Detective from The Future

Chapter 691: thank

The next morning.

Han Bin had a morning meeting, briefly said a few words, and arranged some tasks.

The main task today is to check the monitoring. This monitoring does not refer to the internal monitoring of Fanglong Warehousing Company, but the Skynet monitoring near the company and the main roads to track down the suspicious van.

As for the clues about the robbers, Han Bin handed them to Tang Jinping for investigation. He knew better about the situation near Fangjing Village, and was especially familiar with some people with previous convictions. This was precisely the focus of the investigation.

After arranging the task, the team members split up.

Han Bin took out a bag of coffee, ready to drink a cup of coffee to refresh himself.

Han Bin has always felt that the combination of work and rest can last longer, and that the best working condition is to take a leisurely time.

The coffee brewed this time is different from the previous ones. It is black coffee that Wang Ting bought specially for Han Bin. It contains no sugar, no milk, no additives, and the brewing method is also different.

Generally, coffee is brewed directly in a cup with water. This type of coffee is not the same. It is a granular type of coffee. The coffee is placed in the drip net and poured with hot water. The only thing that leaks is the coffee to be drunk. All that is left is residue.

Han Bin opened the package, and a strong coffee scent wafted out, which was much more fragrant than ordinary instant coffee. Han Bin poured hot water three times and brewed more than 100 ml of coffee.

Han Bin took a sip, bitter and sweet.

People who are not used to coffee might spray it out, but Han Bin still likes the taste.

Just the same as garlic. People who like to eat will treat it as standard for noodles and dumplings. People who don't like to eat definitely stay away.

"Boom." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Han Bin put down his coffee cup, "Come in."

A young man walked in, followed by a middle-aged man and woman, watching the interaction and acting like a couple.

Han Bin looked up and recognized the young man as Wang Shiyuan, the older brother of the victim of the 626 Joint Task Force.

Han Bin has never seen the middle-aged man and woman behind, but it can be vaguely inferred from their looks that they should be the parents of Wang Shiyuan and the victim Wang Siyu.

Wang Shiyuan walked to Han Bin, "Police Officer Han, these are my parents. They know about Siyu, and they have to come to thank you personally."

When the voice fell, the middle-aged couple bowed deeply to Han Bin and the team members.

Wang Shiyuan’s father grabbed Han Bin’s hand and said gratefully, “Sergeant Han, thank you, thank you for saving my daughter. You are the great benefactor of our Wang family.”

Han Bin hurriedly helped him up, "Uncle Wang, you are welcome, this is what we should do."

Wang Shiyuan’s mother was also wiping tears on the side, “If my daughter has a long life and two shortcomings, we won’t be able to survive. Thank you police officers.”

After that, Wang Shiyuan's mother took out two pennants from her bag to express her gratitude.

One says ‘people’s police love the people’.

One says ‘the hero is brave and fearless’.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shiyuan felt a little ashamed.

After Wang Siyu was rescued, Wang Shiyuan also wanted to come over to deliver the pennants, but considering that his sister's experience was not a glorious thing, and he was afraid that the incident would affect his sister's reputation, so he took no action.

After Wang Siyu was rescued, her mental state was not very good. Wang Shiyuan was afraid that she couldn't think about it, so she sent her to her parents' house. It was fine at first, but later her parents discovered the abnormality.

In desperation, Wang Shiyuan informed his parents of his sister's situation.

Knowing that my daughter is in a disaster, parents naturally feel heartache. At the same time, I am also full of gratitude to the public security organs. If it were not for the timely rescue of police comrades, I am afraid they would never see their daughter again.

After learning that his daughter had been rescued, Wang Shiyuan never came to thank him. Wang Shiyuan’s father was so angry that he felt that his son was not sincere, and he saved everyone back. What kind of kindness is this? You have nothing to express. That's not how it is done.

Those who are not grateful will have retribution sooner or later.

Wang Shiyuan's father immediately asked him to make two pennants, which were delivered to the Municipal Public Security Bureau early this morning.

If it weren't for their daughter's reputation, they would definitely beat the gongs and drums. Although the gratitude ceremony was not grand, their sincerity was beyond words.

Rescuing Wang Siyu is the contribution of the entire 626 joint task force. Han Bin will not take all of him, so he hastened to call Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo.

At this time, if you forget your leadership, how can you remember you if you have good deeds in the future?

When Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo arrived at the office, Wang Siyu's parents were grateful again.

Ding Xifeng saw many such scenes, comforted Wang Siyu's parents, and kindly asked Wang Siyu's condition.

And told Wang Siyu's parents that the police can provide some psychological counseling if Wang Siyu needs it.

Wang Siyu's parents again expressed their thanks.

