Detective from The Future

Chapter 867: One thing drops one thing

Han Bin closed the door of the ward, "The horse team, what else do you want?"

"I can't talk about it, but there are some things I want to explain to you." Ma Jingbo sighed, his expression complicated, "I said this injury is not serious, whether it is light or not, so I have to rest for a few months. I can’t return to the team...I recommend you to the leader to take over as the captain of the squadron. I’m not sure if you succeed, it depends on your own good fortune.”

Hearing Ma Jingbo's words, Han Bin's mood was a little complicated, both sad and grateful, and there was a hint of excitement deep in his heart.

"The horse team, I think you are recovering well, and I also asked the doctor that after three or four months of gunshot wounds, it is almost all right, and you can return to the team."

Ma Jingbo said, "Our city criminal investigation brigade has tight work and heavy tasks. It is impossible for a squadron leader to be vacant for a long time. Let alone three or four months, even one month can't wait."

"You kid must fight hard and hand over the second squadron to you, I don't worry."

Han Bin opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something...

Ma Jingbo patted him on the shoulder, "Don't say anything extra, I'm optimistic about you, do it hard."

Han Bin nodded, "Yes, the horse team, I will definitely not let down your trust, I will definitely lead the second squadron."

Ma Jingbo sighed softly, "With your words, I'm relieved."

The two chatted a few more words, and when Ma Jingbo was a little tired, Han Bin left.

Ma Jingbo walked to the window, looked at the lights outside the window, and habitually touched his pocket, but unfortunately it was empty, and smoking was not allowed in this place.

At this time, Ma Jingbo's heart is extremely complicated, and he is also reluctant to bear his current position? Just like he said, a carrot is a pit, and when his injury heals? This pit has long been occupied.

What Ma Jingbo said to Han Bin? It’s not that he is arrogant and selfless? It’s something that can’t be helped. As he said just now, the work of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade is too important? It’s impossible for a long-term vacancy? Someone has to fill this hole. . Rather than mobilize outsiders to come in, it is better to hand it over to his own hands, at least? Han Bin was brought out by him.


The next morning.

Han Bin came earlier than usual? He heard Ma Jingbo's words in his heart? Naturally, he should perform well? The leader must leave a good impression at the critical moment.

Closing procedures? Busy and orderly.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang walked in from outside.

Jiang Yang stomped his feet? "It's freezing to death, the wind is really cold today, or the room is warm."

Li Qin said, "It's only a few months now, and it's cold."

Wang Xiao walked to Han Bin's desk? "The Korean team? We went to the hospital? First went to see the horse team. Then he went to Hu Dingrong's ward? He is out of danger and can speak now. But no matter what How do we ask? He wouldn't say anything."

Han Bin asked, "Does he have a strong desire to survive?"

Wang Xiao shook his head, "He won't answer whether it's soft or hard."

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "Whether he says it or not, other people can be convicted in this case. However, he alone knows the channels for buying guns. This is the focus of the trial."

"I asked, and he didn't respond."

Han Bin touched his chin, "Then, as long as he smooths his mind, he will naturally cooperate with the police. Too tight, but it will have a counterproductive effect."

"Understood." Wang Xiao responded, and when he was about to say something, there was a loud noise outside.

Huang Qianqian ran in, "Team Han, a woman came outside, saying that she was the victim's family member, and she wanted to find the person in charge of Jiang Kangming's case."

Han Bin can probably guess who it is. Ma Jingbo is not there, so he can only come forward.

"What should you do? I'll go out and have a look." Han Bin got up and got out of the house, and he saw Lu Cuiluan standing at the entrance of the corridor.

As soon as he saw Han Bin appear, Lu Cuiluan immediately greeted him, "Police Officer Han, I am looking for you."

"Ms. Lu, what's the matter?"

"How is my husband's case going?"

"Very smoothly, it has entered the closing stage."

"Then our family's money, when will it be returned to us."

