Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 296 Conversation in the kitchen to borrow auspiciousness

The time came to six o'clock in the morning, when Fang Shuyu left Gong Yaoguang's room and went downstairs, sitting next to Chen Yi.

Without a forensic box on hand, the details she could examine were extremely limited, but she made a significant discovery.

"The skull is partially sunken and suspected of being broken, located at the parietal bone and occipital bone." Fang Shuyu said in a low voice.

Hearing these words, Chen Yi's eyes suddenly became deep, and his eyes slowly scanned from Chen Shiran.

If the occipital bone and parietal bone were shattered, it was most likely that he was crushed to death.

He didn't ask Fang Shuyu how he found it, and he could guess it. When he first found the bones in the room, the top of the bones was intact, and there was material smeared on the surface of the bones. If there was smearing, there would be filling, indicating that the bones were damaged. It was filled and repaired, so it looks intact.

As long as you scrape off the surface bit by bit, you can find the problem.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at us like this?"

Qu Linjiang caught Chen Yi's gaze and asked.

Chen Yi: "It's nothing, just a habit. Gong Yaoguang's disappearance may have something to do with you."

Qu Linjiang wanted to refute, but the words were stuck in his throat and he knew that what Chen Yi said was the truth.

After all, the so-called Great Demon is a legend. Everyone sitting here is a person with status. It is impossible to be completely neurotic and think that the white bones are really Gong Yaoguang. He had mentioned it casually before, who made the atmosphere so perfect at that time.

The living room fell silent again, and everyone didn't know what they were thinking.

"Everyone, do you want to have some breakfast?" After a long time, Jiuxiang's voice sounded.

Qu Linjiang subconsciously said: "How can I still have an appetite?"

Jiuxiang asked for other people's opinions. What just happened didn't seem to have affected him. He didn't even care about the disappearing human skeleton model and continued to play the role of a qualified butler.

Chen Shiran said: "It's okay to have something to eat. I don't know how long it will take. By the way, the visit we agreed to last night..."

Before she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said: "You can have breakfast, just visit. I have already said that no one can move from now on."

Although I don’t know what happened yet, as long as I don’t do anything and don’t let anyone out of sight, I can minimize the error rate until the police arrive.

This is the simplest and most effective way.

Chen Shiran shrugged: "Okay, I don't care. Uncle Jie, just have some breakfast. You don't have to be hungry."

Jiuxiang nodded: "Okay."

He turned around and was about to leave when Chen Yi stood up: "I'll go with the housekeeper, Fan Lei, Shu Yu, stay here and don't move. If anyone wants to go to the toilet, just wait at the door. If you don't come out in five minutes, knock on the door." Call me immediately if there is no movement."

Currently lacking manpower, the only ones he can use are Jiang Fanlei and Fang Shuyu, and no one else can be trusted.

The two nodded to express understanding, and the other four didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.

As long as there is no evil in your heart, you will not think that Chen Yi's decision is inappropriate. The other party is ensuring everyone's safety.

No matter how they evaluate the police, whenever something happens, the police are always trustworthy, at least more trustworthy than everyone else here.

Jiuxiang did not refuse and walked away, followed by Chen Yi.

Coming to the exquisite kitchen, Jiuxiang put on a Western apron and began to prepare breakfast skillfully, when the sound of oil smoke rang out.

Chen Yi leaned not far away, looking at him with his arms crossed.

"Did the butler stay at Eyingyunlu for many years and never leave?" he asked.

Jiuxiang said with a smile while busy: "Yes, I haven't left for many years. I am just a housekeeper."

Chen Yi: "I wonder what the relationship between the borrowed housekeeper and Zang Yang is?"

They all have borrowed surnames, and with such rare surnames, they are each other's master and servant. The possibility that they are not relatives is basically zero.

Jiuxiang said: "They are just distant relatives. They are several floors away. My parents are gone long ago, so my husband is the only one who thinks highly of me and gives me food to eat."

Chen Yi snorted and said, "After you opened Gong Yaoguang's door just now, you seemed to no longer care where the human skeleton model went. Why is that?"

Jiuxiang's smile remained unchanged: "Something more bizarre happened, and my attention was diverted. Is there any problem, Captain Chen?"

Chen Yi: "No problem, just chatting. Bones suddenly appeared in the manor. You are very calm."

Jiuxiang: "My personality is like this, and big things have nothing to do with me."

Chen Yi: “But when the model was lost, you were very angry.”

Jiuxiang was very patient: "It's two different things. It's a model that my husband likes very much. It can't be thrown away, but the bones are someone else's business."

Chen Yi: "Is it someone else's matter? What if it has something to do with Ji Zangyang?"

Hearing this, Jiuxiang's smile faded slightly and he turned to look at Chen Yi: "Captain Chen, the police can't talk nonsense. You can just call Mr. by his first name. Do you want to doubt him now? Next time, I will But you’re welcome.”

There was no fluctuation in Chen Yi's heart, and he responded tit for tat: "You said that Zang Yang has never come to Eyingyunlu. This is just your personal statement. No one knows whether he is in the manor at his feet. If he is, then he and Like everyone else, they are all suspected of being a fagot."

"As a criminal police officer, it is my duty and my right to suspect everyone involved."

