Detective from The Future

Chapter 683: Please call me king anchor

Although Bao Xing failed to take the stage to accept the award, as a member of the Second Squadron, he also got a ribbon of first-class merit.

Bao Xing is very fond of this ribbon. He raised his chest and took a square step. He walked around the compound of the Municipal Public Security Bureau twice for fear that others would not see it.

Back at the office, Bao Xing still refused to take off the ribbon.

Wang Xiao glanced at him, "Comrade Xiaobao, it's almost enough, we have one in this office, you can't show it here."

"Brother Wang, it's not a matter of showing off. It's a collective first-class merit. How many police officers can't get this kind of merit for a lifetime. This thing is honor." Bao Xing pointed to his ribbon.

"We are working hard to investigate the case for what, isn't that this? This represents the recognition of our superiors and the people."

Wang Xiao smiled, "I don't see that you are quite enlightened at a young age."

Jiang Yang changed his words, "By the way, our second squadron got first-class merit, and the horse team is also considered to be the limelight. At night, he has no plans?"

Li Qin took the stubborn question, "This question is a good question, or ask someone to go to the horse team office to'report' work."

Han Bin said with a smile, "No need to go. I asked the horse team when I came back. He said that we just got the first-class merit, the more we have to be low-key at this time, the meal will be written down first, and he will wait a few days later. dinner."

Bao Xing said, "The horse team is also too careful. At this time, there is an atmosphere for a treat."

"Or you can talk to the horse team again."

Bao Xing chuckled, "I'll forget, I'll go home to celebrate. Remember that meal for the Colts."

Everyone smiled and didn't say anything. Not only did he think so, but others also hope to share this good news with their family members, which is as meaningful as family celebrations.

This time the collective first-class merit award is not only honor, but also generous bonuses and allowances, which saves face.

Take Han Bin as an example. His father called just now and asked if he would go home for dinner at night.

Wang Ting has returned to his parents' house, and Han Bin will naturally go home if he won't have dinner tonight.

During this period of time, there was no important case at hand, and Han Bin was relatively punctual after get off work, and arrived home at 6 o'clock in the evening.

As soon as he walked in, he saw a fat figure, his uncle Wang Qingsheng.

Han Bin smiled, "Uncle, you haven't come some days, so what are you busy with during this time?"

Wang Qingsheng is thinner than before, but he seems more energetic, "It's not that I didn't come, but that you have been less at home during this period. I heard your mother say that you have a girlfriend. When will you bring it back for us to see."

"Almost, I'll mention it to her when I have time."

"That's right, you are not too young anymore, your parents are still waiting for your grandson. You have to hurry up."

"Ahem..." Wang Huifang walked out of the kitchen, coughing, "You, don't just talk about him, hold on to yourself."

Wang Qingsheng didn't expect to burn his body, he smirked, "Let me go with the flow, let it go."

"Mom, what do you eat tonight?"

Wang Huifang replied, "Steaming bowls are all your favorites."

Han Weidong also walked out and wiped his hand on his apron, "Son, what about your award certificate, let us see."

Han Bin took out the medal, award certificate, and ribbon from the briefcase.

Han Weidong hurriedly took it over and took a look, "Tsk tsk, not bad, not bad, first-class collective work, second-class personal work, this thing must be hung up."

Han Weidong walked into the living room and gestured behind the sofa.

Wang Qingsheng smiled, "Brother-in-law, this thing can't be hung. Come back and get a glass cabinet in the living room or study. That looks magnificent."

"That's a good idea." Han Weidong nodded and said to Wang Huifang who was on the side, "We have time to go to the furniture store someday."

Wang Huifang shook his head and laughed, "You are excited when you say this."

Han Weidong said sternly, "That is, this can all represent honor. Being a policeman is not easy. When you get older, there will be all that is left. These are all memories of your youth."

"Binzi, I heard from your father that you are now the deputy squadron leader?"

