rented out. As long as the other party didn't damage the house and didn't do illegal things, he couldn't control it.

After understanding the situation, Zeng Ping also rushed to the yard where Yang Xiao lived.

Although locked, the courtyard wall is not high, only about two meters. What's more important is that the houses in the countryside live next to each other, and the courtyard where Yang Xiao lives can be seen from the roof of the neighbor's house.

Wei Zimo took the people directly to the room and observed from above. The courtyard was relatively large, and there was a black Mercedes parked on the east side, but no one was seen.

A total of three rooms in the house are locked.

Wei Zimo guessed that the suspect might have gone out.

However, considering safety, Wei Zimo took people down for investigation. Looking through the window room, he found no signs of movement.

Zeng Ping thought about it. Since the suspect didn't drive, he probably didn't go far and might come back at any time.

In order to avoid being stunned by the grass, Zeng Ping did not let people break the lock of the gate, but went from the roof of the neighbor's house to the yard.

Entering the yard, Zeng Ping took a look, walked to the Mercedes-Benz car and took a look, and ordered, "Open the door of the house, go in and check if there are any items that can prove the identity of the suspect."


The crowd moved separately, and a group of two opened the door and went into the house to search.

Zeng Ping called Ding Xifeng to report the situation.

After Zeng Ping had just reported, Wei Zimo came out first, "Team Zeng, there is no trace of anyone living in the South House. It is very likely that they have not been used."

After a while, Du Qi also walked out, "Team Zeng, Westinghouse found the rope, which is probably used for binding."

After a while, Tian Li also walked out, "East House only has some domestic garbage, and no suspicious items were found."

Zeng Ping frowned, "I haven't found anything that can prove the identity of the suspect?"


Zeng Ping turned his head and looked at the black car, "Pry open the door and search for the car."

"Yes." Zhao Ming was very active and walked over with a hammer.

Zhao Ming spit on his hand and rubbed his hands. This is a Mercedes-Benz. How many people have hit it?

Zhao Ming banged his hammer and directly smashed the car glass.

Zhao Ming smirked. We will be the ones who smashed the Mercedes-Benz in the future.

Zeng Ping waved his hand, "Don't froze, open the door and search."

Everyone got into the Mercedes-Benz and began to search the car.

After a while, Ducci's voice sounded, "It's so clean, let alone a driver's license, there is no parking ticket."

Zeng Ping said, "Check the engine number and frame number."


"All have been dealt with."

Zeng Ping sighed, all the information about the car was erased, and the identity of the car owner could not be found, so people from the technical department could only come over to see if there were any clues left.

What he can do now is to expand the scope of the search, and to wait and see.

At the same time, he is also a little worried. The handling here is very clean, and the suspect is ready to leave, and may even abscond.

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