Detective from The Future

Chapter 868: Another way

Lu Cuiluan stood still, neither walking nor staying.

Money, she wants.

But she froze when she saw the court.

A judge greeted, "Lu Cuiluan, don't leave, there is a document that needs your signature."

"What file?"

"To perform the property freezing procedures, your signature is required."

"Ah!" Lu Cuiluan's legs softened and sat on the ground, "Why is it frozen? That's our family's money, it's our family's hard-earned money. Why do you say it's frozen, just freeze."

"You have frozen the money, how will our family live in the future."

Han Bin picked her up and helped her to the conference table, surrounded by the judges in a half circle, "Ms. Lu, don't worry, you have any thoughts and appeals, slowly tell these comrades in the court. They are professional. , Will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Han Bin finished speaking and followed Ding Xifeng out of the conference room.

Han Bin smiled and said, "Captain, you are still good, and you will be settled as soon as you shoot."

Ding Xifeng waved his hand, "It's also a coincidence. If the comrades of the court are not there, I will have the same headache. How are the procedures for closing the case?"

"I am going to report to you."

"Go to my office, I happen to have something to tell you."

After a while, the two went to the captain's office.

Ding Xifeng motioned to Han Bin to sit down first and make a pot of tea by himself, "It's cold, let's drink some black tea."

"I'm coming." Han Bin took the teapot, first poured a cup for Ding Xifeng, and then poured himself a cup.

Han Bin picked up the cup and smelled it, took a sip, it tasted good, and at Ding Xifeng's level, there is definitely no shortage of good tea.

Ding Xifeng put down the cup, "Are there any problems with the procedures for closing the case?"

"The other suspects are very cooperative, but this Hu Dingrong is the only one who doesn't eat hard or soft? It happened that he suffered a gunshot wound again and was still living in the hospital ward, and there was no way for a high-intensity interrogation.

Ding Xifeng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket? He took one? Threw the cigarette case in front of Han Bin? "What's the situation with Hu Dingrong, his boss Xuan has recruited him, so why is he stubborn."

Han Bin first set Ding Xifeng on fire? He also smoked a cigarette from the cigarette case? "I also thought about this. Hu Dingrong was very resistant to the police from the beginning. He dared to shoot at the police with guns? Will there be other criminal records? ?"

Ding Xifeng smoked a cigarette? "Is it possible? Do you apply? Send Hu Dingrong's fingerprints and DNA samples to the database for comparison."

"Yes? I will personally be responsible for Hu Dingrong's interrogation."

Ding Xifeng nodded? "One more thing, your horse team has suffered a gunshot wound and needs to rest for a while, and the police officer needs some psychological counseling after the gunshot wound... Will he be unable to return to the team for a while? Can't you leave the job? I'm going to recommend you to take over as the squadron leader."

Han Bin took a deep breath? "Thank you for the recommendation of the captain."

"Are you confident to lead the second squadron?"

Han Bin said loudly? "Yes."

"I hope you not only speak well, but also do well."

"Yes, I must live up to your trust."

Ding Xifeng said? "These days are enough for you to be busy. Take a good rest on weekends. It is estimated that there will be results next week. By then, you will be busy again."

When he heard that he could rest, Han Bin smiled involuntarily, "I listen to you."

The two drank tea for a while, Ding Xifeng's cell phone rang, and Han Bin left.

After leaving the house, Han Bin clenched his fists vigorously. With Ding Xifeng's words, his promotion was considered stable.

Ability is important, but more important is to have leaders who appreciate you.

Han Bin took a deep breath, trying to suppress his joy, the more this time, the more low-key.


At noon, Han Bin and Bao Xing went to the hospital to visit Ma Jingbo. On the way, they went to the restaurant to pack some meals, which Ma Jingbo usually likes to eat, but absolutely can't eat in the hospital.

Of course, Han Bin didn't order some foods that are irritating to wounds.

Ma Jingbo was very happy to see Han Bin and two of them come to the hospital, and he was able to eat a meal that he liked.

