Detective from The Future

Chapter 697: Temperament aunt

After investigating the scene, Han Bin led the team back to the police station and arranged for the team members to go through detention procedures. He himself went straight to Ma Jingbo's office.

Han Bin had been in contact with Ma Jingbo and told him about Bao Jinlong's house on the way back.

After meeting, Ma Jingbo handed Han Bin a cigarette, "Bao Jinlong still refuses to say?"

Han Bin took the cigarette, "Bao Jinlong still insisted that he didn't change the fake money."

"Sit." Ma Jingbo pointed to the sofa and sat down first. "Do you believe what he said?"

Han Bin lit his cigarette and took a sip, "I also think that Bao Jinlong may change money, because the money is buried in his yard, and he has enough time to do this. But the technical department will put him in his house. I searched it all over the world and found no other cash."

Ma Jingbo touched his nose, "If he didn't find it, it doesn't mean he didn't. Will he hide in other places?"

"I asked him about his whereabouts after committing the crime. He never went out again after committing the crime yesterday. In addition, I asked the neighbors around me to visit, and indeed no one has seen him."

Ma Jingbo flicked the soot, "If I haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that I haven't come out. If I change to me, I will come out again and again in the middle of the night. There will be no one at that time. Where can I find it in the ground."

Han Bin nodded, "You are right, I also have this worry."

Ma Jingbo thought for a moment, "Bao Jinlong still has to continue the investigation. You can ask comrades from the local police station to assist in the investigation. They have a better understanding of the surrounding situation and easier to find the place where the money is hidden."

"I will communicate with the comrades at the police station in time."

Ma Jingbo stood up and walked for two laps, "Apart from Bao Jinlong's possible exchange of money, do you have any other guesses?"

"Yes. I think this case can now be divided into two situations. The first one is that Bao Jinlong lied and it was the money he exchanged. Then we will make every effort to investigate Bao Jinlong's whereabouts yesterday and the people he had contact with."

"The second type of Bao Jinlong is telling the truth. The person who exchanges the money is indeed not him. Then we have to sort out the whereabouts of this huge sum of money." Han Bin paused and continued.

"I thought about it on the road. There were six people who had contact with Qian, namely Fanglong Storage Company Manager Li Shiwei, Accountant Lin Zhengyi, Security Horse Club, Security Zhang Jinhui, and two police officers."

"Two of the police officers are only responsible for driving and guarding. They have no chance to contact the money alone. They can be ruled out temporarily."

Ma Jingbo thought for a while, "In fact, there are still people who have access to this money."


"The bank staff."

Han Bin subconsciously said, "There is monitoring in the bank, and there is no blind spot monitoring."

Ma Jingbo spit out a cigarette, "Of course, this possibility is indeed not big, the bank environment is difficult to operate, but all possibilities must be considered. Non-dead corner monitoring is only relative, not absolute. Can you install monitoring in the toilet?"

"Large amounts of cash must be booked in advance. Bank staff have long known when and how much they want to withdraw."

Han Bin replied, "I know, I will check."

Ma Jingbo showed a look of approval, "You were able to catch the robbers within 30 hours of the incident. You did a good job. However, the remaining 3 million dollars of stolen money still needs to be retrieved as soon as possible, otherwise, we can't follow The villagers waiting for the dividends to explain, this is not a trivial matter, and it will affect the image of the city bureau if not."

"I understand." Han Bin said solemnly, "The horse team, I suggest not to disclose the case to the outside world for the time being. If the cash is really exchanged by Fanglong storage company, once they learn that the police have caught the suspect, they will be alert."

Ma Jingbo nodded slightly and agreed.


Huayuan Community.

Wang Ting entered the community with a bag, which contained vegetables, fish and meat, and some daily necessities.

Her beautiful appearance and graceful figure attracted the attention of many people, especially young men who turned their heads over 90%.

For the remaining ten percent, either his girlfriend is with him or he doesn't wear glasses.

Wang Ting has been very busy recently. The restaurant has closed. Every day, she is watching dramas, cooking, sleeping until she wakes up naturally. In the morning, she will do yoga on the balcony, and her life is very comfortable.

Two days ago, Wang Ting had been living with her parents. Tonight, her parents had socializing. Wang Ting also didn't want to be at home alone. She bought some vegetables to prepare dinner for Han Bin.

