Detective from The Future

Chapter 673: Dangerous goods (please ask for monthly pass!)

Dinghui Homestead.

Half an hour later, Han Bin led a group of team members to Dinghui's home.

Dinghui Jiayuan is located in the suburbs. There are twelve buildings in the entire community, and Building 3 is in the southwest corner of the community.

Wang Xiao went to the property company to find out about the situation. The owners of Room 102 in Building 3 were Fan Youcheng and Li Yancui, and they also had a son named Fan Xianyi.

According to people from the property company, the house has always been occupied, and the utility bills are paid normally. As for whether the house is to live on its own or rented out, they are not clear.

Han Bin didn't enter Fan Xianyi's house immediately after understanding the basic situation, but instead had someone around him.

One was to report the situation to Ding Xifeng, and the other, he was still waiting for news from the technical department.

The technical department is locating Fan Xianyi's mobile phone location, first to determine whether the other party is at home, if at home, directly arrest. If you are not at home, go in and search and prepare with both hands.

During the control period, Han Bin was not idle, and asked Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang to stay at the property company to check the monitoring to see if they could find Fan Xianyi's whereabouts.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Han Bin's cell phone rang, and Ding Xifeng's name was displayed on it.


Ding Xifeng said, "Fan Xianyi's mobile phone number has been successfully located, and the display location is not in Yuhua District, but in Chengnan District. You can act directly."

"Captain, do you want us to go to Seongnam to support?"

"Not for the time being, you first take someone to Fan Xianyi's house to understand the situation."


Han Bin hung up his cell phone, and had planned his plan in advance. He called the people from the property company and asked them to help open the door of Fan Xianyi's house.

Since Fan Xianyi is not at home, his family will not be too vigilant.

The person who called the door was the building manager of this building, and it was a familiar face to the old residents here.

Sister Lou Guan was not tall and very kind. After hearing Han Bin's arrangement, she hesitated at first, but after Li Qin did some work, the other party agreed to help.

Sister Lou Guan walked to Room 102 in the uniform of the property company and knocked on the door.


"Who is it?"

"I'm the building manager."

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and a woman of about fifty years old stood by the door.

"Is there a problem?"

The elder sister of the building manager asked, "Hello, are you the owner or tenant of this house?"

"My name is Li and I am the owner. I went to the property to pay the water bill two months ago. You forgot."

"Yes, yes, I said you look familiar." The elder sister Lou Guan replied, stepped aside, and pointed to Han Bin next to him. "Let me introduce to you, this is the Han police officer of the city criminal investigation team. I want to find You know something."

"Huh? Police, what is the situation with me?" The female owner was a little surprised.

"Hello, my last name is Han, how do you call it?"

"My name is Li Yancui, did you find the wrong person."

"Yes, we are looking for you." Han Bin looked into the room, "Are there anyone else in your family?"

"No, just me, what's wrong."

Han Bin showed the police officer ID, "Aunt Li, the door is not a place to talk, or let's go in and talk."

Li Yancui hesitated and saw that the neighbor next door opened the door before agreeing, "Then you come in."

"Thank you." Han Bin led people in, and the other team members consciously began to search the house.

Li Yancui hurriedly stopped, "Eh, what are you doing, I let you in, I didn't let you turn things over."

Han Bin took out the search warrant, "Aunt Li, this is a search warrant issued by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Take a look."

Li Yancui took it over and took a look, then gave it back to Han Bin, "What the **** are you doing, you are not a liar, I am a woman who recognizes this kind of thing, who knows if it is true."

Han Bin explained patiently, "We were brought by the property management company. You don't know the police procedures. They always know you, and you have seen the police officer's card. What is there to doubt."

"Then why do you search my house, what happened to me?"

"You may not have looked closely just now. It is not you that we are going to search, but Fan Xianyi."

Li Yancui showed concern, "That's my son, what's wrong with my son, what are you doing to search him for?"

"Aunt Li, when was the last time you saw Fan Xianyi?"

"It's been half a month."

"Where does he live?"

"He used to live at home. More than a month ago, he told me that he was busy at work and rented a house near work. I haven't been there yet and I don't know where it is."