"Yes, just mentioned it two days ago."

Wang Qingsheng said with a thumbs up, "Okay, at the speed of your meritorious promotion, you should surpass your dad in two years. When your father and son meet, he will have to salute you."

Han Weidong smiled, "I hope he can surpass me, but the gap between this deputy position and the principal position is not small, he wants to go up, and he has to work harder."

Han Bin said, "Don't worry, that day will not be too far."

Wang Huifang glanced at the watch on the wall, "It's time, get up and eat."

After a while, eight steaming bowls were brought to the table, namely Mei Cai Kou Po, Tofu Kou, Si Xi Meatballs, Kelp Shreds, Steamed Lamb, Fish Koubo, Steamed Eggplant, and Vermicelli Scallop Meat.

Han Bin swallowed as soon as it was on the table, and the aroma was fragrant. He hadn't eaten this bite for a long time.

Han Bin first sandwiched a tofu tong. The outside was fried tofu with meat filling inside. It was rich and delicious.

"Come on, today is a good day, let's have a few glasses." Han Weidong took out a bottle of old wine, which looked like it had been stored for a long time, and poured a glass for everyone.

"Come, come, touch one." Wang Qingsheng greeted.

Wang Huifang said, "Drink less, half and half."

Wang Qingsheng drank half a cup, put down the wine glass, bared his teeth, "Good wine, strong enough."

Wang Qingsheng took another piece of pork belly and put it in his mouth, with a look of enjoyment, "Beautiful, I haven't eaten pork belly for a long time."

Wang Huifang cared, "Qingsheng, are you still losing weight?"

"Yes, I don't eat much at night now. I have lost ten kilograms, but my base is big and I can't tell."

Han Weidong put down his chopsticks, "It's right to be thinner and keep working hard. But if you don't eat at night, your stomach will break."

"I also eat, but I don't eat staple foods, I only eat a small amount of low-calorie foods." Wang Qingsheng said, adding another piece of fish. "Today I still have the light of Binzi, otherwise I can't eat these good things."

Han Bin picked up the wine glass, "Uncle, I toast you, I wish you the thinner you eat."

"You can have this." Wang Qingsheng smiled and drank half a glass of wine.

Han Bin picked up the wine bottle and poured another glass of wine for Wang Qingsheng: "How is the business of your antique stall recently?"

Wang Qingsheng scratched his fat face with his hand, "It's not that good. Many people are afraid of this turmoil, and their consumption concepts are different."

"In the past, many people started to learn from Europe and the United States. If you didn't manage your finances, you didn't care about you, a lot of money was spent in advance, and a lot of people bought antiques."

"It's not working anymore." Wang Qingsheng rubbed his fingers, "What's more, it's not as good as having money. Antiques in flourishing ages, gold in troubled times."

"There are also people on the Antique Street, but I watch a lot and buy less, and my income is plummeting. If I hadn't opened up a secondary industry, I might have thought of changing careers."

Han Bin took a sip of tea, "Uncle, what second industry have you opened up now?"

Wang Qingsheng smiled, touched Han Weidong a glass of wine, half a glass of wine, and said happily, "High-tech industry."

Han Bin was a little surprised, "Why are you a smashing antiques partner with the high-tech industry, don't be fooled."

Wang Qingsheng said disapprovingly, "I look down on your uncle, am I? I have been in society for so many years, so I'm so easily deceived."

"Besides, our industry has no cost, no investment, pure profit."

"There is still this good thing." Han Bin felt increasingly unreliable.

"Don't believe me. Haven't heard such a sentence, heavy industry relies on real estate, light industry relies on stalls, high-tech watching live broadcasts, you old iron walk." Wang Qingsheng waved his hands and beat the rhythm.

Han Bin was surprised at first, but also a little dumbfounded, "Uncle, you are now also an anchor."

Wang Qingsheng nodded and opened the tiao software, "That is, I now have tens of thousands of fans, take a look."

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