Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 97 When the Surveillance Man Loses His Surveillance

The goose is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot.

A few people struggled for a long time, and finally discovered that the most skilled person in the entire support squadron was Qi Yan.

"I live alone and often need to cook by myself." Qi Yan said a little embarrassedly after feeling many shocked looks.

On the other hand, Wang Yuanteng, who seems to have pretty good skills, is actually only good at handling ingredients, and he knows nothing about seasonings and heat.

It can be seen that he is doing tricks when he is free at home.

The scent of the goose attracted the policemen from the other three squadrons of the Criminal Police Brigade, so one pot of goose ended up being turned into two pots. The deputy captain of the second squadron came out from his squadron with a stove and a large pot, and brought his own cooking utensils to rub the other ones. One pot.

Cen Lian actually didn't eat much, because he already started to feel some toothache when he saw the enthusiasm of the Second Squadron.

As we all know, being courteous for nothing...

Anyway, he didn't believe that the Second Squadron was here just for a big goose.

Sure enough, after finishing the meal, Xia Minghao, the captain of the Second Squadron, came over calmly.

"Team Xia, what's the matter?" Cen Lian was still polite, but he had already rolled his eyes eighteen times in his heart. It was obvious that the second team had taken advantage of their supporting squadron, but when Guozao came to support, it looked like they were Whoring was in vain.

But we are all in the same branch, so if something happens, we can't just watch and not help at all.

"I heard that your meteorite case and kidnapping case have been settled." The second captain looked like he wanted to make things worse with Cen Lian, and what he said was indeed a clear test.

"It's settled." Cen Lian's wording was not absolute, because the case seemed to be over for the Criminal Police Brigade, but it had just begun for the Yu Team.

Of course, Captain Xia of the Second Squadron was not here to inquire about the case. He went around and chatted with Cen Lian for a few words, and finally found out.

"Captain Cen, there is a case in our team, and I would like to trouble you to take a look at it." Captain Xia was tall and muscular, and Cen Lian couldn't find a pillar to go around, so he had to raise his hands and surrender.

In fact, he didn't want to immediately investigate the case where there were traces of sacrifices near the tomb.

A case without any clues would definitely be time-consuming and labor-intensive to investigate.

However, the bureau did not let them take over the case directly, but handed it over to the Second Squadron. The difficulty should not be too high.

"Captain Xia, you're welcome." Cen Lian had already adjusted his mood and showed a smile that was in line with social etiquette. "We will go to our squadron office later to talk."

Team Xia had "I understand" written all over his face, and took the initiative to take the people from his squadron to pack up all the pots and pans for them, and even sent someone to drive the stove back to the forensic office.

By this time, even Tang Hua had already seen that Team Xia's intentions were impure.

"Cen Lian, Captain Xia is here to help us?" He took advantage of the chaos to find Cen Lian and asked in a low voice.

"Otherwise you can be so polite," Cen Lian yawned, "Let's hear what the case is later. It won't be more difficult to investigate than the meteorite case and the abduction case."

Yuan Chenxi heard it from a distance and said quickly: "It will definitely be more difficult than these two cases. Captain, don't set the flag!"

"What if you get double poisonous milk like this?" Tang Hua asked in a low voice.

Yuan Chenxi looked up at the sky, "That's fate."

Tang Hua:......

Qu Han actually looked a little excited.

"Is this the support squadron? People everywhere ask us to do cases so politely." Her expression was very proud.

"I hope you can still say this after working overtime for two months," Forensic Doctor Lin patted Qu Han on the shoulder, "Don't be curious, I know what the case is."

As a forensic doctor who is unable to travel with the team most of the time, Lin Xiangqi knows much more about the situation than those of them who spend half of the month running outside.

Several pairs of eyes hungry for knowledge looked at Forensic Doctor Lin at the same time.

"While you were going to Wucheng to investigate the follow-up of the abduction and trafficking case, the Second Squadron took over a somewhat complicated human life case." Lin Xiangqi has always been too lazy to tell the truth. "The identity of the deceased is quite special. He is the prosecutor of our district."

The expressions of several people became solemn.

No wonder Team Xia from the Second Squadron seemed to have a headache.

This kind of case that directly attacks the public prosecutor's office is actually the most difficult to handle.

"Are there any suspects?" Cen Lian didn't ask in too much detail before Team Xia arrived.

Forensic Doctor Lin shook his head, seemingly not having a clue yet.

"We'll talk about it later when Team Xia comes over." Cen Lian saw that forensic doctor Lin also found this case very troublesome, but it was not good to inquire about the details of the case privately before Team Xia asked them for help.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Captain Xia came over with two people.

Ququhan stuck his head out with curious eyes from the moment he entered the door, waiting for Team Xia to tell him the details of the case.

"Captain Xia, you sit down first." Cen Lian saw that the policeman next to Captain Xia had a lot of case information. He estimated that they had gone through all the basic investigation directions in the past few days, but there was no result.

Team Xia is also in his thirties, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and thick hair. He doesn't seem to be suffering from hair loss for the time being.

Even the dark circles under my eyes don't seem serious.

"Captain Cen, the general situation of this case is indeed complicated." As soon as he opened his mouth, Cen Lian found that he had seven or eight rotten teeth. It seemed that he really didn't have time to go to the hospital to have them repaired. "Xiao Gao, you report to Captain Cen." one time."

The criminal police officer called Xiao Gao is actually two years older than Cen Lian, but he didn't care about this at all. Instead, he stroked his oily hair that hadn't been washed for about four or five days and started talking about the case.

"The deceased, Liu Feifei, was 29 years old and a prosecutor at the Taishan District Procuratorate. The case happened on February 17, the first day of work after the New Year holiday. The deceased was stabbed to death in a blind spot near a construction site on the way to work. According to the results of our on-site investigation, the murderer stabbed Liu Feifei's heart directly with a sharpened dagger from behind, causing the deceased to die on the spot." Xiao Gao said while showing them pictures of the scene.

"We did not find any fingerprints or footprints at the crime scene, and the murderer did not leave any DNA. The crime took place near a construction site that had been closed for a long time. The original surveillance cameras around the site had been removed, and the surveillance cameras installed at the construction site later could not be used a year ago. The nearest surveillance camera to the crime scene was two kilometers away. We checked all the surveillance cameras around the crime scene and did not find any suspicious persons."

After Xiao Gao finished talking about the case, the entire support squadron fell silent.

Yuan Chenxi stared at Cen Lian, his eyes full of accusations.

Cen Lian pretended not to see anything, because the flag he set seemed to have come true.

The Second Squadron has reached the stage of investigating all the surveillance cameras, which means that they have ruled out love killings and revenge killings.

There is no new clue in this case for the time being.

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