Detective from The Future

: 671th Big Data Investigation

Head tiao company meeting room.

Han Bin, Li Qin and Bao Xing rushed to the tiao company and were arranged to rest in the conference room.

Han Bin is browsing the tiao software page with his mobile phone.

In the past few days, Han Bin has been studying this software as long as he has time.

Among them, one thing impressed him deeply. He felt that he was being monitored by this software.

In the beginning, when he watched any news on the head tiao software, the software would push similar news, which was okay, and Han Bin could also accept it.

But then it changed a bit. He used other software on his phone, such as search software, WeChat, etc., which would also be monitored by the tiao software.

He searched the Baiziyuan community with a map of Gaode, and when he opened the Tiao software, a lot of information related to the Baiziyuan community appeared.

For another example, Han Bin chatted with Wang Ting on WeChat and mentioned the catering industry. The head tiao software will also push relevant news.

This is not the most terrible. Sometimes Han Bin feels that he just mentioned something when chatting with people, and the head tiao software will also push it. Han Bin even suspects that this software can eavesdrop on data through a microphone.

Of course, this is just suspicion.

Han Bin himself couldn't remember whether he authorized the head tiao software to turn on the microphone function when installing the software. It would be a bit scary if data could be stolen through the microphone.

Sometimes, the head tiao software will prompt him to authorize the video function, and Han Bin immediately refused, which is equivalent to bringing a body camera.

Through these days of use, Han Bin can be considered as a thorough understanding of this software, and thus thought of a new detection idea.

"Boom." There was a knock on the door outside, and then Ni Yuanfeng pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, Ni Yuanfeng showed an apologetic look, "Sergeant Han, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. I did have something to do just now and it was delayed."

Han Bin smiled, "It's okay."

When Ni Yuanfeng saw Wang Xiao not coming, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down at the conference table, "Police Officer Han, what are your orders for coming today?"

"I didn't dare to be commanded. I have a few questions for you."

"You say."

"Does your software spy on the owner's privacy?"

Ni Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Han Bin to ask this, and quickly denied, "No, of course not."

"Why I have browsed some products on Taobao, and similar push links will appear on the tiao software."

Ni Yuanfeng explained, “President Han, this is not our head tiao software snooping, but the product of the big data era. Now the data are all connected. Your browsing data on other platforms will be recorded, and then they are giving heads. It is only when tiao puts information flow advertisements that accurate delivery can be achieved. This is a way of information flow advertising, which itself has little to do with tou tiao. Tou tiao only provides a platform for advertising."

"Big Data Era?"


"Yesterday, I searched for self-driving tours on Baidu. As a result, Tiao pushed me a lot of videos related to RV travel. How do you explain this? Baidu probably won't advertise on your software."

"This..." Ni Yuanfeng hesitated for a while, "We do have some cooperation with Baidu Company."

"How is the law of cooperation? How can cooperation betray the privacy of customers?" Han Bin asked rhetorically.

"No, no..." Ni Yuanfeng wiped the sweat from his forehead. "There are some agreements between our two companies. It is really not convenient to talk to the outside world."

Ni Yuanfeng changed the conversation, "Police Officer Han, shouldn't you be here today for this?"

"You are right, this matter is indeed out of my control, big deal, I deleted your company's software afterwards. I am here to ask your company for help today."

Ni Yuanfeng secretly said, your attitude is really different.

However, he did not dare to say clearly, he just wanted to send away the plague **** earlier, "You said, if there is anything I need to do, I will do my best to help."

"I am very interested in your big data, and it is also good for solving crimes." Han Bin stood up, paced up and walked, "Help me use big data to accurately locate an account."

"Do you know the name of this account?"

"If you know, I won't bother to tell you so much." Han Bin thought for a while. It is necessary to explain to him. Only when the other party understands his meaning can he better assist himself.

"The account information of the person involved in the case you provided, I went back and studied it carefully, and found that the summer hail account used by the murderer was only in contact with two people in the near future, one is Lu Jingfang and the other is Wang Siyu. He has not seen any of the others. Information, this is very abnormal."

"First of all, he knew Lu Jingfang, and it was excusable to contact Lu Jingfang directly, but Wang Siyu was different. Wang Siyu was the victim he found through the Tiao software. Before determining the target, he must have browsed a large number of similar videos, but he used There is no record of the account."

"That can only mean that he still has an account that belongs to him. That account is for normal use, while the summer hail account is only used to contact the victim."

If you change the first tiao number to a mobile phone number, it will be easier to understand.

A real-name system for a mobile phone number is yours and will be used normally to contact friends and relatives. Once the phone number was exposed, his identity was also exposed.

Therefore, the murderer will use another person's mobile phone number, which is only used to contact the victim, so that even if the police find the mobile phone number, they cannot find the user.

What Han Bin wants to check now is the murderer's real-name account.

"I understand what you mean." Ni Yuanfeng was originally studying big data, and quickly understood what Han Bin meant.

"Can it be done?"

"You can try."

Han Bin said politely, "Mr. Ni, then you will suffer."

"Yes, it is the duty of every citizen to assist the police in the investigation." Ni Yuanfeng responded, and then went out to make arrangements.

After a while, Ni Yuanfeng walked in with the technician named Xiao Ma. He was looking for the Xiao Ma three times in a row. It was also a great skill.

Xiao Ma opened the laptop, cracked it, pushed his glasses, "Comrade police, I'm ready, you can just talk about the target person's information."

"The construction site girl Xiaofang."

The technician Xiao Ma did it, "More than 300,000 people have viewed her video."

"Soft girl who loves fitness."

"More than half a million people have viewed her video, and there are more than 100,000 overlapping fans. More conditions are needed."

"Let's generate electricity together, Lu Jingfang, murder, Mercedes-Benz, Zhou Jingjing, Tiannanyuan..." Han Bin said the key words of some cases.

The more conditions there are, the fewer people meet.

Li Qin and Bao Xing didn't interrupt while watching. It was the first time they saw a suspect locked in this way.

After the pony finished the operation, "Five people were locked."

Han Bin continued, "This person's IP login address should be local."

"Pa" Xiao Ma knocked on the keyboard, "There are two more people."

"Call up their information." Han Bin walked to the screen and began to check the information of the two accounts.

Account name, Wangjiang No

Sex: Male

Age, 26 years old

Hometown, Qindao

Mobile phone number, 1368238XXXX

Han Bin only glanced, "Call out the information of the next account."

Account name, Sister Xiaohua

Gender: Female

Age, 24 years old

Hometown, Qindao

Mobile number, 158233XXXX

Li Qin walked over and took a look, "Isn't this a female user."

Han Bin turned his head to look at Ni Yuanfeng who was aside, "You can fill in the gender at will."

Ni Yuanfeng replied, "Yes, as long as the mobile phone number is bound, the others can be filled in at will. We do not force customers to complete real-name information."

"Sister Li, notify the technical department to check the phone number of the account name Xiaohua sister."

Li Qin asked, "Does the account have no reputation?"

"No need to check this."

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