Detective from The Future

Chapter 684: Robbed

Han Bin took it over and took a look. The account name is Lao Wang of Antique Street, 86 thousand fans, 124 posts, 55 followers, and 170 thousand likes.

"Uncle, you did a good job."

"There is no other way. The business is not good and there are no guests. I was sitting and sitting, so I opened a live broadcast, recorded a small video and sent it to the website." Wang Qingsheng opened the chat box, took a sip of tea, and continued.

"In the beginning, I also had a playful mentality. After all, I am a fat uncle, and probably not many people like to watch it. I don't understand anything else, it's just to talk about antiques."

Wang Qingsheng slapped his face, "I never thought that someone really likes to watch it."

"There are few people buying antiques these days, but there are a lot of people who like this one. He watched the excitement on the Internet, and he can gain knowledge without spending money. In addition, I like to talk a few words, this fan is just awkward. Go up."

"During this period, an average of several thousand yuan a month, one more than ten thousand yuan, although not much, but it is enough to spend."

Han Weidong took a look at his mobile phone. Although he knew that Wang Qingsheng was playing live broadcast, he did not expect his income to be so high. "You only have tens of thousands of fans, and you have a monthly income of 8,000. If this is hundreds of thousands, millions of fans Yes, that income can't catch up with the stars."

"Brother-in-law, you are just talking about it. As far as I know, there are several big Vs with millions of fans, and their income is really not lower than that of celebrities."

Wang Huifang was also a little curious, "What does he broadcast live and earn so much money."

"You can't think of killing you." Wang Qingsheng smiled, sold it off, and continued, "He, he is a cook. He was a cook in a restaurant and uploaded some small videos of cooking on the website. Now the monthly income has broken through one million."

Wang Huifang said, "Good fellow, isn't that more money than opening a restaurant."

“That’s for sure. It’s okay to open dozens of restaurants a year based on his income.” Wang Qingsheng’s tone was a bit envious, “I’m now sometimes broadcasting live and sometimes uploading small videos. The content is mainly divided into two types. The kind is in antique stalls, and the other is cooking videos."

"Why can I lose weight? I always have some fans who care about them and post comments under the video, saying that I am too fat and I should lose weight. There are also some black fans who speak awkwardly. No matter what, I gradually lose weight under their supervision. Come down. It's also a windfall."

Han Weidong subconsciously said, "It seems that this live broadcast also has a good side, and it can be a virtuous circle to urge you to lose weight."

Wang Qingsheng smiled, "Yes, it's not just me. Many people now live on live broadcasts and small videos to make money. I think it's pretty good too. They make money without leaving home. The only drawback is income. Not very stable."

Everyone was eating and chatting, and they just broke up after ten o'clock in the evening...

Fangjing Village on the outskirts of Qindao City.

Fang Mancang walked towards the center of the village, holding a fan.

A shirtless man riding a tram said hello, "Uncle Mancang, where are you going?"

"Go to the brigade."

"Why do you go to the brigade when you order this?"

Fang Mancang smiled, "Go to dinner."

The shirtless man was a little puzzled, "How can I go to the brigade to eat? I never heard that the village has to take care of the food."

"What group are you in?"

"Three groups."

The corner of Fang Mancang's mouth turned up, and his tone was a little triumphant, "That's none of your business. Today, the village chief is in the brigade and invited the people from the 7th group to dinner."

"Why? We are all in the same village, and the village chief can still favor one another."

"You forgot, we have joined the collective economic company in the seven groups, and every time dividends are distributed, we treat dinner. The company's money only occupies the brigade."

"I remember that you all paid dividends before and after the Chinese New Year? Why are you so early this year?"

"It's getting late. This is last year's dividend. Didn't this delay the yiqing relationship? Now that everything is over, it happens to be the money to be sent out.

The shirtless man was a little envious, "That feeling is good."

