Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 51 The Replaced Meteorite

Cen Lian first eliminated Hu Tingting.

She even fully confessed her case of murder and dismemberment. There was no reason to hide such a thing. What's more, she didn't understand the value of meteorites at all, and it was even impossible for her to put away the meteorite that did not belong to him after killing Chen Nan. Go in.

"So, there is something wrong with the meteorite?" Tang Hua had been listening silently before, but now he saw that Cen Lian was silent, so he asked him out loud.

Cen Lian leaned back on the chair and looked up at the sky with a tired face.

"Let's go back to the interrogation first. I don't know what exactly happened now." Cen Lian simply closed his eyes and decided to continue thinking after Tian Xianzhong was interrogated.

His CPU was almost fried due to the continuous changes.

In the interrogation room of the Jiangyuan Municipal Bureau, Tian Xianzhong readily admitted that he had killed Tan Xingguo.

After all, Qin Xingguo's blood and hair DNA were everywhere in his home.

When Cen Lian asked about Zhu Yao, he responded hesitantly, "I suspect that Chen Nan may have killed Zhu Yao, but Chen Nan is dead now, so I can't be sure."

"How do you know?" Cen Lian realized that the relationship between Tian Xianzhong and Chen Nan did not seem to be as close as he imagined.

"When I went to borrow a car from him, I saw Zhu Yao's bag in the trunk of his car. There was still vague blood stains in the trunk of the car. I felt something was wrong at the time, but Chen Nan told me that the trunk was He bought the blood from the slaughtered chickens, and Zhu Yao’s bag was left at his place the last time we went to the mountains to collect meteorites. I was in a hurry to deal with Tan Xingguo’s body, so I didn’t ask any more questions.”

What Tian Xianzhong said can be easily confirmed, because he conveniently threw Zhu Yao's bag and Tan Xingguo's body together.

"Why did you want to kill Tan Xingguo?" Cen Lian finally asked the question that he had been wondering about for a long time.

Tian Xianzhong was silent for a moment.

"This incident is actually an accident," he sighed, slumping down on his chair. "In the beginning, Zhu Yao and I actually had a conflict."

Cen Lian didn't interrupt him, just sat there and listened to him continue.

Tang Hua took a pen and scribbled it down, actually very curious in his heart.

"Old Tan, that is, Tan Xingguo. He got a particularly valuable meteorite from several farmers in Guizhou Province. He can easily sell it for seven figures in our circle. If he sells it outside, I have channels. It can be sold for an eight-digit price." Tian Xianzhong lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, "At that time, Zhu Yao and I both wanted to get the meteorite for four million. Lao Qin and I usually have a better relationship. , I became a little anxious after knowing that Zhu Yao’s quotation could still be raised.”

Cen Lian's brows jumped. He was not an outsider. The meteorite dug out from beside Chen Nan's body could barely sell for 400,000 yuan, and would definitely not reach the price of 4 million.

Tian Xianzhong has been in this circle for many years, and it is impossible for him to make so many mistakes on a meteorite. It seems that his previous guess was correct. The meteorite in their hands was not the one that initially caused their conflict.

Tian Xianzhong didn't know what Cen Lian was thinking. He just closed his eyes after recalling what happened that day and continued to state with a trembling voice.

"Don't look at the fact that I live in a villa now. In fact, my financial situation is not very good." Tian Xianzhong raised his head and looked at Cen Lian and Tang Hua. "The economy has been in recession in the past two years, and our collection industry is even worse than before. Many The stones I collected at a relatively low price back then can’t even be sold for half of their original price. My son is studying in an international school in Hong Kong, and he spends hundreds of thousands a year on various expenses. I have sold a lot of them in the past two years. There are less treasures than before, so I definitely can’t let go of these millions of dollars.”

"Then you took action against Tan Xingguo?" Cen Lian looked at him with a cold face.

"I just wanted to talk to him at the beginning," Tian Xianzhong's tone became urgent. "Who knew that after I met him and had a drink, he said that Zhu Yao was willing to pay five million to get the meteorite. I was anxious at that time, and I talked to him, almost begging him to sell me the stone, but he refused and took out the stone to show off to me. I also drank a lot at that time, so I just followed He grabbed the stone and he just wouldn't let go."

When Tian Xianzhong said this, his tone suddenly weakened.

"I was drunk at the time, so I took a fruit knife from the side to scare him. I didn't expect to be careful when I pulled it, and I, I stabbed him to death!" After Tian Xianzhong said this, he covered his head. He cried with a sullen face.

Cen Lian only believed 60% of his confession.

As long as you are a human being, your first reaction in such an environment is to avoid the important and try to remove yourself from it. If you really can't remove it, then try to describe the matter as an accident.

This is normal. After several subsequent interrogations, you can tell whether he is lying based on the evidence.

Judging from Cen Lian's experience, except for the incident of the two grabbing stones, Tian Xianzhong probably greatly beautified his behavior in other narratives.

But this is not important. He is just conducting a simple surprise interrogation. Later, an old detective who has dealt with various murderers for more than ten years will accompany him to chat slowly.

By then, nothing he said would be a good thing.

But before that, he needed to know the whereabouts of Zhu Yao and what happened to this meteorite.

"What is the composition of the meteorite you are fighting for?" Cen Lian spoke after Tian Xianzhong finished crying.

If it wasn't the stony-iron meteorite, then where was the meteorite that caused their fight in the first place?

Zhu Yao can offer a price of five million, which means that this meteorite can be sold at this price at the lowest in the market.

"Based on my experience, it should be a lunar meteorite. Lao Tan said that he asked someone to test the composition and found a metal substance that could not be measured on it. I don't know what it is." Tian Xianzhong said honestly.

Cen Lian frowned. Ordinary lunar meteorites could not reach this price. He didn't know where this meteorite came from.

He rubbed his temples and got up from the interrogation table.

"Take us to find Tan Xingguo's body." After thinking about it, Cen Lian decided to do things one by one.

Find the body first, then study the meteorite.

Tang Hua drove, Gao Haolin and Zhang He sandwiched Tian Xianzhong on the back seat, and drove out of the city according to his confession.

Cen Lian felt that this road was more and more familiar.

When he saw the road sign of Dongling County, he was inevitably speechless.

After going around in circles, how did he return to Dongling County again?

This time, it can't be related to Lingxia Village.

Cen Lian looked at the Hechi Ridge getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt that he was a little too arrogant when he said he would solve the case in three days.

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