Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 52 A murder case, you told me it's related to spies?

Hechiling is a place that is barely considered a tourist attraction for the locals, but has almost never been heard of by outsiders.

When Cen Lian got out of the car, he discovered that the place chosen by Tian Xianzhong to dump the body was in an almost deserted valley in Hechiling. In this valley, there were domestic garbage washed down by the flood, and there were all kinds of disorderly trees and vegetation.

It is indeed a good place to dump the body.

Forensic Doctor Lin's car stopped behind them. Two forensic assistants from Jiangyuan City got out of the car with Forensic Doctor Lin, and dug out the body buried in the valley according to the place identified by Tian Xianzhong.

Tan Xingguo's body was not completely decomposed, and some of his appearance during life could still be seen. Forensic doctor Lin examined it closely and determined that the cause of Tan Xingguo's death was consistent with Tian Xianzhong's confession.

The next work was much simpler. Two forensic assistants helped take samples of the soil and other materials around the body, and several criminal police officers helped wrap the body and carry it into the car. Jiangyuan City Bureau has its own autopsy room, so there is no need to go there. The funeral home watched the autopsy.

Cen Lian found Zhu Yao's backpack near the burial site.

"Take it back and take samples." Cen Lian still doesn't know where Zhu Yao's body is, but now he is basically sure that what Tian Xianzhong said is true, and Chen Nan also drove this off-road vehicle to dump the body.

After the previous guess was confirmed, the rest was very simple. It was the same process as finding Tian Xianzhong.

The difference is probably that Chen Nan has already gone down first and cannot wait for Tian Xianzhong on Huangquan Road.

Wu Qiushan called on their way back.

"I already know the matter. Can you be sure that the meteorite we found next to Chen Nan's body was not the one that caused their conflict?" Although Wu Qiushan trusted Cen Lian enough, he still confirmed it rigorously.

Cen Lian looked at the Hechi Ridge that was gradually disappearing in the rearview mirror, and replied in a tired voice, "Indeed not. While identifying the body just now, I showed the photo to Tian Xianzhong, and he said it was related to the stone-iron meteorite in the photo. A big difference."

Wu Qiushan on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

"This is troublesome," he looked at the report in his hand. "The blood stains and fingerprints I extracted here can prove that Zhu Yao died at Chen Nan's house. The place where the body was dumped can be determined based on the driving records of the off-road vehicle. In this case It can be settled according to normal procedures.”

Cen Lian knows what Wu Qiushan means. This case has actually been closed as a murder case so far. Although there are problems with the meteorite as physical evidence, the chain of evidence for Chen Nan's murder of Zhu Yao and Tian Xianzhong's murder of Tan Xingguo is complete. , as an important but unimportant part, meteorites cannot actually affect the final results of these two murders.

Because whether the murder is caused by a meteorite worth hundreds of thousands or a meteorite that may be worth tens of millions, there is actually no difference in the final penalty.

"What do you think now?" he asked Wu Qiushan.

"Let's close the murder case first. Regarding Zhu Yao's assets of unknown origin and the meteorite, let's open another case." Wu Qiushan already had an idea. "We can basically confirm now that Chen Nan himself didn't know that the meteorite was exchanged." Otherwise, it is impossible for him to have had no contact with the replaced meteorite, which means that the replacement of the meteorite and the two murder cases are not directly related and can be investigated separately. "

Cen Lian was silent for a moment, knowing that this was actually the best choice.

Finally he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's it. At least the murder case is closed. Let's go back and have a good New Year. I guess the meteorite case may be more complicated than we thought. We still need to reorganize our thinking. At least with the evidence we have now, even There is no direction of suspicion yet. "Although Cen Lian felt that it was a bit rushed, the murder case has been handled to this extent and is enough to be transferred to the procuratorate.

Although he still has doubts in his heart, others are not obligated to stay out and work overtime because of his doubts.

Wu Qiushan obviously thought so too.

After Cen Lian hung up the phone, Tian Xianzhong, who had been tightly squeezed and sitting in the back, suddenly said cautiously, "Comrade police officer, I seem to know where the meteorite you showed me came from."

"You know?" Cen Lian frowned slightly.

Tian Xianzhong thought for a while and said: "I saw this meteorite at a seminar two years ago. I remember that there was a very special-shaped yellow mineral crystal in the lower left corner, but this meteorite came from a university. Research institutions, not private collectors.”

Cen Lian was shocked. If this thing came from a research institution, wouldn't it mean that it was stolen?

Could it be that in a corner they didn't know, another group of meteorite thieves were active, secretly exchanging all the valuable meteorites?

But this is unreasonable. At least it is certain that the person who replaced the meteorite did not come here for money, because the meteorite that was replaced next to Chen Nan's body is worth hundreds of thousands.

"Which university?" Cen Lian asked with a headache.

"It's not the most famous institutions, it's a university in Yunling Province." Tian Xianzhong still doesn't know the origins of Cen Lian and the others.

Cen Lian thought about it and soon knew which university in their province it was.

It seems that this case will have to be returned to Yunling Province in the future.

"Officer, I still know some things. If I tell you all, can it be considered a meritorious service?" Tian Xianzhong was wearing a black hood and could not see anything. He could only hear that there was no movement from Cen Lian, so he spoke cautiously.

Cen Lian glanced at him and knew that he was planning to find some opportunities to perform meritorious deeds and gain a reprieve from death.

After leading people back to the interrogation room, Tian Xianzhong hesitated for a long time before he said: "I know some things about Zhu Yao, but there is no evidence. If what I say is finally verified to be true, can I be considered to have committed meritorious service?"

Tang Hua looked at him seriously, "If the evidence you provide is really helpful to the police, of course."

But whether this is of sufficient help lies mainly with the police.

Of course Tang Hua would not say this. This guy obviously felt that he had hope of living now, so he had to make him feel that the more he talked, the easier it would be to die.

This was not the first time that Cen Lian cooperated with Tang Hua. He knew that he should appear at this time, so his voice was gentle and soothing, "At present, the clues you have provided are useful for our case, so if you know anything, just go ahead." explain."

Sure enough, there was light in Tian Xianzhong's eyes. The desire to survive commanded his brain, which had begun to lose memory. He immediately spoke after thinking for a moment, as if he was afraid of missing this opportunity and being shot dead.

"I know where Zhu Yao's money comes from. A friend of mine encountered her trading with a blond foreigner. The man gave her money to buy meteorites." Tian Xianzhong spoke faster unconsciously. Speedy, "And since she started buying meteorites in the industry, I have heard more than once in the circle that meteorites have been lost. I suspect that she was bribed by foreigners and deliberately stole meteorites with research value!"

Cen Lian and Tang Hua looked at each other, both a little shocked.

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