Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 297 The alarm was successful, the second skeleton

Jiuxiang should realize that he talked too much and underestimated Chen Yi's IQ. From this moment on, he began to speak less. When he couldn't avoid the questions, he chose to ignore him and no longer provide any information.

This kind of performance just proves that what he just said is true, and at the same time proves that Chen Yi's inference just now has certain reference value.

At least Ji Zang Yang didn't stay out of it. It's hard to say whether he's a player or an outsider, but he definitely knows something.

Chen Yi was already very satisfied with this. The requirements were not high, and it was not easy to get clues from the calmest excuse in the room.

Half an hour later, breakfast was ready, and Chen Yi helped bring the food to the living room.

Jiuxiang also sat down in the living room. As a butler, he shouldn't dine with guests, but under special circumstances, everyone must get together at all times, and details no longer matter.

The living room was very quiet during the meal. Chen Yi paid more attention to Chen Shiran and Zhong Muping. These two people were normal, with no obvious doubts in their expressions, reactions and subtle movements.

After eating, Chen Yi asked Jiang Fanlei to see if the snow outside had lightened up. When he came back, he said that the snow had started to lighten up and it should stop soon.

Several people reacted differently to this news.

Gong Weifan breathed a sigh of relief. The cessation of snow meant that the time to go down the mountain was shortened. If it continued to snow, they would really be trapped here. Walking down the mountain was not a good idea, and Captain Chen in front of him probably didn't either. will be allowed.

Qu Linjiang subconsciously looked at Chen Shiran, but quickly looked away. From last night to now, he had looked at Chen Shiran the most times, more than Zhong Muping.

Chen Shiran was relatively calm. She didn't seem to care whether the snow stopped or continued to fall, or whether she could leave here as soon as possible. Compared to other visitors present, she was actually half the owner.

Not to mention Jiuxiang, whether it snows or not has nothing to do with him, he is still so calm.

Chen Yi never gave up any opportunity to observe. At this moment, he began to suspect that the relationship between Qu Linjiang and Chen Shiran was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. This could be mutually confirmed by Zhong Muping's hostility towards Qu Linjiang last night.

This circle is a bit messy.

There are many beautiful people, and beautiful women will get more attention than mediocre-looking women, especially beautiful women who often appear in public. Over time, interpersonal relationships will become complicated. This is an unquestionable truth.

As for Gong Weifan, it seems that he is not involved in the incident so far. His suspicion is relatively low and he seems to know nothing.

However, Chen Yi will not rule her out for the time being.

First of all, the recognition of relatives by Gong Weifan and Gong Yaoguang was full of drama. If it was an inevitable arrangement, then it would be impossible for her to get away now that Gong Yaoguang is missing.

Secondly, in closed spaces and isolated locations like this, there are often similar plots in movies. Once a criminal case occurs, pretending to be weak is one of the effective ways to escape.

Everyone is not far away, and no one has an alibi. Who put the bones on the bed, including the missing Gong Yaoguang, are all suspects.

Chen Yi will not ignore any of them.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the morning, the snow stopped. Jiang Fanlei left the manor according to Chen Yi's instructions and followed the safe path up the mountain to look for signals.

Chen Yi, on the other hand, was responsible for staying in the living room and staring at everyone.

During this period, it is natural to go to the toilet. If he is a man, Chen Yi will wait at the door. If he is a woman, Fang Shuyu will wait at the door. The limit is five minutes.

Everything is normal, nothing changed.

Before that, Chen Yi briefly checked the public bathroom on the first floor. The window was very small and it was not suitable for adults to enter and exit.

Now, all he has to do is wait for news from the police. Chen Yi will not start investigating immediately. The more he does, the more mistakes he will make, which will give opportunities to people with evil intentions.

For example, go and conduct a comprehensive search of Gong Yaoguang's room to look for possible secret passages and secret rooms.

This matter needs to wait until the police arrive. There is no rush. Before the police arrive, he has only one responsibility: to keep everything as it is.

On the other side of the manor, Jiang Fanlei bundled up tightly and held his mobile phone, looking for a signal while walking down the mountain, dialing 110 every three minutes.

The mountain road became more and more rugged and he walked very slowly. Before leaving, Chen Yi said safety first and told him not to worry. If he encountered difficulties, he would return immediately and there was no need to show off.

"I'm really convinced. What the hell is this guy Zhong Muping doing? Is he doing it on purpose?"

Jiang Fanlei was very cold and kept complaining.

"We were promised a tour, but now even the bones have come out, and one of them is missing for no apparent reason. If this is a coincidence, I will write the character "ginger" upside down."

He thought of certain movies and animations, and they like to do this in order to increase suspense and enjoyment.

"I don't know which bastard did it, okay, just learn from it, Chen Yi is here to see how you end it."

He still has great confidence in Chen Yi. Since Chen Yi was promoted twice in a row, he has respected Chen Yi like a god. He also scolded Chen Yi for pretending to be a coward, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Chen Yi accepted all these words, which showed that he was already very good, but he just kept a low profile for a few years and didn't want to be low-key anymore.