Fang Mancang took out a pack of cigarettes, handed one to the shirtless man, and ordered one himself, "Yes, dividends are paid every year. This year, other industries will not work. On the contrary, our collective economic company is doing well. I heard that this year The dividend is more than in previous years."

"That's not bad, but you have to drink a few glasses less at noon, lest the money you send out will be obeyed."

"That can't, you can still drink less wine in the public house. I go there to drink, and there is no shortage of food at home. As for the money, it is your aunt's business."

"Look at your life, it's so easy, my team is not good, this year I can't do anything, and I didn't work part-time."

"The national policy is good, and the village chief is also able to do things, and has taken the lead. In the words of the old chief, let some people get rich first, and get rich first, then get rich." Fang Mancang said, patting his chest, "Taozi, If you don’t have a job, tell your uncle. I’ll go to the village chief and ask you to find a job in a collective economic company. You can earn tens of thousands of dollars after a good year."

"Uncle Mancang, I haven't figured it out yet, let's talk about it later. Do you need me to take you a ride? It's on the way."

"No, you go, I'm good for a stroll, I can eat more later."

"Then I will leave first." The shirtless man took a word and rode away on the tram.

Fang Mancang was not in a hurry, and walked slowly, chatting a few words whenever he met, for fear that others would not know what he was going to do.

The reason why Fang Mancang lived so easily was because the village set up a storage company a few years ago, occupying the land of the 7th group of Fangjing Village. The villagers are equivalent to using land to buy shares, and they can get some dividends every year.

In recent years, with the rise of the logistics industry, the business of warehousing companies is getting better and better. They can get two or three million in dividends every year. The pile of cash on the table is very spectacular, signing, taking money, and leaving.

In the previous two years, I was on TV news, and I was judged by Xianjin Village, Tuhao Village, and Fangjing Village. The eldest girls and younger wives in nearby villages are willing to marry in Fangjing Village.

The Fangmancang family divided 60,000 to 70,000 a year ago, enough for the whole family to eat, drink and chew, much better than the villagers who go out to work.

At this moment, Tao Zi ran back on the electric bike again, and the speed could catch up with the motorcycle.

Fang Mancang curiously said, "Taozi, why are you in a hurry? Run this fast."

Taozi put his feet on the ground, and a sudden brake came, "Uncle Mancang is not good, your company was robbed."

"Huh? Why did you get robbed. Where did you hear about it."

"Several people at the gate of the brigade shouted about this. Some villagers went to the storage company to watch the fun, saying that the dividends given to you were taken away."

Fang Mancang's eyes widened, "Hey, what kind of @#¥% dare to come to our village to grab something?

Fang Mancang sat down behind the electric car, "Go, take me over and take a look, dare to grab Lao Tzu's money and slap him to death."

Taozi smiled, "Uncle Mancang, don't speak big words, it is said that those who robbed have guys with them."

"What guy?"

Tao Zi stroked with the index finger and thumb of his back hand, "This guy."



Fang Man shrank his neck in a hurry, "Mother, which dog @#¥ has a red eye, actually grabbing the dividend of our village."

Taozi rubbed his nose and secretly said, this time it's irritating, and it depends on you.


City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Brigade, Second Squadron, a group of offices.

There are no new cases recently, everyone has become lazy.

Li Qin is sorting the table, Wang Xiao is checking the information, Jiang Yang is reading the previous files, Huang Qianqian is browsing the shopping website, Bao Xing is dozing off on the chair.

"Crack..." Han Bin opened the door and walked in, slapped his hands, "Everyone clean up, there is a new case, ready to appear."

Bao Xing is quick to say, "What case is the Korean team?"

"A company was robbed."

Jiang Yang said, "Ordinary robberies, isn't it handled by the Criminal Investigation Team?"

Bao Xing said with a smile, "Is it because the superiors see that we are too idle."

Han Bin said sternly, "This is not an ordinary robbery. The suspect is carrying a gun."

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