Detective from The Future

Chapter 696: Where is the money?

Bao Jinlong was so angry that he kept turning around in the yard.

He did not change the money, but the two younger brothers didn't believe it and dared to openly challenge him.

This lets him where to put his face in the future.

What's even more annoying is that he took such a big risk to commit a crime and only robbed him of two hundred thousand.

The money must have been subcontracted. He estimated that it was probably from Fanglong Storage Company.

But he can only suffer from this matter. Where can he go to reason, and who will believe it?

When the matter was not clear, the police were recruited, which was dumbfounded.

Bao Jinlong picked up the shovel to fill the pit. He just dug a few shovel, and threw the shovel in again angrily.

"Asshole, who is it that cheated me!"

Bao Jinlong's anger turned up again.

"Boom..." There was a knock on the door outside.

Bao Jinlong was angry, yelling, "Who did you MD knock on the door?"

After cursing, Bao Jinlong remembered that the yard had not been cleaned up, and couldn't help being a little scared.

"Boss, I am an old gun."

Bao Jinlong breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to curse, "Go away, you go to me."

Lao Pao shouted in an imploring voice, "Boss, I know I was wrong. It's my **** and I shouldn't doubt you. I bought wine and vegetables to make amends with you."

"Maa a coin, you dare to doubt me, because I have always regarded you as brothers, and your food and drink are over. There is no such cheap thing."

"Boss, I really know that I was wrong. I will kneel down for you. Your lord has a lot. Please spare me once."

Bao Jinlong walked to the door and looked through the cracks in the door. He really found that the old gun was kneeling on the ground and the food and wine were placed at the door.

Bao Jinlong felt more comfortable and decided to let the old gunner come in to make it clear. After all, he was a brother who was following him, and Bao Jinlong didn't want them to misunderstand him.

More than three million yuan has become 200,000 yuan. Whoever feels uncomfortable with this matter, but it is better to make it clear if you are uncomfortable, than to fight because of this matter.

"Chuck..." Bao Jinlong opened the door, still cursing, "You **** stuff, don't kneel, get in quickly."

After finishing talking, Bao Jinlong turned his head and walked into the house, quite a bit of a big brother.

Suddenly, a few men rushed out on both sides of the door, knocking Bao Jinlong unprepared to the ground, "Police, don't move!"

Bao Jinlong was stunned.

Only after putting on handcuffs, he turned his head to search for the old cannon's figure, "Dog X's old cannon, I treat you as a brother, you betrayed me, my day @#¥%&......"

Lao Pao also got angry and cursed, "My day @#¥%...When did you treat us as brothers. If you robbed us more than three million, you would give us fifty thousand yuan. You still have the face to say at a loss. The word brother."

"I'm pooh, pooh, you are spitting stars!"

Bao Jinlong became even more angry, "Old Pao, you wait, I won't let you go!"

"Take care of yourself first, you are the principal offender. When you are released, you may be an old man. I can't even hold the knife. What can I do if I don't let it go?"

"Okay, don't shout." Han Bin pointed to the old cannon on the sidelines, "take him in the car."

Han Bin walked around in the yard and stayed by the pit for a while, his eyes fell on Bao Jinlong, "What is your name?"

"The traitor, Lao Pao, should have told you everything, right?"

Bao Xing licked his head, "Who are you talking nonsense? Give me less scolding. Answer well."

Bao Jinlong glared at Bao Xing, but did not dare to talk back. This slap extinguished his anger a lot.

"My name is Bao Jinlong."

"Do you know why I caught you?"


Han Bin said, "Then just say it for yourself, tell me honestly, and strive for leniency."

Bao Jinlong asked, "What if I don't say it?"

"If you don't tell me, your two younger brothers will also help you tell me that there are human and physical evidence, and you can't afford it. You will only miss the opportunity to reduce your sentence."

"Huh..." Bao Jinlong sighed, "I knew these two **** are unreliable."

"Where were you between ten and eleven yesterday morning?"

"Fanglong Storage Company."

"What are you doing?"

"Grab the money."

"Who is the mastermind?"

Bao Jinlong blurted out, "Lao Pao and Lu Tonghai, they are the masterminds."

"But both of them identified you as the mastermind."

"They lied. They lied to me for the robbery. The old artillery's idea, Lu Tonghai inquired about the news. These two guys are really bad. I just agreed to them because I couldn't save face." Bao Jinlong picked himself up clean.