Han Bin said, "I don't count this matter. You have to follow the relevant procedures. Then someone will contact you naturally."

"Don’t, I’ll recognize you for my husband’s case you handled. Or you can tell the leader to return the money to us as soon as possible. To tell you, we have the old at home and the young at home. We use money. There are so many places."

"I'm only in charge of investigating the case, and I'm not in charge of the rest."

"Who cares, you take me to find him, I will tell him personally."

"Didn't I say that, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has your contact information, and will naturally call you when it needs you to come over to complete the relevant procedures."

"Hey, when will I have to wait, it's millions of dollars, I'm not at ease in my heart."

"Then I have nothing to do."

A sly flicker flashed in Lu Cuiluan's eyes, "Then do you know where the director's office is? I'll talk to him, begging for mercy."

"Are you embarrassing me?"

"Look at what you said, you saved my husband, and I am grateful that you are too late, how can you embarrass you. I went to the chief, and I will only say good things about you."

I believe you a ghost, Han Bin is cold, he can tell that as long as he can't get the money, this woman will keep making trouble.

"In this way, you go to the lounge for a meeting, and I will help you ask."

"Okay, then you have to ask clearly and help us get the money back soon." Lu Cuiluan smiled, let's see, it can't cure you.

Han Bin ordered Huang Qianqian to look at Lu Cuiluan.

Han Bin went to the captain's office and said, "Boom."

"Come in."

Han Bin entered the office and saw Ding Xifeng watering the flowers, "Captain."


"Jiang Kangming's wife, Lu Cuiluan, is here, and she has to take the stolen money away. I said that this is not my responsibility, and he will go to the director's office. I really have nothing to do, so I came to you."

Ding Xifeng smiled, "It's not a kind of people who don't enter a house. That's true. It's absolutely the original match."

"Captain, what do you think about this?"

"Don't you guys have a good way of handling cases, why are you out of ideas now."

Han Bin smiled bitterly, "I can see that this old Lai is more difficult to deal with than the suspect."

"Haha..." Ding Xifeng smiled, "That's right, a bit of tofu in brine reduces one thing, we really can't control others."

"Captain, I have no idea, you must have an idea." Seeing the other side's face, Han Bin felt that Ding Xifeng should have a way to deal with it.

Ding Xifeng took out a cigarette and tapped it on the cigarette case, "In this way, you take Lu Cuiluan to the conference room on the third floor."

"Can it work?"

"You'll know when you go."

"Yes, I'll listen to you." Han Bin left the captain's office, went to the lounge and called for Lu Cuiluan, and then went to the conference room on the third floor.

"Boom." Han Bin knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ding Xifeng's voice sounded in the room.

Han Bin pushed the door in, showing a little surprise. In addition to Ding Xifeng and a few police officers, there were a few people in the uniform of a judge in the conference room.

Ding Xifeng looked behind Han Bin, "Are you Lu Cuiluan, Jiang Kangming's wife?"

"Yes." Lu Cuiluan was not afraid of the police, but when he saw the people in the court, his liver trembled.

"I heard you are here to ask for money."

"Yes, the robbers robbed my family's money. Our old man is sick. It is impossible to use the money in a hurry, so he wants to get the money back first."

Ding Xifeng said, "These judges are also here to ask for money, or you can talk to them."

Lu Cuiluan swallowed, "What do I have to talk about with them? My husband was taken away by the false judge once. How do I know if he is real or fake."

One of the judges in uniform stood up and said, "Lu Cuiluan, take a closer look, am I real or fake? I went to your house to issue an enforcement notice more than once. This time I finally saw your money. It's not easy."

Lu Cuiluan's face became more and more ugly, "This...this is not my family's money, you just heard it wrong."

Ding Xifeng glared, "What are you talking about, it's not your family's money, then why are you here?"

Han Bin rolled his head, "Ms. Lu, please."

Lu Cuiluan was about to cry, she neither dared to admit it nor said it was not...

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