"What kind of work does Fan Xianyi do?"

"He works in a car repair shop. His car repair skills are particularly good. The boss often praises him. He paid him a salary increase some time ago. Otherwise, he would not want to rent a house outside." Speaking of this, Li Yancui couldn't help it. He asked, "Officer Han, what's the matter with my son, why do you want to investigate him? He is very honest, are you making a mistake?"

"We came to investigate clearly. Our police will not wrong a good person." Han Bin comforted and continued to ask, "Where is the car repair shop where he works? What is its name?"

"Let me think about it... Minghai Car Repair Shop, in the southern part of the city, I can't remember exactly where it is."

Han Bin wrote it down in the notebook, "Has Fan Xianyi have anything unusual recently?"

Li Yancui did not hesitate, "No."

When Han Bin saw the response of the other party, she knew that she didn't even think about it, "Aunt Li, I hope you can think clearly and answer truthfully. As I said just now, we are here to investigate clearly. If you believe Your son is innocent, so you should cooperate with our investigation. If the situation you mentioned does not match Fan Xianyi's actual situation, it may have harmed him."

"I believe it." Li Yancui sighed, "but you have to make it clear first. I have a lot of trouble in my heart, so I can think clearly."

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "We are investigating a criminal case that happened to involve Fan Xianyi. We want to find out about him, but we can't find him at the moment. He can't tell him clearly. The more disadvantaged this matter is to him.

Li Yancui showed a worried look, "Will my son be in danger?"

Han Bin said, "The case is under investigation, and we are not saying that at present, if you are worried about his comfort, you should help our police find him."

"But I don't know where he is. How about I call him and ask?"

Han Bin waved his hand, "Don't rush to call, think about it, is there anything unusual about him lately? Or have you said where you want to go?"

"He told me..." Li Yancui lowered her head and hesitated for a while. "He said that the car repair shop is going to open a branch. In Spring City, he may have to go there to work for a while, and he can't go home temporarily."

"A good local car repair shop is not waiting, and suddenly going to Quancheng, you have no doubts?"

"I asked, and he said that he gave a lot of money over there, and he wanted to make more money while he was young... I didn't want to delay the child's future, so I didn't say much."

"Does he like to watch TV shows?"

"He doesn't usually watch TV very much, he just plays with his mobile phone, usually it's me.

Han Bin stroked his chin, "Then what show do you like to watch?"

"I'm old, and young people don't like to watch shows, so I like to watch some dating shows, that is, Zhang Yibin, the host of our Qindao, his show is not bad."

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "Let's generate electricity together."

"Yes, yes, this is the show. I watch it every night. Sometimes my son sits on the sofa and plays with his mobile phone. He will watch it for a while."

Han Bin made a key mark on the notebook and finally found the source.

The situation is basically right, and Fan Xianyi's suspicion is growing.

"Does your son have someone who is relatively close to each other?"

Li Yancui shook her head, "No, he is more withdrawn and doesn't have many friends. Anyway, I haven't seen him get closer to anyone."

"Where is your husband now?"

"He worked in a foreign country. The past few years were okay. The past few years have not been easy. Now it is not easy to come back. Hey..." Li Yancui sighed again.

Han Bin took out Wang Siyu's photo, "Do you know this person?"

Li Yancui looked at it, "Hey, this girl is really beautiful, she's fine, but it's the first time I've seen each other. I didn't know her before."

"Which room does Fan Xianyi live in?"

"The one in West End."

When Han Bin was about to say something, Li Qin walked out of Westinghouse, "Group leader, I found a detonator and some gunpowder in Westinghouse."

Han Bin stepped up to check that the detonator was paper, cylindrical, and more than ten centimeters long. At first glance, it looked a bit similar to the second kick.

Han Bin asked, "Whose is this?"

Li Yancui jumped down and shrank back, "I don't know, I don't know that there is such a thing at home."

Obviously, these detonators should have been left by Fan Xianyi.

He is likely to be carrying explosives, and Han Bin must immediately tell the team responsible for the arrest.

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