Detective from The Future

Chapter 998: Case closed

After a long while, Zhao Wenyi's emotions calmed down a bit, and choked up, "Team Korea, thank you, thank you for letting me know all this.

With his love, even if I die, it's worth it! "


After Han Bin left the interrogation room, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although Zhao Wenyi had pleaded guilty, he was not happy.

This is indeed a bit miserable for people who truly love each other.

Some love is destined not to be accepted by the world.

Zhao Wenyi gave an account of the crime, and the case has entered the closing stage.

In the afternoon, Han Bin took Zhao Wenyi back to Baicui Community to identify the scene.

As soon as I returned to the office, I received a report from Huang Qianqian that Xiao Guodong wanted to see him.

The interrogation of Xiao Guodong has not stopped. He has always insisted that Zhao Wenyi did not kill anyone. He also said that when he went to Xiao Bingtian's house, Xiao Bingtian was still alive.

Zhu Jiaxu also told the other party that Zhao Wenyi had already pleaded guilty and his shielding was meaningless, but he still refused to change his mind.

I have to say that this is also a silly person.

Han Bin also wanted to pry open his mouth as soon as possible. Although he was not directly involved in the case, he had a certain indirect relationship with the case. The conclusion of the case also requires his confession.

The third interrogation room.

I don't know if it was Han Bin's illusion. When I saw Xiao Guodong again, I felt that the other party had a lot of white hair.

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As soon as he saw Han Bin, Xiao Guodong couldn't wait to say, "Captain Han, I want to see my wife."

Han Bin leaned at the interrogation table, "Do you think it's possible?"

"As long as I see Rongrong, I will tell the truth."

"Zhao Wenyi has already admitted the murder of Xiao Bingtian. If there is no legitimate reason and work need, the police cannot easily interrogate them, let alone you?"

Xiao Guodong shouted, "Rongrong can't kill people, I don't believe it!"

"No. 103, Meixin Road, Warehouse No. 28. Is your house renting?"

"We found two blood suits in the warehouse. It was identified that there were blood stains from your brother on them. Zhao Wenyi confessed it on his own initiative. Think about it for yourself. After January 31st, did you never see Zhao Wenyi wearing the same day? A suit?"

Xiao Guodong's face changed again and again, "I...I really want to see her."

"As long as you truthfully explain the situation, you will have a chance to see her in the future."

"Captain Han, will my wife be sentenced to death?"

"I don't count this, but she has a better attitude towards pleading guilty, and I will try my best to help her get a probation. Her situation has been explained, but the confession from your side has been inconsistent, indicating that you two have one. Lying, this situation is very detrimental to Zhao Wenyi, and it will also affect her commutation policy."

Xiao Guodong understood Han Bin's meaning and confirmed again, "Captain Han, Wen Yi really confessed, you didn't lie to me."

Han Bin smiled, "What is the point of I lie to you? How much do you think your testimony can have in this case. It is the two blood suits that Zhao Wenyi wore when he was murdered that convicted Zhao Wenyi."

Xiao Guodong sighed, "Captain Han, I am willing to assist you in the investigation. I know that I have made a mistake. I do not ask you to reduce my sentence. I only hope that you can help my wife to fight for the reduction of sentence."

"I can promise you this."

"Thank you, ask, I will tell you the truth."

Han Bin opened his notebook and asked, "Does Xiao Bingtian's death have anything to do with you?"

"No, he is my own brother, how could I kill him."

"Was Xiao Bingtian still alive when you arrived at Baicui Community?"

Xiao Guodong thought for a while, "I don't know."

"You don't know what it means."

"I... didn't go upstairs at all, and didn't see my brother."

"You stayed in Baicui Community for 30 minutes without going upstairs, so what are you doing?"

"I have been sitting in the car."

"Why not go upstairs?"

"I can not."

"What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Guodong was silent for a long time, "I only found out that Wenyi had gone to Baicui community after I was busy. I called her and no one answered, and no one answered my brother's phone. I went to Baicui community without worry, but got to the building. Next... I hesitate again, I'm afraid that after going up...

Hey...what is this? I was deceived, so I didn't dare to face it. "

Han Bin understood what the other party meant, "Do you know that Xiao Bingtian and Zhao Wenyi adore each other?"

"Yes, I know."

"When did you know?"

"This is a long story. The two of them are in a tacit understanding, which makes me jealous. When the three of us are together, I even think that I am a light bulb. Over time, I feel the difference. But I didn't have the courage to go. Puncture, because I don't know how to face it, and I'm even more afraid of losing Wenyi.