Jiuxiang threw the shovel into the pot with a cold look on his face.

Chen Yi chuckled: "If you want to do something, you can try it. I guarantee you will definitely regret it. Don't think that your master is a so-called big shot because he has broad vision and confidence. In fact, he is still a frog in the well."

Jiuxiang and Chen Yi looked at each other for a while, then picked up the shovel and continued cooking.

"According to what you said, you are also suspect, aren't you?"

Chen Yi: "Of course, I have not denied this, but it was not my original intention to come here and I was passive, so my suspicion is relatively minimal."

Jiuxiang: "What suspicion does Captain Chen refer to? Is it confirmed that it is a criminal case now? Was that skeleton killed by someone else?"

Chen Yi: "It's basically certain, yes."

The affirmative answer made Jiuxiang pause for a moment and said nothing. As he said himself, he didn't care about outsiders' affairs.

Chen Yi: "Let's talk about Gong Yaoguang. Do you know the relationship between Gong Yaoguang and Ji Zangyang?"

Jiuxiang shook his head slightly: "I don't know, I never ask about your husband's affairs, let alone his personal friends."

Chen Yi: "What about Chen Shiran? What is her relationship with Ji Zangyang?"

Jiuxiang: "Sorry, I'm just a housekeeper. I don't know anything. Captain Chen...just treat me as a bystander. I am just a bystander."

Chen Yi recalled the other party's expression and reaction in Gong Yaoguang's room before, and said: "Does it mean...people on the outside watch the chess without saying a word?"

Jiuxiang: "You can say that."

The questioning progressed.

Chen Yi: "Who is playing chess?"

Jiuxiang: "Captain Chen, don't test me. I can see that you are very smart and not an ordinary person, but I really don't know anything. I tell you that I am a bystander and I have really told the truth. Just think of it as a sign of respect for the police." , I was actually surprised that the police came yesterday.”

He continued to cook.

Chen Yi watched his movements and began to analyze Jiaoxiang and the conversation just now in his mind.

After an unknown amount of time, his voice rang out: "If you are telling the truth, then as a bystander, as a person watching chess, how do you know the existence of the chessboard? Who told you? You are a steward who doesn't care about the world. Where did the news come from?”

These words made Jiexiang's omelette movements go awry, and there were flaws in his meticulousness, which were keenly caught by Chen Yi.

His eyes brightened slightly and he said with a smile: "I understand, bystanders and housekeepers, the only person who has direct contact with you and has psychological fluctuations is Ji Zang Yang, Chen Shiran is not included, so the person who told you that the chessboard exists is most likely Born in Zangyang."

"Ji Zang Yang knows what happened tonight, or knows that something happened tonight. If it is the former, the matter is related to Ji Zang Yang. If it is the latter, then Ji Zang Yang is also a bystander, and he may be in the manor. "

Jiuxiang returned to normal, shook his head and said with a smile: "Smug, do you detectives like reasoning so much? It's not good to show off your skills, it can easily affect Captain Chen's image."

Show off skills is a derogatory term.

Chen Yi did not respond to this sentence. He thought that what he had gained from Jiuxiang was already great. His intuition told him that the other party had indeed said enough and it was very true.

If Ji Zang Yang really knows, then the biggest problem is Chen Shiran. Among those five people, only she has the closest relationship with Ji Zang Yang.

Also, if we want to talk about who knows Eying Yunlu the best, among the nine people present so far, apart from Jiuxiang, it is Chen Shiran, which can indirectly prove this point.

If she wants to do something, she has the advantage.

So, was Chen Shiran responsible for Gong Yaoguang’s disappearance and the bones on the bed?

Gong Yaoguang was not invited by Chen Shiran. It was Ji Zang Yang who invited Gong Yaoguang. However, Chen Shiran and Ji Zang Yang had a close relationship and it was possible for them to help each other.

A brief conversation with Jiuxiang gave Chen Yi a preliminary inference:

Ji Zang Yang invited Gong Yaoguang in order to provide chess pieces for Chen Shiran to perform, so what happened in the early morning came about.

It now seems that the reason why Zhong Muping invited her was because of her status as a criminal police officer. Judging from Chen Shiran's reaction last night, she was uninformed and very dissatisfied. Then Zhong Muping's target was his wife Chen Shiran.

Zhong Muping also knew what Chen Shiran was going to do, so he tried every means to find someone with strong case-solving skills. He might also have inquired about the background in depth, hoping to "press Chen Shiran to death" here and end her performance.

The thought flashed through Chen Yi's mind, and he knew that the accuracy of the above inference was not high. It was just the highest possibility based on the current clues. Perhaps when new clues appear, this possibility will be overturned immediately.

Why Qu Linjiang came and why Gong Weifan came are all issues that need to be considered.

Chen Yi felt that except for him, Fang Shuyu and Jiang Fanlei, everyone else probably had their own positions and it was difficult to stay out. This could be seen from the inexplicable family recognition last night. How could it be such a coincidence.

And the most important thing is that if it is really a performance, then Gong Yaoguang's disappearance may not be the final result, which also confirms that he must never let anyone leave his sight.

Everything has to wait until the police intervene.

After the criminal case is filed, it will be much easier to handle. There is no point in thinking about it on your own.

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