Although I was tired from work before, I didn't suffer any loss in terms of food. Now it is different. The food in the hospital is relatively light. He has a heavy taste, which can't stand it.

Ma Jingbo ate a few mouthfuls of food, but he stopped thinking, "Why did you two come here at noon? Come to judge Hu Dingrong?"

Ma Jingbo was not surprised that Han Bin and Bao Xing came to visit themselves, but today is not Saturday or Sunday, even if they come, they will come at night. There must be something else coming here at noon.

Han Bin put down his chopsticks, "Yes, the other suspects in the case have been recruited, but this Hu Dingrong will not eat it. I want to meet him personally, just in time for a meal and ask you."

Ma Jingbo snorted, "I've seen it a long time ago. This kid is a desperate lord. You didn't see you when you were arrested. This kid is very awkward. He doesn't feel soft when he shoots. , He actually dared to climb outside."

"His current situation is useless. It doesn't scare him at all, and he needs to be carefully guarded. As long as he has the opportunity, this kid will definitely run away, even if he is in the risk of being shot."

Han Bin thought it so, "I will tell the captain and ask him to increase the guard in the ward."

Ma Jingbo ate a few more mouthfuls of food and said, "By the way, this morning, I went to Hu Dingrong’s ward and went around and saw Hu Dingrong’s relatives, Hu Dingrong’s mother, to be exact. However, the guards did not Let his mother in."

"Is Hu Dingrong's mother still there?"

Ma Jingbo shook his head, "Then I don't know."

"How did Hu Dingrong's mother know he was hospitalized here?"

Ma Jingbo said, "Hu Dingrong's situation was very dangerous at the time. The hospital issued several critical illness notices. This situation is quite special and the suspect's family members may be notified."

Han Bin finished eating, cleaned up, and left with Bao Xing.

The two went directly outside Hu Dingrong's ward, and after showing their credentials to the guards, they entered the ward directly.

Hu Dingrong lay on the bed with his back facing the direction of the door, and did not react at all to the arrival of Han Bin and others.

Han Bin walked to the other side and looked at the other side. Hu Dingrong had an infusion with his left hand and his right hand was handcuffed to the hospital bed. "Hu Dingrong."

The other party still did not respond.

"I'm Han Bin from the Criminal Investigation Brigade, and I want to make a note for you."

Hu Dingrong glanced at Han Bin, but still did not speak.

Bao Xing said, "Hu Dingrong, do you know where you are now? Your accomplices Xuan, Jiaotou, Snake, Old Xue, and Siwa have all been arrested. If you don't say anything, they will also identify you. It will only hurt yourself if you show it to someone."

Hu Dingrong yawned and closed his eyes.

"You..." Bao Xing was angry when he saw his attitude.

"That's OK, you have to rest first, we will see you later." After speaking, Han Bin took Bao Xing out of the ward.

"The Korean team, let's just leave? He has already been arrested, so what's the air." Bao Xing was a little unwilling.

Han Bin did not speak, and asked the policeman guarding aside, "Have you seen Hu Dingrong's family members?"

The guards hesitated, “After Hu Dingrong left the intensive care unit, he was secretly transported to this ward. At first, it was completely confidential. Hu Dingrong’s family didn’t even know about it. Later, Hu Dingrong’s mother was not reconciled, so she went to the hospital to look for it. All the wards have been transferred, and then I found Hu Dingrong. He also came this morning. We have already reported to the superiors and applied to change the ward or the hospital."

"Do you have contact information for Hu Dingrong's family?"

"His mother wanted to see Hu Dingrong, but no visits were allowed. Hu Dingrong's mother kept begging us and let us apply for her. We persuaded her for a long time. She also left a contact information, saying if the leader agreed Now, let us contact her."

"Give me the contact information, I'll communicate with her." Han Bin saw that it was difficult for Hu Dingrong to communicate anymore, and Han Bin didn't want to waste that time anymore, and simply took a different approach.

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