Detective from The Future

Chapter 674: Catch

Han Bin immediately called Ding Xifeng and reported the situation to him.

Ding Xifeng asked him to meet in Chengnan District.

Before leaving, Han Bin arranged the situation here. First, let Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang take Li Yancui back to the police station.

Regardless of whether Li Yancui knew about the dangerous goods, but these things were found from her home after all, Han Bin had reason to take her back to the police station for questioning.

For a deeper reason, Han Bin worried that Li Yancui would contact Fan Xianyi privately, which would expose the arrest of the police.

After arranging the situation of Dinghui's home, Han Bin drove to Chengnan District.

After the two parties met, Ding Xifeng directly got into Han Bin and their car and patted Han Bin on the shoulder, "Good job, almost something serious happened."

Hearing that Fan Xianyi's Fan Xianyi's home had found dangerous items, Ding Xifeng was also taken aback. In case the suspect pressed the remote control during the arrest, the consequences would be disastrous.

Han Bin smiled and said, "Captain, you arranged the task, or you commanded it properly.

Ding Xifeng laughed, his answer was very useful.

"Captain, there is another situation that I want to report to you. According to Fan Xianyi's mother, Fan Xianyi used to work in the Minghai car repair shop, and that car company is in Chengnan District. Do you want to investigate?"

Ding Xifeng thought for a while, took out his mobile phone to contact Zeng Ping, and asked him to arrange someone to investigate the Minghai car repair shop.

Now it’s not the most important one, but as long as there are clues, you still have to go. The more you know about the suspect, the better you can avoid potential dangers in the arrest process.

When Ding Xifeng hung up his phone, Han Bin couldn't help asking, "Captain, has the location of Fan Xianyi determined?"

"After the technical department determined the approximate location, your horse captain went to track it, but the location of the location has been moving fast, and the technical department speculated that the suspect should be in the car." Ding Xifeng paused and continued.

"Zhu Jiaxu went to the traffic police brigade and has been checking the surveillance along the way. Ma Jingbo is tracking behind, coupled with the technical department to help locate, it should be possible to identify the suspected vehicle soon."

Han Bin nodded, roughly understanding the progress of the case.

Han Bin and others were also driving along the road, and it didn't take long to drive to the outskirts of Chengnan District. Ding Xifeng also kept in touch with the other three parties to get the latest situation.

Twenty minutes later, after a tripartite comparison, it was finally determined that the suspect vehicle was a white Toyota sedan with the license plate number Lu B3284vs.

At this time, Ma Jingbo also called. The white Toyota was already on the highway, asking about the next move.

Ding Xifeng didn't dare to act rashly because the suspect was carrying dangerous items. He hesitated for a moment and asked Han Bin on the side, "What do you think about the arrest."

There are no outsiders here, and Han Bin is not hypocritical. He thought for a while, "I thought about this before. Fan Xianyi was carrying dangerous goods (you should guess what it is, don’t say much, understand long live). Be extra careful. If he can't control the opponent right away, he will most likely activate the device."

"In addition, I personally speculate that the dangerous goods may be on Wang Siyu. This explains that Wang Siyu neither ran away nor called for help at the breakfast stall in Xiaofeng Village in the morning, because it was on her and it was useless to go anywhere."

"The suspect has a certain degree of anti-reconnaissance awareness. The danger of intercepting the car for arrest is too great. The suspect has enough time to manipulate it. We will not have time to rescue the victim. It may even lead to arrest and injury..."

"Just now the horse team said that Toyota vehicles are going to be on the highway. I think it can be arrested in the service area and evacuated passengers in the service area in advance to avoid unnecessary accidents."

Ding Xifeng nodded. Although Han Bin's arrest plan is not very clever, it is not bad to be able to come up with an arrest plan in such a short period of time.

Later, Ding Xifeng and Han Bin found information on the service areas along the route. They were ‘Xinqiao Service Area’, ‘Changhe Service Area’, ‘Banan Service Area’, and ‘Wangda Service Area’.

Although a rough arrest plan has been determined, in order to avoid accidents, the arrest plan must be more detailed.

At the same time, it is necessary to rush to the service area in advance for deployment and control, familiarize with the terrain, evacuate the crowd, and determine the location of arrest, all aspects must be considered.

As time passed by, the arrests proceeded tense and orderly...


Changhe Service Area.

This service area is a relatively large service area, with supermarkets, gas stations, toilets, restaurants, and hotels all available.

A Toyota sedan drove into the service area, and a man and a woman walked down in the car. The handsome man and the handsome woman attracted the attention of many people.

If Han Bin can come out here, this man is the suspect Fan Xianyi he is looking for, and the woman is the victim Wang Siyu.

Fan Xianyi very gentlemanly took Wang Siyu's hand and got out of the car, and asked in a gentle tone, "Siyu, there is a restaurant here, what do you want to eat?"

"Instant noodles will do."

"That's not good. If you always eat instant noodles, there is no nutrition. Let's go to the restaurant and see if there is something you like."

"I..." Wang Siyu stopped talking.

"Siyu, what's the matter, just say something."

"I want to go to the toilet."

Fan Xianyi hesitated, he didn't want to separate from Wang Siyu, "Siyu, I bought you a urinal with the last name, it can be convenient in the car."

Wang Siyu's eyes were red, and she whispered softly, "That's too inconvenient. I want to go to the toilet."

Seeing this beautiful woman, Fan Xianyi felt a little unbearable, "Okay, I will take you to the toilet, but you have to hurry, I can't bear to be separated from you for too long."

Wang Siyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Well, I know, I am obedient and will not run around."

"Let's go." Fan Xianyi took Wang Siyu's hand and walked to the door of the toilet. There is a male toilet on the left and a female toilet on the right, separated by a wall.

Wang Siyu asked cautiously, "Can I go in?"

Fan Xianyi took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile, "Go, I'll wait for you outside."

"Okay." Wang Siyu responded and walked quickly into the toilet.

Fan Xianyi hesitated and wanted to go to the toilet. Just like Wang Siyu said, he also found it inconvenient to urinate in the car.

Fan Xianyi thought, he must be faster than Wang Siyu, and he won't delay anyway.

At the same time, he believed that Wang Siyu would not run, nor dare to run.

Thinking of this, Fan Xianyi walked into the toilet, stood in the toilet, and unbuttoned his waistband. At this moment, he was very relaxed.

He couldn't help but hummed a little tune.

Suddenly, he felt that there was someone behind him. Before he could turn his head back, two figures appeared from the left and the right, and pressed his hands firmly.

Then, more people rushed up, "Police, don't move!"

Fan Xianyi was dumbfounded, and he never expected that such a thing would happen at this moment.

The moment he was caught, his hands instinctively grasped the waistband, not the remote control in his pocket.

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