Detective from The Future

Chapter 996: Mystery

New major clues emerged in the case, and Han Bin temporarily suspended the trial.

If the clues provided by Zhao Wenyi are true, the police found the two blood suits, it would be enough to convict her.

If the clues provided by Zhao Wenyi are false, then it is also meaningless to continue the interrogation.


The next morning, Han Bin held a case summary meeting again.

Both Ding Xifeng and Ma Xiwen from the technical department attended the meeting.

The focus of the meeting was around Zhao Wenyi's blood suit.

As the actual person in charge of the case, Han Bin was still the first to speak. He briefly introduced Zhao Wenyi's trial progress.

After Han Bin finished speaking, Wang Xiao went on to report, "Received the address provided by the Korean team, I took the people to the warehouse 28, 103 Meixin Road. Two blood suits and a beige coat were found in the warehouse. , A pink sweater.

In addition, I checked the warehouse’s surveillance. At about 5:20 on January 31st, Zhao Wenyi entered the warehouse wearing a beige coat and wore a blue overalls when he left. From this, it can be inferred that, These two clothes should have been worn when she committed the crime.

After that, I gave the two clothes to my colleague in the technical department. "

Ma Xiwen continued, "After we got the two clothes, we immediately checked the clothes. The beige coat had no obvious blood stains on the outside, and a lot of blood stains on the inside. It was not like splashing blood, but more like rubbing it on. A pink sweater has more blood stains and a splatter shape, which is in line with the characteristics of a murderer.

In addition, we also carried out further tests on the blood clothes. Zhao Wenyi's skin debris and hair were found on the surface of the clothes, which can be determined to be the clothes she wore. The blood stains on the sweaters and coats are completely consistent with the DNA of the deceased Xiao Bingtian. It can be determined that these two pieces of clothing are exactly what the murderer wore when committing the crime.

In addition to the two pieces of clothing, we also found a photo in our coat pocket. The photo was not taken now, it should be an old photo. We extracted the blood fingerprints of two people from the photos, one was the victim Xiao Bingtian and the other was the suspect Zhao Wenyi. The blood stains on the photo are completely consistent with Xiao Bingtian's DNA. "

"Okay." Ding Xifeng smiled, "With this identification result and Zhao Wenyi's confession, the suspect can basically be convicted. The specific situation of the case is still in charge of Han Bin, and everyone has a good time to end the case by the end of the year. year."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

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When it comes to Chinese New Year, everyone present is full of energy.

Han Bin got the test evidence from the technical department, and it can be said that he is pretty sure.

The third interrogation room.

When I saw Zhao Wenyi again, Zhao Wenyi was a little haggard, but her expression became more calm.

After seeing Han Bin, Zhao Wenyi asked, "Team Han, when will my case be judged?"

Han Bin was stunned for a moment. The case has to go through multiple departments from investigation to judgment. It has not yet entered the closing stage. He said that this is a bit too early, "Let's follow the procedure."

"Will I be sentenced to death?"

"That depends on your attitude towards confession, as long as you have a good attitude towards confession, I will help you fight for a commutation policy."

Zhao Wenyi said, "I just asked, I want to know the result sooner, but it doesn't really matter whether the sentence is reduced or not."

Han Bin put down the information at hand, and said with a serious heart, "Zhao Wenyi, I can understand your thoughts. I have seen a lot of your situation. Many suspects will have similar thoughts to you when they just pleaded guilty. They feel like they killed someone, even if It's not a death sentence, but it will be sentenced for many years. I feel that life has lost hope. I even thought that I could be sentenced to death directly. I was shot.

Because of this idea, some suspects did not cooperate with the police investigation in the initial stage, and therefore failed to obtain more commutation policies. He might think it didn't matter at the time, and he would mostly regret it after calming down.

To put it bluntly, when first encountered a major disaster, psychologically unacceptable, self-defeating and self-defeating.

But humans are a very adaptable animal. After a while, you will get used to it and gradually accept it. Then you will start to rethink and plan your life, hoping that the death penalty can be exempted, hoping that the sentence can be commuted put in a lot of effort.

But by then it was too late, the best period of commutation had already been missed, and it might even take ten times the effort. "

"Huh..." Zhao Wenyi sighed, "Maybe, what you said makes sense, but now I am just like what you doesn't matter anymore."

"My suggestion to you is that it is easy to give up on one's own self, but it is difficult to be motivated. Please help the police in the investigation. You can retreat or advance."

Han Bin's guess is very accurate. Zhao Wenyi is indeed in a state of no demand. Not only is she not afraid of death, but rather vaguely expecting, wanting to leave. But she also felt that what Han Bin said was reasonable. Suddenly, she encountered everything that made her unable to follow suit, but people's mood would change, and no one could say what happened in the future.

As if he never thought that he would kill Xiao Bingtian, sometimes she still felt that it seemed to be a dream, looking forward to waking up soon.

"Captain Han, please tell me, how should I cooperate with the police?" Zhao Wenyi is confused now, she just wants to end the interrogation soon, and she is alone in a daze.

"I will ask you some more questions, you just have to answer truthfully."

"You ask."

"What is the relationship between you and Xiao Bingtian?"

Zhao Wenyi stared at Han Bin for a while, "This matter is a bit long to say, I really don't know where to say it."

"Then start from your acquaintance, the relationship between the two of you is directly related to the cause of the killing. These are all written on the file. If we record in insufficient detail, the supervisory authority will reject it, and you will have to let you at that time. Make supplementary notes."

"Okay, then I'll tell you all, I hope this will end soon."

Zhao Wenyi fell into the memory, "I have known Xiao Bingtian for 20 years. The first time we met was at the engagement banquet between me and Xiao Guodong. When I was with Guodong, I met Guodong’s parents, but it was the first time. Seeing Xiao Bingtian, I had an inexplicable affection for him that time.

Moreover, I can feel that he likes me too. The two of us are like magnets, attracted by an inexplicable force. It can be said to be love at first sight.

Both Bingtian and I know that this is wrong. I am his brother's fiancée. We are destined to have no future, and our families will not accept us. But the magic of love still makes people unable to extricate themselves, I really love him so much.

The two of us are in perfect harmony. As long as we are together, even if we are busy with each other, even if we don't talk or communicate, I feel happy. The two of us even thought about running away together, the end we couldn't bear all the pressure.

Bingtian felt sorry for Guodong. He didn't want to lose this younger brother, nor did he want to disappoint his parents, so he chose a person to leave Qindao. "

Upon hearing this, the first mystery in Han Bin's heart was finally solved...

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