Detective from The Future

Chapter 997: Wrong love

"Xiao Bingtian went to Chang'an City. We are on each side. We thought that time would dilute everything, including our feelings... But the less you get, the easier it is to make you nostalgic, and the more depressed, the easier it is to break out.

Every time Xiao Bingtian returns to Qindao from Chang'an City, I love him a little bit more. Every time he leaves, I feel heartbroken, like dripping blood, which is really painful.

Xiao Bingtian is a filial son. He would come back almost every year when his parents were there. But now his parents are gone. He came back this time to deal with the house. I know very well that if he leaves this time, he will not come back again. "

Zhao Wenyi cried very sadly, "I don't want him to go, I'm afraid I won't see him again, I love him so much, I love him more than 20 years ago, I know he has always loved me. We two Like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, it is possible that they will never see each other this time.

He asked me to get the money that day, and I begged him again to take me along. He refused. He said that he had only Xiao Guodong as a relative, and he didn't want to hurt him, nor could he hurt him. I can see that he also loves me very much, and when he said this, it was also very painful.

But so what? He still abandoned me and wanted to leave alone, just like twenty years ago. I picked up the fruit knife on the table and put it on my neck, I threatened him, if I didn't take me away, I would die here.

I really wanted to die at the time, because every time I parted with him, I felt like I had experienced a death, and I didn't dare to face this farewell again.

Xiao Bingtian was terrified. He was afraid that I would hurt himself, so he came to grab the knife. As a result... I... I didn't know what was going on, so I stabbed him all at once. It was me, and I killed him. I'm willing to pay for one life, I'm going to accompany him down, maybe... only in this way can we never separate. "

Hearing this, Han Bin's heart was also moved. He believed that these two people really love each other. At the same time, the two of them are destined to be a tragedy. Even if the two of them really elope, they cannot be accommodated in this world. .

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"Ms. Zhao, although I have not been in contact with Xiao Bingtian for a long time, I can be sure that he also loves you and is even willing to give his life for you."

"Thank you, thank you for your comfort." Zhao Wenyi showed a crying and smiling expression, "Perhaps in the eyes of most people, I am a shameless woman who actually fell in love with her husband's brother, so I am embarrassed to say love. But... love is so wonderful, once it comes, no one can stop it.

I often imagine that if I can go back to the past, I must know Xiao Bingtian first... Then no one will accuse us anymore, and we don’t have to bear so much of our love. I don’t want to be rich or envious of longevity. I just wish. We grow old with Bingtian. "

"Where is Xiao Guodong? Did he know you killed Xiao Bingtian?"

Zhao Wenyi hesitated for a moment, "I don't know, I didn't tell him. He has nothing to do with Bingtian's death. He is a good person, and I am sorry and let him down."

Han Bin wrote it down in his notebook, but he felt that Zhao Wenyi's remarks were moist, and it was impossible for Xiao Guodong to know nothing. But there are priorities, and now is not the time to ask the bottom line, Xiao Guodong's charges are not worth mentioning compared with Zhao Wenyi.

"After killing Xiao Bingtian, did you take the photo he carried with him?"

"Yes." Zhao Wenyi raised a smile at the corner of her mouth. "That was a photo of me when I was young. I didn't expect that he would keep it."

"After arriving at Xiao Bingtian's house, what have you two done?"

"When he came back this time, we were alone for the first time. After I came in, he poured me a glass of water. He still remembered that I loved to drink honey water and specially added a spoonful of honey for me. I drank honey water while Talking about the experience over the years. He sat on the sofa and laughed while listening to me. He knew that I love to eat Red Fuji apples, and he specially cut an apple for me, but unfortunately...the apple was not finished, we happened dispute……"

The details described by Zhao Wenyi are completely consistent with the situation at the scene. These details are very important for the conviction, because some clues and evidence are only known to the murderer and the police, and outsiders cannot understand at all, such as a broken glass and a trash can that has been cut in half. Apple.

"Captain Han, I have a request, should be said to be a request."

"you said."

"I want to see the video taken when Bingtian is dead. I want to see his last look in this world. I shouldn't run...I should guard him and send him away."

"You are sure to watch, the content may make you sad."

"I want to see... I'm not even afraid of death now. What else is there to be afraid of. I killed him, even if he accused me, I don't blame him. I was really crazy at that time, and I would be the most to me. The one you love uses a knife."

"I advise you not to watch."

"Please...I can't let it go."

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, gave a long sigh, took out Xiao Bingtian's mobile phone from the folder, and pressed the play button.

Xiao Bingtian leaned on the coffee table, covered his chest with his right hand, and said in a hoarse voice.

" hurts, I'm going to die, I have a few words to say before I die, the knife wound on my chest was... I stabbed myself, I committed suicide!

My parents have passed away, and I have nothing to miss in this world, so I chose to leave this world. Some people may not understand, but I think this is good, life is not as good as imagined, and death is not as terrible.

I am dying, I committed suicide. Being able to die here can be regarded as falling leaves back to their roots. Regarding my inheritance, there is actually nothing to say. I only have my brother in this world. I give him my real estate, cash, and collections. Guodong, brother is gone, let’s live a good life..."

It can be seen that Xiao Bingtian's will was full of guilt for his younger brother. He never mentioned Zhao Wenyi from beginning to end, which is precisely his protection for Zhao Wenyi.

Zhao Wenyi stared at the screen blankly, tears streaming down silently, her expression was extremely painful, as if she was unlovable.

Li Qin hurriedly walked over and handed over a pack of tissues, "Cry out of the pain, don't hold it in your heart."

Li Qin was afraid that she would not be able to withstand such a blow, and the police would still be responsible for any problems.

Han Bin persuaded, "Xiao Bingtian recorded this video to protect you. I know you are in pain, but even if it is for Xiao Bingtian, you have to live. If you die, you will completely fail his painstaking efforts."


Zhao Wenyi finally cried, shouting in a hoarse voice,

"Why do you want to be like this, why do you treat me so well, I killed you, and you actually gave me perjury before you died. God, why did you treat us this way, why..."

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