"How much did you rob?"


Han Bin asked, "But according to Lao Pao and Lu Tonghai's account, you robbed a whole box of money yesterday, at least three million yuan, how could it become 210,000?"

Bao Jinlong gritted his teeth and said, "We were deceived and played by the Fanglong company. Only the money on the top layer near the zipper is real. The money underneath is covered with white paper. It must be the ghost of Fanglong Storage Company. , Let us take the blame."

Han Bin didn't fully believe what he said, and told the people on the side, "Search his house thoroughly."

"I didn't lie to you. The white paper is still in the box, and the cut is about the size of money." Bao Jinlong pointed to the pit not far away, "I was cheated, we were all cheated."

Han Bin rolled up Bao Jinlong's sleeves and found that Bao Jinlong had no tattoos on his body, and Lao Pao, like Lu Tonghai, had no tattoos.

"What's the matter with tattoos?"

"Haha. That said, you guys were also deceived." Bao Jinlong laughed miserably, "The tattoo is fake. It's affixed, and it will come off as soon as you wash it with the potion."

"Why get fake tattoos?"

"Lao Pao's proposal, he said that he would disturb the police's investigative line of sight, so he suggested that Lu Tonghai put on a tattoo. When the police saw the tattoo from the surveillance, they would naturally pursue the investigation and we would be safe." Bao Jinlong said this and asked abruptly. Said, "How did you catch us? Isn't it just with this tattoo?"

Han Bin did not answer.

Bao Jinlong was a little unwilling, and continued, "I think this robbery was still very successful. I really can't think of how you caught us."

Han Bin found out that the old gun was relying on lip language skills. It is naturally impossible for Han Bin to tell him this.

"It doesn't matter how you got it. The point now is that you have to explain it well, cooperate with the police investigation and strive for leniency, understand?"

Bao Jinlong showed a bit of bitterness, "I understand, there are two twenty-five boys, I don't think I can explain it."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Where is the car you committed the crime?"

"The license plate was changed and it was thrown into an abandoned kiln factory."

"Tell me about your detailed process of committing the crime?"

"One time we went for a drink, and the two of them encouraged me to do this. I drank the alcohol at the time and agreed in a silly way. Afterwards, I couldn't save my face and regret it." Bao Jinlong shook his head and sighed.

"I don't really want to do it, so I asked Lu Tonghai to find out the news, thinking that he would get out of trouble, but I didn't expect that he would actually get news."

"Yesterday morning, we waited near Fanglong Warehousing Company. When we saw that Jinbei car came out, we followed up. We followed all the way and watched them enter the bank. We carried a big box and got on the Jinbei car. Then, We followed back to Fanglong Storage Company."

"Later, the three of us put on hoods and went upstairs with machetes and fake guns. Two security guards guarded the entrance of the financial room. When we saw that we had guns in our hands, we were frightened. We knocked the security guards out and pried them away. Go in after the security door."

"We found a box with money in a tin cabinet. I opened it and saw that it was filled with money. I didn’t dare to keep more. I took the stolen money into the van. I checked it again in the car. I was both happy and nervous, and I didn't look carefully in a hurry."

"When they got home, the two of them had to divide the money. I was afraid that they would be spotted by spending the money, so I forced them to bury the money in the yard. They were also afraid of being spotted by the police, so they listened to me. If you don’t, who knows that I can’t hold back today, and must let me divide the money.”

"I was so crushed by them that I agreed. I dug out the box from the yard and found that most of it was fake money. The three of us also fell out. You know what happened later."

Bao Jinlong's confession and the crime were basically the same as those of Lao Pao and Lu Tonghai, but on the issue of the principal and accessory, the three parties shied away from each other, and there were obvious differences.

After a while, Bao Xing came over and whispered, “Team Korea, we searched Bao Jinlong’s house and found tools such as headgear, gloves and crowbars, as well as fake money in the box. , But only 100,000 real money was found."

Han Bin looked at Bao Jinlong, "I'll ask you again, did you change the money in the box?"

"I can swear to the heavens, it's definitely not me!" Bao Jinlong's voice suddenly rose, "I also have a reputation on the road, and I can't do such a shameless thing."

Han Bin was a little depressed.

The people were arrested, but the money was not recovered. How did you explain to the villagers in Fangjing Village?

Will they mistakenly think that the police have withheld the stolen money?

No matter what angle you look at, the stolen money must be found!

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