Detective: I can see the criminal record

Chapter 99 A slightly fat prosecutor

Cen Lian cannot understand Qu Han's brain circuit for the time being.

However, he still arranged the investigation of this case, very similar to the Second Squadron, and also looked at the files.

If it was really a case that the deceased had handled before, then the person who took revenge on her must have a photo.

Wu Qiushan returned to the city bureau on the way, and rushed over after learning the news.

"This case is finally in your hands." He had obviously heard about the case. "When I went back to the city bureau a few days ago, I heard them talking about this case in which a prosecutor was killed. It was the Taishan branch. Here, I felt that if other squadrons couldn’t solve this case, it would be in your hands sooner or later.”

Cen Lian had already seen one-third of the cases Liu Feifei had handled at this time, and was feeling dizzy.

"The Second Squadron asked me for help." He moved his neck and felt that his cervical spine was about to be overwhelmed. "Does the city bureau have anything to say?"

Wu Qiushan took the file and looked at it, and quickly realized what Cen Lian and the others were doing.

"What can the city bureau say? It's just two calls a day to ask about the investigation." After flipping through a few files at random, he suddenly stopped on one of the files, "Why is there a victim here?" Prosecuted."

Cen Lian had already seen the case. Although the case was very bizarre, the two weirdos who had been prosecuted had not yet been released from prison, so he put it aside for the time being.

If there were no word bubbles on the heads of the accused persons in all the cases Liu Feifei had handled, he would only plan to look for other clues from a few of the cases with special circumstances.

"This case was prosecuted according to the crime of shielding the victim. After being raped, the victim was repeatedly persuaded and finally took 150,000 yuan to live with the rapist. She also agreed and later went to the prosecutor to recant her confession and said that she was voluntary. But the crime of rape is The procuratorate re-investigated the criminal case and found evidence that the woman had received money to change her story. Now both parties and those responsible for persuasion are involved. "Although Cen Lian thinks this case is very outrageous, it should not go as far as murder.

After all, the case had reached that point, and although both men were prosecuted, their sentences were not long.

After reading it, Wu Qiushan also put down the case file.

Instead, Qu Han suddenly raised his head.

"I found it!" She looked very excited. "Look at this tutorial on making a dagger. Does it look like the one made by the murderer?"

When Wu Qiushan heard the word "dagger", he quickly came to Ququhan and looked at the video on her computer.

In fact, the number of views of this video is not large, because this kind of video is too long and has very high technical requirements. Even if it is a short story with a bloody plot, few people can finish it.

"Enlarge the picture of the dagger you made at the end of the tutorial so I can take a look." Wu Qiushan's face gradually moved closer to the screen.

"Wait a moment." Ququhan took a screenshot, optimized the clarity of the picture, and then enlarged it for Wu Qiushan to see.

Forensic doctor Lin took the murder weapon from the evidence room, and Wu Qiushan kept comparing the two daggers in front of the computer.

"It's not the same one, but it's definitely made in the same way." His hand passed over the edge of the murder weapon through the evidence bag. "The person who made this dagger is obviously not as skilled as the one shown in the tutorial video. There were some mistakes when sharpening the blade, and the entire dagger was not particularly smooth. "

"I suddenly felt that this murderer was not particularly professional." Tang Hua scratched his head, "Has he ever thought that making a homemade dagger might be easier to detect than buying it through other channels?"

Cen Lian felt that his pressure was finally lessened.

"Just check the users who have played this video more than once." He looked at the video shared by Qu Han in the group, "The person who made the dagger is probably among them."

He did not directly say that the person who made the dagger was the murderer, because until now, she still had no clue about the motive of the person who killed Liu Feifei with one blow.

Even if it was for revenge, there had to be something for him to take revenge on.

Ququhan began to screen users who had watched the entire production tutorial video. Cen Lian was still looking at the cases Liu Feifei had participated in over the past five years.

It has to be said that some of the cases she participated in during her tenure as an assistant prosecutor were more suspicious than the cases she later handled independently after she was admitted to the post.

There are also some serial murderers and gangsters among them.

But the sentences of these people are much longer than her working years, and they are all still in prison.

Cen Lian also put aside the files of several quite vicious cases. These cases were all handled by Liu Feifei when she was an assistant prosecutor. It cannot be ruled out that some fish that slipped through the net were out to commit murder and revenge.

Forensic doctor Lin sat next to Qu Han, holding Liu Feifei's autopsy report in his hand.

"Sister Lin, do you have any questions?" Tang Hua couldn't help but ask after seeing it.

"There's a problem," Forensic Doctor Lin pointed to Qu Han's enlarged photo of the dagger. "When the murderer made the dagger, he extended the edge of the dagger."

Wu Qiushan had been silently gesturing with his hands. When he heard Dr. Lin speak, he followed her words.

"The person the user of this dagger wanted to kill at first was probably not Liu Feifei, but a fat person." Wu Qiushan gestured to his chest with the evidence bag, "Look, I am 181 cm tall and weigh 140 catties, which is a well-proportioned and thin figure. This dagger is enough to pierce my entire chest. The deceased was very thin, so this dagger directly pierced her."

This is indeed an idea.

After all, if the murderer has no special needs, he can just follow the video tutorial and don't have to do it.

"It's also a possibility." Cen Lian thought for a while, "If the person he wanted to retaliate against was originally a fat person, and he also worked in the Taishan District Procuratorate, we may have new clues."

It's nothing more than investigating more files.

"No need to retrieve new files," Wu Qiushan went directly to the official website of the Taishan District Procuratorate and quickly found a very generous and fat male prosecutor from several promotional articles.

"Zhao Yongxing, it should be him."

There are not many fat people in the public security, procuratorial and judicial systems. Although the procuratorate is prone to obesity due to overtime work all year round, it is rare to see someone as fat as this nearly 230 pounds.

Cen Lian took a look at the photo and didn't see any text bubbles above Zhao Yongxing's head.

It seems that at least this prosecutor did not do anything to abuse his power for personal gain or bend the law.

"How many cases did Zhao Yongxing and Liu Feifei handle together?" he asked Cen Lian.

"I'm not you, come and count together!" Cen Lian was speechless, and he said it as if he could remember everything he saw.

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