Han Bin was very busy when he had a case in hand. Even if he came back tonight, it would probably be eight o'clock, but the more so, Wang Ting felt that the more he should prepare a rich dinner to reward him.

Wang Ting entered the unit door and got on the elevator. When he was about to close the door, someone outside shouted, "Wait a minute, don't close the door."

Wang Ting opened the elevator again. After a while, a middle-aged woman came in, wearing glasses, with a good temperament, and carrying a bag in her hand, which contained some meat and vegetables.

The middle-aged woman politely said, "Thank you."

Wang Ting didn't care, "You're welcome."

The middle-aged woman pushed her eyes, glanced at Wang Ting, froze, and then smiled, "Girl, are you also the owner of this upstairs? Why haven't you seen it before."

"My friend lives here."

The middle-aged woman nodded, her eyes still fixed on Wang Ting, "You are so beautiful, do you have someone?"

Wang Ting was seen a little unnaturally, "Yes."

"Your friend lives on the twelfth floor?"

"Yeah." Wang Ting kept a certain distance from this overly enthusiastic aunt.

"Ding Dong..." The elevator rang and the door opened.

The middle-aged woman smiled, "My family lives on the sixth floor, so I have time to play."

Wang Ting "..."

When the elevator doors closed, Wang Ting breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, she had met some aunts who saw her beautiful and wanted to introduce her son and nephew to him.

However, those aunts just talked a few words, and would not invite her to the house, facing this self-acquainted aunt, they couldn't help but be more prepared.

"Sixth floor." Wang Ting underestimated in her heart, Liu frowned, as if remembering something, her mouth was open with a look of surprise.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Han Bin returned home.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a scent, walked to the entrance of the restaurant, and saw a beautiful back in the kitchen.

Wang Ting also heard the movement, "Are you back?"

"I'm back, what is delicious today, so delicious."

"Go wash your hands first, just because I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

"You'll know in a while, go now."

Han Bin finished washing and returned to the restaurant again, where the food was already set.

One steamed sea bass, one fried wheat, and one small fried pork with chili.

Han Bin sniffed, swallowed, "This little chili fried pork is very flavorful."

"I bought a bottle of yogurt to relieve the spicy." Wang Ting unscrewed the yogurt bottle and poured a glass for Han Bin.

"Tingting, you are so thoughtful." Han Bin took the yogurt and poured a glass for Wang Ting.

Wang Ting took off her apron and sat beside Han Bin.

Han Bin first gave Wang Ting a piece of bass.

He himself took a piece of fried pork with chili, which was spicy and fragrant, very transparent, and very good for dinner.

Han Bin put down his chopsticks, "Tingting, I didn't expect you to cook Sichuan food so well."

Wang Ting smiled, "Do you feel like you have earned it?"

"Well, I wonder if I was Ultraman and saved the galaxy in my previous life."

"Puff......" Wang Ting chuckled, "I will tell you something business."

"Say it."

When the words came to her lips, Wang Ting hesitated.

Han Bin put down his chopsticks, "Or I will guess first."

"Okay, then detective Han will just guess."

"Have you found a new career?"

"I still want to settle down, how can it be so fast."

Han Bin touched his chin and looked up and down Wang Ting, "You have it."

"What..." Wang Ting suddenly woke up, showing a shy expression, "You hate it, what nonsense."

Han Bin shrugged, "Then I can't think of it."

Wang Ting narrowed her smile and cleared her throat, "I met a very enthusiastic aunt in the elevator today. She asked if I had a partner and invited me to play at her house."

Han Bin's face was stern and he snorted, "What auntie is so lacking in eyesight, I don't know you are my girl."

"Stop making trouble, I'm going to tell you business."

"Is it because she thinks you are beautiful and wants to introduce someone to you? If you encounter this situation in the future, you can tell her directly that you are engaged."

"The beauty you think." Wang Ting gave Han Bin a blank look and continued, "That aunt lives on the sixth floor."

Han Bin froze for a moment, and leaned forward, "What does the aunt look like?"

Wang Ting recalled for a moment, "Wearing a pair of glasses, she was very temperamental, not like a bad person."

Han Bin took out his phone and flipped through it and found a picture, "Is it her?"

Wang Ting took a look, her face changed slightly, "She's really your mother."

Han Bin smiled bitterly, "The aunt who lives on the sixth floor and wears glasses, that can't be wrong."

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