Detective from The Future

Chapter 690: Old cannon

Han Bin raised his eyebrows, "So, do you really have a motive for committing the crime?"

Feng Renyong opened his mouth wide, and he had an urge to scold his mother. I said so much from the bottom of my heart, you just heard this.

But thinking of Han Bin's identity, after all, he dared not say it.

"I hate Li Shiwei, he is the modern Huang Shiren, but it doesn't mean that I will commit crimes."

Feng Tianbao shouted, "Now in a society under the rule of law, the police have to show evidence when arresting people. You can't favor Li Shiwei just because he is rich."

Children nowadays are precocious. In Han Bin's opinion, a 16 or 17-year-old man has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, "Who I believe is not to see who has money, but who is honest."

Feng Renyong quibbleed, "We didn't mean to lie, or because we were afraid that you doubted me, that's why we said that we were not there, thinking that more is worse than less."

Han Bin shook his head, "Your reason makes me hard to believe. Our police only ask you routinely. As long as you actively cooperate with the police and have a good attitude, the police are willing to believe your testimony."

"On the contrary, your previous act of lying will make me even more suspicious of you for committing a crime."

Feng Renyong sighed, "I'm really wronged. I admit that I shouldn't lie. It's my shortsightedness, but I really didn't participate in the robbery."

Han Bin asked, "Then why are you lying?"

Feng Renyong lowered his head and stopped speaking.

Tang Jinping walked over quickly, "Captain Han, I have found here."

"Tang Suo, what did you find?"

Tang Jinping held a cigarette in his hand and shook it, "I suspect that this may be the reason he lied."

"What's wrong with this cigarette?"

"It's not one. We found several boxes of cigarettes in the east house next door, including Zhonghua, Yuxi, Nanjing, and Cordyceps. There are at least a few hundred in total."

Han Bin smashed his mouth, "Tsk tsk, this is worth a lot of money."

"Who said no, there are hundreds of thousands of people who say nothing." Tang Jinping smiled, showing his mouth full of yellow teeth, which looked like an old smoker.

Feng Renyong showed a flustered expression, but still did not speak.

Tang Jinping tore open the package of the Yuxi cigarette, took out a cigarette from it, lit the cigarette and took a sip, "Bah, fake."

Feng Renyong retorted, "What a fake, you can't talk nonsense."

"I have smoked for so many years, and I love to smoke this brand. I know if it is true or not, let alone smoke it." Tang Jinping snorted.

Feng Renyong said, "It may be that the place of production is different, you are not used to it."

"Then tell me, where is the origin of this cigarette, where is the product purchased, do you have a business license?"

"I..." Feng Renyong hesitated and didn't make it clear after all.

Tang Jinping sipped, "Mother, I hate you who sell fake cigarettes most."

"Tang, did you find any stolen goods related to the robbery?"


Han Bin said sternly, "Feng Renyong, we are here to investigate the robbery. You should know which of these two charges is more serious. If you don’t say anything, we can only take you to the city criminal investigation brigade. ."

Feng Renyong waved his hand, "Don't, don't, I really have nothing to do with the robbery, I haven't left the village today."

Han Bin said, "Then you can explain it yourself."

Feng Renyong took a deep breath and hesitated for a while and said, "I hate that **** Li Shiwei, but I really don't dare to do robbery. I was fired by Fanglong Storage Company. The job is hard to find. I have There are young people who have to support the family."

"I bought some cheap cigarettes and wanted to make a difference. The cigarettes are at home, and I also feel uneasy in my heart, afraid of being discovered by others. I dare not let outsiders in, so I let my son lie and say that I am not at home."

"What I said is true, even if I have a hundred courage, I dare not rob."

Tang Jinping threw the cigarettes on the ground, "Do you know that selling or selling fake cigarettes is also illegal."

Feng Renyong grimaced, "I, I... have a big family to raise, so there must be a way to survive."

Han Bin was a little speechless. The suspect in the robbery was not caught, and he went to investigate a den selling fake cigarettes.

"Tang Suo, I will leave it to you."

"No problem." Tang Jinping smiled, "No problem, surely let him explain everything."

Han Bin took the person back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau directly.

Back to the city bureau, Han Bin went to Ma Jingbo to report the situation and found that the office door was locked.

After contacting, he found out that he followed the second group to investigate the case.

Han Bin went to the technical department for another round, and the two security guards of Fanglong Storage Company were assisting the sketcher to draw the tattoo on the robber.

When Han Bin was about to leave, he was stopped by Ma Xiwen.

"Captain Han, we compared the fingerprints found in the Finance Office of Fanglong Storage Company and found that they were all fingerprints of internal personnel. No suspicious fingerprints have been found for the time being."

Han Bin nodded. He found that the robber was wearing gloves during the surveillance, and it was unlikely to find fingerprints.

Ma Xiwen continued, "The DNA comparison of cigarette butts will take some time."

"Thanks for your hard work." Han Bin said politely, and then left the technical department. Han Bin did not report the cigarette butts found on the ground. Unless he was a particularly conceited or careless robber, he would not stay. Under such obvious evidence.

However, Ma Xiwen's words reminded Han Bin. After returning to the office, Han Bin called out the monitoring of Fanglong Warehouse's financial room and checked it carefully again.

Han Bin checked the video from start to finish without missing a detail.

Han Bin discovered that after entering the financial room, one of the robbers looked at the camera and said a word.

Han Bin understands lip language skills, and after checking repeatedly, he finally sees what the other party is saying.

"Old gun, do this camera too!"

This sentence was consistent with the content of the video, and the camera was knocked off the next moment.

And what Han Bin really cares about is the name'Lao Pao'.

This name is not like a real name, but more like a nickname.

Many people on the road have nicknames. Knowing the nickname, it is very possible to find out the person's true identity.

"Da da da..." Bao Xing came over with a sound of footsteps.

"Team Korea, the technical department is over. The two security guards have already identified the robber's guns."

"What gun? Foreign goods?"


Han Bin touched his chin, "This gun is very common abroad, but not much in China. Where did they get it?"

Finding a channel for the robber to buy a gun is also very helpful in solving the case.

Bao Xing couldn't answer this question either, so he took out a piece of sketch paper and put it in front of Han Bin, "Team Han, this is the tattoo on the robbers depicted by two security guards based on their memories."

On the sketch paper is a dragon with a sword. This dragon is a bit special, different from the traditional dragon. It also has a pair of wings behind it, which looks a little weird.

It was the first time that Han Bin saw this tattoo. Naturally, he didn't know the identity of the tattoo owner. He ordered, "Send the photo of the tattoo to Director Tang, and let him find the owner of the tattoo."

"By the way, let him find a man named'Lao Pao' near Fuping Town. It is very likely that he is the nickname of one of the robbers."

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