"I'm freezing to death. I have to blackmail him when I get back."

Jiang Fanlei tightened his clothes again and continued to look for signals.

His physical fitness was still good. He had walked on the mountain road for more than an hour. Although he was still far away from the middle of the mountain, when he took out his mobile phone and dialed 110, the call was connected!

"Eh?" Jiang Fanlei became excited, "Let me tell you, my mobile phone is very good!"

The reason why a mobile phone can make calls has nothing to do with the mobile phone card itself. It relies on the radio frequency module and baseband inside the mobile phone. The signal strength is positively related to the two.

In order to improve performance, some mobile phones will sacrifice the baseband and leave it to other components. Although the performance is powerful, the signal is easily affected by the external environment. Let alone the wild mountains and mountains, there is no signal in underground parking lots and elevators.

The signal function of Jiang Fanlei's mobile phone is obviously very strong. Even though it cannot make normal calls, emergency communication is relatively easy.

"Hello, this is Bay County 110, please speak." A programmed female voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

Jiang Fanlei said quickly: "Well, I'm at the top of Mount E. There is a manor here. Bones were found in the manor, and a friend is missing. You guys, come here quickly."

The other party: "Okay, we have received your alarm, please wait at the scene."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fanlei tried to call Qin He again, but found that he couldn't get through. It was a signal problem.

"Depend on!"

Jiang Fanlei cursed and remembered what Chen Yi said: If you can't get through to Qinhe, ask the police officer to relay it on your behalf.

"I should call Qin He first. This won't be embarrassing anymore."

Jiang Fanlei looked at the road down the mountain and felt that his strength was almost gone and he had to go back, so he dialed 110 again.

"Hello, this is Bay County 110, please speak."

Jiang Fanlei cleared his throat: "Hello, my name is Chen Yi, captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Dongzhou Yangcheng City Bureau. Please ask your leader to convey to Qin He, captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Imperial City Bureau, that a white skeleton was found in the manor on the top of Eshan Mountain. , ask him to send some people over as quickly as possible, and if the mountain road is impassable, use helicopters."

"Oh, by the way, there is no signal here. Tell him about this too. He and I are friends. Our mobile number is 13***."

These words made the responding police officer quiet for a few seconds, and then he said: "Okay Chen Zhi, please tell me your police number, and I will report it immediately."

Jiang Fanlei immediately provided the warning number, and Chen Yi told him before leaving.

The other party: "Received, please wait patiently on the mountain, Chen Zhi."

Jiang Fanlei: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, he happily turned around and went back the way he came. It felt good to be the detachment leader for a few seconds. His attitude when picking up the police officers was much more polite. At this moment, he even had the urge to take the criminal police exam, but he knew that he Not this material.

Going up the mountain is much faster than going down the mountain, because going down the mountain requires groping, and when returning, you only need to follow the footprints.

In less than an hour, Jiang Fanlei knocked on the door of the manor, and it was Fang Shuyu who opened the door.

Back in the living room, Jiang Fanlei told Chen Yi the situation of the police report. The latter nodded and looked at the other five people: "The police have been called. The police are trying to get here. According to my estimation, they should be there before dark. A few Hours of time, everyone needs to be patient.”

Everyone didn't react much. No one could do anything about this kind of thing, they could only wait for the situation to develop.

It was almost noon, and it was lunch time. Chen Yi naturally couldn't let everyone go hungry, so he came to the kitchen with Jiuxiang for the second time.

This time, he didn't talk to Jiuxiang anymore. He started to fight against the other party and prepared the meal as quickly as possible.

After the simple lunch, everyone went to the toilet one after another. As before, the male Chen Yi followed and the female Fang Shuyu followed, not letting anyone leave their sight.

The last one to go to the toilet was Chen Shiran, while Fang Shuyu stood at the door waiting.

One minute.

Two minutes.

five minutes.

When the five minutes were up, Fang Shuyu knocked on the bathroom door.

"Ms. Chen, are you okay?"

"Miss Chen?"


When there was no response, Fang Shuyu immediately turned to the living room and shouted: "Chen Yi! There is no movement!!"

When the sound came, Gong Weifan and the others were frightened again. They stood up and wanted to see the situation, but Chen Yi stopped them.

"Don't even move."

"Fan Lei, keep an eye on them here. If anyone dares to make any changes, don't blame me for being rude!"

After leaving a few words, Chen Yi quickly left the living room and went to the bathroom door. After knocking twice and getting no response, he decisively chose to kick the door, regardless of the difference between men and women.




The bathroom door was not very strong, so Chen Yi kicked the door lock off with his two feet.

After striding in, the sight in front of them made Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu's expressions change at the same time.

Under the sight, a white skeleton sat on the toilet, maintaining the posture of going to the toilet. The scene was extremely strange.

And Chen Shiran has disappeared.

" can't be right?" Fang Shuyu was extremely shocked, not scared but shocked was inevitable. How could this be possible? ?

The corners of Chen Yi's eyes trembled, and a coldness appeared in his pupils.

Isn’t it okay to watch so closely?

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