Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 98 The deceased was a prosecutor

"Have love killings and vendettas been ruled out?" Cen Lian asked Captain Xia directly.

You don't need to guess about this case to know that there is a lot of pressure from the superiors. After all, they are both public prosecutors and judicial systems. If this case has nothing to do with personal grudges, it is a provocation to their public prosecutors and judicial systems.

Neither the leaders of the city bureau nor the district bureau will allow such lawless gangsters to continue to roam freely.

"After the deceased graduated from graduate school, he has been studying for the civil service examination and judicial examination at home. After being admitted as an assistant prosecutor, he has been working and preparing for the post examination. During this period, he participated in various trainings. He never fell in love from the time he graduated from college until his death. We have checked Her chat records and communication records confirm that she has not had any relationship experience in the past ten years." Captain Xia also looked helpless when he said this.

The deceased was actually a 29-year-old single mother.

"As for the enemies, we didn't find any record of debts owed to the deceased. She had a relatively poor private life and worked a lot of overtime at the procuratorate. We didn't find out from her family or colleagues that she had any enemies." Captain Xia saw Cen Lian's face. As his expression became more and more solemn, he suddenly felt the joy of pulling others into misfortune with him.

In fact, based on his experience as a criminal police officer for so many years, this kind of case is either done to retaliate against the public prosecutor system, or it is a madman who kills randomly.

Either of these situations is difficult to deal with.

"I would like to add a few words about the condition of the corpse." Forensic Doctor Lin had already arrived at the support squadron's office from the medical examiner's office when they were worried. "The deceased had just eaten breakfast half an hour before his death, so the time of death can be determined to be eight o'clock in the morning. Between 20 and 8:40. The deceased was not subjected to any violence before his death. There were no other obvious wounds on his body, except for the dagger that pierced the heart. "

"Pierced through the heart with a knife. It seems like a murderer has done this before." Tang Hua thought of the hospital murder case he handled last year.

"It's different. The murderer of this case probably didn't create anything specifically to induce Liu Feifei to come to the crime scene he prepared." Cen Lian shook his head, "This road should be the only way the deceased must pass when commuting to get off work every day."

If Liu Feifei was invited to this road, Team Xia would not be as helpless as he is now.

Captain Xia really nodded after hearing this.

"That's right, the deceased's movements that morning were no different from her usual movements to and from get off work." Team Xia casually found a place to sit down. If we really wanted to talk about this case, we couldn't explain it clearly in less than half an hour.

Ququhan looked up from behind the newly installed computer.

"Are there any problems with the cases she was involved in during this period?" She naturally thought of the vendetta related to the case.

Team Xia was really helpless at this time.

"The deceased's qualifications are relatively junior. She has never handled any major cases until now. It has been less than a year since she was admitted to the post."

So all the roads are blocked here.

"The murderer killed in a very professional way and didn't even leave much blood on the ground." Cen Lian looked at the pictures of the scene one by one. "Team Xia, what is your current investigation direction?"

According to Cen Lian's thinking, he is more inclined to think that this case is more likely to be a revenge killing.

"We are still continuing to investigate all the cases handled by the deceased, especially those who have been released from prison after serving their sentences." Captain Xia directly stated his plan, "Captain Cen, do you have any ideas?"

He worked hard all day just to finish the case quickly.

Otherwise, even if he still has a lot of hair, he would feel a little overwhelmed if he came to ask questions twice a day.

"We also plan to take a look at the previous cases that the deceased has handled. If I find anything, I will contact you as soon as possible." Cen Lian is not sure about this case at the moment.

The traces left by the murderer were too few, and even a national-level trace inspection would probably not be of much use.

"Okay, then thank you, Captain Cen." Captain Xia also knew that it would be difficult to find a new breakthrough in this case for the time being, so he left the case information and left with his people.

The support squadron office was quiet again.

"I don't think it's the captain setting the flag now," Yuan Chenxi sorted out the information, "If there are still no new clues about this case, I guess the bureau will send it directly to us. Now it can be considered that one of the Second Squadron has been sold. Favor.”

Wang Yuanteng took a sip of hot water and said with a smile, "Our Comrade Xiao Yuan has surpassed Comrade Xiao Tang in terms of office politics."

Tang Hua suddenly lay down on his gun and was speechless for a moment.

"Have you checked the model number of the dagger before?" Cen Lian looked at forensic doctor Lin.

"After checking, this dagger is quite special. It is homemade." The answer given by forensic doctor Lin was somewhat beyond expectations.

No matter where you bought the dagger, you can always find sales records, but the dagger you made yourself...

"There are not many materials needed to make this small dagger," Qi Yan said with a very experienced look, "you can get it from the scrap recycling station."

"If you can make your own dagger, then this murderer will definitely not be an ordinary murderer." Wang Yuanteng put down the thermos cup, "I feel that this case is a bit vindictive. Although I am not a psychology major, I can still confirm one thing. The murderer probably didn’t dare to attack a strong enough male prosecutor, so he chose the deceased.”

Cen Lian has read the autopsy report of the deceased Liu Feifei. She was 1.62 meters tall and weighed only 89 pounds. She was very thin.

"That's not necessarily true. According to the way he killed people, even an adult male couldn't avoid it." Forensic doctor Lin disagreed. "The murderer's strength is not small, as he pierced the heart with a knife."

"If we consider it as a revenge killing, we have to look at the cases she has handled before." Cen Lian felt that he could always find some clues by looking at more cases. "Chenxi, you can directly ask the second squadron for the files. I guess they have already got them."

After all, at this time when there are no roads everywhere, the ideas of the second squadron and them will not be much different.

Yuan Chenxi responded and started to operate, but Qu Zihan suddenly asked: "You say, if it is really a revenge killing, will it be because of some unjust, false and wrong cases in the Taishan District Procuratorate?"

"It is unlikely to be targeted at the entire procuratorate." Wang Yuanteng immediately stopped her bold guess.

"If it was to target the procuratorate, then killing a newcomer who had just been formally promoted to a prosecutor would not have much of a retaliatory effect. Moreover, many of the cases of the procuratorate were assigned by our public security system. If there were really unjust, false and wrong cases, we should be the ones to be retaliated against." Cen Lian did not think that this was the reason.

It was more likely that it was a case directly related to Liu Feifei.

Qu Zihan thought about it and felt that it made sense.

So she buried her head in front of the computer again, typing away on the keyboard, and she didn't know what she was checking.

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