At first, I still resented my brother a little bit. Later, my brother went to Chang'an City and rarely returned to Qindao. I gradually understood my brother's good intentions. I can feel that the two of them really adore me, but I also love Wenyi deeply. I can't give up my feelings with her, I can only pretend that I don't know. "

Xiao Guodong continued, "When I saw my brother died, my heart was very complicated and I was very painful. He was my only relative and I cared about him. But I also felt a little lighthearted, and this unseen relationship also Finally can draw a full stop.

At the beginning, I didn't expect Wen Yi to kill my brother, and she never admitted, I just instinctively wanted to protect her. I have lost a loved one and I don't want to lose another one.

Captain Han, do you think I did something wrong? "

"What do you mean?"

"Should I let go a long time ago and fulfill them. Maybe this would be good for all three of us, and it won't end up in the situation it is today."

"There is no possibility in this world. Even if they are really together, they may not be happy, and they are likely to encounter other difficulties."

"You are right, this is simply incomprehensible." Xiao Guodong gave a wry smile and looked up, "God, why do you want to do this to me, let our brothers fall in love with the same woman..."


Half an hour later, Han Bin left the interrogation room.

Xiao Guodong has never been to the scene of the crime. His direct relationship with this case is merely his identity as the reporter.

However, because he is suspected of covering up Zhao Wenyi and deceiving the police, he will also be punished by law.

In the next few days, the main task of the Second Squadron was to handle the procedures for closing the case.

After several days of overtime work, the case was finally concluded on February 9.

On February 10th, the Criminal Investigation Brigade held a year-end work report summary meeting.

After the meeting, except for the team members on duty, everyone else had a holiday for the New Year.


February 11, New Year's Eve.

Han Bin slept for a while, and didn't get up until he smelled the scent of the food.

Wang Ting has made breakfast.

Seeing Han Bin get up, Wang Ting greeted him, "Hurry up to wash and eat, and post the couplet later."

Han Bin stretched, "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. This year is New Year's Eve."

Han Bin cheered up. Tomorrow is the New Year, and today is a little busy.

Breakfast is very simple, bread, fried eggs, milk, bacon, tomato slices and apples.

After dinner, Han Bin posted a couplet at the door, and then drove Wang Ting home.

Although the relationship between the two is very stable, but after all they are not married, Wang Ting still has to go back to her home for the New Year.

Out of courtesy and respect for Wang Ting's parents, Han Bin also bought some New Year goods to visit Wang Ting's parents.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Han Bin and two arrived at Wang Ting's parents' house.

Wang Ting's mother was busy in the kitchen, and Wang Ting's father was also being commanded to beat her around.

Aunt Chen will also go home during the New Year. The meals during the New Year are the main spoon of Wang Ting's mother Song Min, and Wang Ting's father and Wang Ting help cook.

Song Min opened the door and said with a smile, "You are here, come in."

Han Bin said, "Uncles and aunts, give you an early greeting."

Wang Ting’s father, Wang Yan, said, “It’s fine if you come, what else to take.”

"It's not New Year's Day. There are not many gifts, just a little heart." Han Bin brought a box of Moutai, two boxes of tea, and some beauty supplements.

There are not many things, but they are also handy.

The arrival of Han Bin also liberated Wang Yan. He had long wanted to be a helper in the kitchen.

This is not a question of hard work, but being directed by my wife to do this and that, and to be scolded from time to time, it is really not a good job.

Wang Yan called Han Bin to the living room to have tea and chat.

Wang Ting went to the kitchen as a helper.

Han Bin picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Wang Yan, "Uncle, are you okay this afternoon? If it's okay, let's have a drink together at noon."

"What can you do for the New Year?" Wang Yan smiled. At his age, it is also a good thing to find an honest reason to drink.

"By the way, how is your recent work? Is it going well?"

"I just finished a case the day before yesterday, so it went smoothly. Fortunately, the case was closed a year ago, otherwise this year I will have a restless life."

"It's true that being a policeman is really hard, and it is through your hard work that the people can have a peaceful year."

Han Bin smiled, "Uncle, I have been busy patronizing during this time, and I didn't come to visit you. After a while, we had a few rounds of Go. We haven't played for a while, so it's weird."

Wang Yan looked at his watch, "It's only ten o'clock, and it's still early to eat. What are you waiting for? Let's go and rub two dishes now."