Subsequently, Ding Xifeng personally sent Wang Siyu's parents to the gate of the compound and watched them leave by car.

As for the pennants sent, one was placed in the captain's office, and the other was hung in a group of offices.

Ding Xifeng asked about the progress of the robbery, and Han Bin reported the situation truthfully.

After Ding Xifeng learned about it, he didn't say much. He was still very confident about Han Bin's ability to handle cases.

After I was busy, it was already past eleven.

Han Bin cleaned up, and was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner, when his cell phone rang, "Tingling bell..."

Han Bin picked up the phone, Tang Jinping's number was displayed on the screen.

"Hey, Tang Suo."

"Team Korea, you gave me a clue to the tattoo I checked."

"Is the identity of the tattooed man found?"

"Yes, according to the tattoo sketch you provided, we found a man with very similar tattoo designs. His name is Wang Donggen, a native of Qianjia Village, Fuping Town, and he has a history of theft."

Han Bin asked, "Did you find the location of the person?"

"As soon as I found this clue, I called you immediately. We have his address, but I don't know if he is at home."

"Do you have his cell phone number?"


"Then you send your phone number, and I will let someone locate it."

"The phone number is 137253XXX"

Han Bin hung up the phone and asked Huang Qianqian to send the number to the technical department for location.

He took people directly to Fuping Town.


Old Five Cooking Restaurant.

The area of ​​this restaurant is small, only tens of square meters, with several square tables for four.

There are only three employees in the restaurant, a couple in their thirties, and a young girl of eighteen or nineteen.

A man in his forties sits at an air-conditioned table by the wall of the restaurant with a cigarette in his hand. On the table is a bottle of Erguotou, a plate of cucumbers, a plate of peanuts, a plate of pig ears, and a plate of casserole. beef.

Eating side dishes, smoking cigarettes, pouring and drinking, is beautiful.

Occasionally, I glanced at the young waitress and smiled, not knowing what to think.

After a while, most of the bottle of wine went down, and the food was almost ready.

The man burped, "Waiter."

The young waitress came over, "Brother, what else do you want?"

The man looked at the waitress up and down, "No more, let's check out."

The waitress was looked a little uncomfortable, and took a step back, "Brother, the total number is 97."

"How many?"

"Ninety-seven yuan."

The man frowned, "Why is it so expensive?"

The waitress put the order menu on the table, "This is the menu, please take a look."

The man glanced at it, and moved his chopsticks into the beef casserole, "Look at what this is?"

The waitress took a look, her face changed slightly.

A fly floated in the beef casserole.

"Big brother, did this just fly in?"

The man patted the table and said, "If you just flew in, open your mouth and call your boss."

The lady boss heard the movement and came over, "What's the matter."

The waitress took into account that the other guests did not dare to say clearly, and pointed to the flies in the beef casserole.

"Humph." The man snorted softly, took a toothpick from the table and held it in his mouth.

The proprietress stirred in the casserole with chopsticks, "Big brother, have you finished eating, there is no meat left."

The man held a toothpick in his mouth, with a cold face, "You didn't have a few pieces of meat, and you let me eat a fly. What do you want to do."

The lady boss turned to look at the waitress, "How much is it?"


The lady boss squeezed a smile, "Brother, do you think this will work? I'll give you a discount, and you don't need any odds. You can just give 90."

"Bah." The man pointed at the beef casserole, "What is ninety, you have eaten flies, and I am embarrassed to ask me for money."

The man's voice was not small, and a table of guests looked over.

The proprietress sighed, "I have seen anyone in the restaurant for so many years. The flies flew in during cooking or put them in after eating. I can also tell. Don’t follow me. trick."

The man rolled up his short sleeves to reveal a tattoo. A dragon was plated on a sword. The dragon had a pair of wings on its back. "What do you mean, play with me."

Looking at the tattoos on the man's body and smelling the alcohol in his mouth, the lady boss was a little bit confused.

The money shop was smashed for a meal and it was not worth it.

She opened the door to do business, not to anger with people.

"Brother, do you think this will work? This beef casserole will not be counted for you. You can settle the other dishes."

"Bah." The man spit out the toothpick on the table, showing a smile, "It's not easy to see your small business, so let's do it."

"It's fifty-two in total, please make a knot."

The man curled his lips, "What a second, who is the second. Will you do business?"

The proprietress gritted her teeth, "Fifty, you give it fifty."

The man took out fifty yuan from his pocket and patted it on the table, "That's right, you have to be flexible when doing business, so that guests will come again."

The lady boss took fifty yuan into her pocket, did not answer, and thought to herself, your father, it's better if you don't come for a lifetime.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and three young men walked in. The headed one had a sharp-eyed look with a pocket in his right hand, with a cool look.

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