Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 96 Let’s stew the goose first

Handing over the case with the National Security Bureau was actually not as fast as Cen Lian imagined.

The procedures that need to be followed still need to be completed, and the information that needs to be written still needs to be written. However, after this case was transferred together with the meteorite case, the entire support squadron seemed much more relaxed.

Ququhan also learned from the customs what was so special about the meteorite that was taken away.

"The experts from the customs said that according to the composition analysis of the meteorite, the meteorite should have come from the back of the moon. It is not known what kind of complex impact method it fell to the earth. There are some unknown substances on it, and it has now been directly Sent to the research institute." Qu Han asked quite clearly, "If it's not confidential, I'll ask my classmates to ask you about the research results."

"Is this a network of connections?" Tang Hua was very envious.

After listening to what Ququhan said, Cen Lian was actually very curious.

It's a pity that the final research results will probably become an all-English document that he can't understand.

While Cen Lian was thinking about finding some literature to satisfy his curiosity, the head of a big goose flashed past the window in the backyard.

The big goose held its head high and looked like it was enjoying a very prosperous life.

In the eyes of a group of criminal policemen who had been working overtime for more than half a month without taking a day off, they became extremely annoying.

"I have that big iron pot at home," Wang Yuanteng suddenly spoke, "As for the gas stove..."

"I have this at home!" Qu Han's eyes also fell on the big goose in the backyard, "And it's a portable type, but it doesn't feel like a big iron pot that can't heat up."

"It doesn't necessarily require a gas stove. We can go directly to a farmhouse." Cen Lian really didn't think he could seriously kill the goose.

"That's boring," Wang Yuanteng shook his head, "You have to make the goose stew yourself to make it delicious."

"Looking for the uncle in the cafeteria?" Tang Hua suggested.

"We still have to cook in the cafeteria, and there probably won't be any empty stoves." Yuan Chenxi felt that it was not feasible.

In the end it was Forensic Lin who broke the deadlock.

"There is a large gas stove in the autopsy room of the funeral home. You can move it out directly." She took off her mask, not caring at all about the life and death of the criminal police officers in the office who had not seen much of the world. "It is usually used to remove bones from corpses. The firepower is okay.”

Cen Lian's face was expressionless.

Wang Yuanteng and Qi Yan also had expressionless faces.

Yuan Chenxi and Tang Hua looked pale.

Ququhan almost spit it out.

"What are you thinking about? We don't need a forensic pot," Wang Yuanteng put down the thermos cup leisurely, "but I have a bigger question. If we stew the goose in the backyard, will the uncles and aunts in the cafeteria think that we are doing this? Stealing business?”

Cen Lian thought for a moment and quickly shook his head.

"You should think that we are wasting our resources."

But the case is considered solved, and the goose still has to be stewed to worship heaven.

So on a sunny afternoon that Cen Lian defined as a holiday and reported to the team leader, Tang Hua drove alone to the funeral parlor and pulled over the gas stove in the forensic autopsy room. Wang Yuanteng pulled a huge one from home. Black pot, Qi Yan and Yuan Chenxi went out to prepare other materials.

Cen Lian was left worrying about the two geese.

After hearing the news, Wu Qiushan came to eat the goose and stared at Cen Lian.

"Don't tell me you don't know how to kill geese." His expression was slightly speechless.

Cen Lian held the knife in his hand and did hesitate for a moment.

Theoretically, he should be able to do it, but in fact he has never done it.

"Forget it, let's give it a try." Cen Lian felt that if he continued to confront the goose like this, he would be ridiculed by his colleagues sooner or later, so he no longer hesitated and grabbed the goose by the neck, and before it resisted, he slashed three times with his sword. The goose was chopped into four pieces.

Wu Qiushan held down the other goose before he saw his brother's misery and wanted to run away. He also chopped the other goose into four pieces with three cuts.

"You haven't plucked the goose yet..." Forensic Doctor Lin was speechless after seeing it. "You left the whole body so that the goose can be plucked. What you are doing, and those criminals who do not respect social ethics and divide the body into many pieces, which makes me often work overtime." What's the difference between them?"

Cen Lian and Wu Qiushan were frightened together.

However, it turns out that forensic doctor Lin's knife skills are still very good. Although they cut the big goose into pieces first, the big goose that was finally processed looked pretty good.

"Sister Lin, I think if you don't want to do forensic medicine someday, you might have a bright future by setting up a stall to sell pork." Cen Lian admired her very much.

When Wu Qiushan heard the word pork, he frowned subconsciously.

"Although the case has been handed over to the National Security Bureau, I have extracted several fingerprints in the cold storage and some DNA that can be used for comparison," he subconsciously said about the case. "The National Security Bureau also used Our city bureau’s laboratory is doing comparisons, and I estimate that I will have to help in a few days.”

"So this case seems to have been dismissed, but in fact it is not completely dismissed." Cen Lian was not surprised at all. "We have found too many things. Now it depends on Team Yu and they can gradually bring this to the surface. How much did the spy gang fish out?"

When Tang Hua was driving back, he happened to hear Cen Lian say the word "fishing" and immediately quickened his pace.

"Have you already started?" After saying this, he realized something was wrong. The stove was still in his car.

"You are really just worried about eating," Wu Qiushan raised his eyes, "We just finished taking care of it, go ahead and boil water."

Tang Hua then scratched his head and passed.

By the time Cen Lian and Wu Qiushan carried the processed goose to the backyard, the water in the pot had begun to boil.

Wang Yuanteng's cooking skills are very good. All the side dishes and seasonings on the side are cleaned and ready, just waiting for the goose to be put into the pot.

"I always feel that stewing a goose should not be done in this process," Tang Hua helped put the chopped goose into the pot, and always felt that something was wrong, "We are more like eating hot pot."

"That's all the skills," Wang Yuanteng began to add various side dishes and seasonings, "Anyway, I haven't eaten the authentic one."

Qu Zihan hesitated to speak. She had eaten the authentic iron pot stewed goose, but it seemed useless to say it now.

Because the goose and the dishes were already in the pot.

More importantly, it was useless for her to know, because she didn't know how to cook at all.

Forensic doctor Lin came over after cleaning the table.

"I usually use a knife to cut people, and this is my first time to cut a goose. You can make do with it." She saw that Qu Zihan's face began to turn pale with the naked eye, and quickly added, "This time I borrowed the knife from the kitchen, and I guarantee that it has never touched a corpse."

Everyone's expression became lively again.

Yuan Chenxi suddenly said, "Usually, at times like this, there will be a special emergency before dinner, interrupting our dinner."

Qu Zihan quickly covered her mouth.

"Don't raise this flag!"

Wang Yuanteng signaled Qu Zihan not to be nervous.

"Don't worry, it won't work after you say it."

Yuan Chenxi smiled at Wang Yuanteng, saying, "You know what's going on."

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