After speaking, the two of them took the teapot and went to the sun room outside.

This is Wang Yan's small world, where you can play chess, drink tea, and smoke, without worrying about being scolded by Song Min.

Han Bin has not learned to play Go for a long time, but he likes to play Go. Tired of investigating the case, it is good to change his mind.

Go and investigating the case still have the same tricks, and both need to use their brains. Han Bin's chess has improved rapidly. Wang Ting played chess with him, already losing more and winning less.

Both of them were very engaged in chess, which lasted more than an hour.

"Dad, Han Bin, have dinner." Wang Ting's hello interrupted their thoughts.

Wang Yan still had some meaning, but he paused wittily when he thought of his wife, and stretched his waist, "Go, let's go to dinner first, let's not move this game of chess first, and then play after dinner."

Han Bin followed and got up and walked into the house. Wang Ting was a step behind and whispered, "Han Bin, drink less today. For the New Year, don't get my dad drunk again."

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded. If he didn't drink enough, Wang Yan might be upset. But if you drink too much, Wang Ting and Wang Ting's mother should not be happy. You should drink well and less. This degree is not easy to be sure.

Song Min and Wang Ting made a total of six dishes and one soup, steamed fish, garlic lobster, fried white fungus, stir-fried oily wheat, stewed lamb chops, and white-cut chicken. The staple food was dumplings stuffed with cuttlefish.

These dishes are Song Min's specialty dishes. The taste is more homely, lighter than the restaurant's, and tastes different.

In addition, Han Bin's favorite is the dumplings stuffed with cuttlefish, which are fresh and delicious, with thin skins and big fillings, which are absolutely delicious.

Wang Yan and Han Bin opened a bottle of Moutai, and Song Min also drank two glasses. After drinking, both of them were a little drunk. Seeing Wang Yan’s expression, they seemed to want to open another bottle. Min strangled his eyes.

Han Bin pretended not to see it, but lowered his head to eat dumplings. He ate two plates of dumplings alone.

After drinking, Wang Yan took Han Bin to the previous Go endgame. However, Wang Yan's Jiujin gradually came up and yawned from time to time. After the Go endgame, Wang Yan went to sleep with Jiujin. .

Han Bin also went back to his home and slept for a while.

I have to say that drinking alcohol and sleeping is also a rare beauty.

After waking up, Han Bin went downstairs to his parents' house. Today is New Year's Eve, and he will have a drink with his grandfather, dad and uncle in the evening.

It stands to reason that Wang Qingsheng shouldn’t have come on New Year’s Eve, but there is no way. Grandpa Han Bin and his wife died early, and Wang Qingsheng was not married. He usually lives by himself. During the New Year, other people’s homes are full of excitement. He is the only one left. It was a bit miserable to spend New Year's Eve in the deserted state.

Therefore, Wang Qingsheng will come to Han Bin's house on New Year's Eve. It is a new era, and there is not so much attention to it. It is very lively and lively.

In the evening, the family made a few dishes, a pot of tea and two bottles of wine, and they sat around the coffee table to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Compared with previous years, the current Spring Festival Gala is more symbolic and lost a bit of its original flavor. After reading it, many people do not praise it, but more complaints.

Take Han Bin as an example. He basically doesn't watch the dance programs of the Spring Festival Gala. He is just a layman and can't appreciate it.

He prefers to watch language programs, sketches and cross talks.

But in recent years, the sketches have changed a little. Not to mention the uncle Benshan who has been calling for a long time, and the happy twist is not on the scene. The only thing that still counts the color is Xiao Yueyue's cross talk.

The skit was originally a show that makes people happy and laughs cute, but now it ends with either sensationalism, trying to make people cry, or preaching.

Brother, I think the Spring Festival Gala is just to be happy, just want to laugh, what are you doing so elegantly.

If you want to be sensational and preaching, why don't I go to the TV show, people are not more professional than you.

In short, Han Bin also feels that the Spring Festival Gala has changed a bit. He prefers to watch that kind of show that laughs from beginning to end. He is already very tired in his usual life and work. Wouldn't it be good to have a good laugh in the New Year?

Although the Spring Festival Gala is not exciting, the Han Bin's family has finished watching it, and more of it is used as background music. The family sits together drinking tea and chatting. The picture is a lively scene.

Chinese New Year is actually a family reunion, peaceful, healthy and contented!

At twelve o'clock in the morning, with the ringing of the New Year's bell, 2021 is here...

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