Looking at the bones in front of them, neither Chen Yi nor Fang Shuyu spoke for a while.

"Chen Yi, what...what's going on?" Fang Shuyu's voice sounded after more than ten seconds. This was too weird.

The incident happened suddenly. Chen Yi did not answer the question and asked Fang Shuyu to check it briefly, then turned and returned to the living room.

Just like Gong Yaoguang's situation, the bones are definitely not Chen Shiran's.

When Chen Yi appeared, everyone present turned their heads with questions in their eyes.

"Captain Chen, is Shiran okay?"

Someone spoke.

Chen Yi looked over and saw that the first person who cared about Chen Shiran and addressed her so affectionately was not Zhong Muping.

On the other hand, Zhong Muping's face was a bit ugly, and his cold gaze was directed at Qu Linjiang. "This is my wife, do you have the right to speak?" ?

"Captain Chen, is my wife okay?" he asked immediately.

Chen Yi stepped forward and sat down, taking out the cigarettes he carried for the first time.

He had refrained from smoking out of politeness as a guest, but now he was in a bad mood, with a hint of anger.

It's very infuriating to do things under one's nose.

In the final analysis, I wasn't cautious enough. If I had followed him closely when he went to the toilet, there wouldn't have been a second skeleton. However... it was indeed a bit too much to stare at someone while they were going to the toilet.

Everyone was a person with status. He didn't want to make the situation too tense at first. It would be difficult to end the situation before the police arrived. He couldn't suppress and tie everyone up with force.

Unfortunately, it turned out that someone was not going to be polite to him.

The cigarette was lit, and Chen Yi glanced at the remaining four people. He no longer knew whether there would be a third skeleton.

The four of them are under surveillance and it is impossible for them to do anything. So, is there really a tenth person in this manor?

Hard to say.

Gong Yaoguang's whereabouts are unknown, and it cannot be ruled out whether he disappeared as a director or actor.

This was not the time to think deeply. Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke under the watchful eyes of several people and said, "Sit down and don't move. Chen Shiran can't be found. There is a white skeleton in the bathroom."


After hearing this, the person who reacted most intensely was Gong Weifan. Her face suddenly turned pale, and she wanted to say something but she stuttered without a single word coming out.

Next came Zhong Muping. After being stunned for two seconds, he stood up suddenly and wanted to rush towards the bathroom: "Impossible! Shiran!!"

"Zhong Muping!" Chen Yi shouted coldly, "Sit down for me, otherwise don't blame me for taking action!"

Zhong Muping ignored him and kept walking with a fearful expression.

Seeing this, Chen Yi stood up, raised his hand, grabbed Zhong Muping's shoulder, and pressed him hard on the coffee table with one arm.

"What are you doing?! The police are amazing! I want to see Shiran! Let me go!" Zhong Muping was on the verge of losing control of his emotions. He struggled hard but it was useless. Chen Yi's hands were like pliers, holding him firmly there.

Chen Yi held a cigarette between his left fingers, pressed Zhong Muping with his right hand, and spoke slowly: "Zhong Muping, it's you who pushed me to come here. Tell me now, why did you invite me?"

The others looked at Zhong Muping in surprise, with expressions that clearly did not understand what Chen Yi was talking about.

Zhong Muping invited Chen Yi over?

What's the meaning?

Does it have anything to do with what's happening now?

Zhong Muping was still struggling and said: "What do you mean! I invited you to Eyingyunlu with good intentions, but now you are questioning me?!"

Chen Yi snorted coldly: "You really think I can't tell you are inviting me so deliberately? You chased me from Yangcheng to Imperial City, and pulled me to this manor through Jiang Fanlei, and then two white bones appeared. How dare you say you didn't know about it? ?”

Zhong Muping: "What does this have to do with me? Everyone was in the living room. When Shiran went to the bathroom, did I move?"

Chen Yi: "I didn't say I had anything to do with you, I asked you if you knew anything about it!"

Zhong Muping: "I don't know anything! Let me go!"

Chen Yi let go of his hand, and Zhong Muping quickly stood up and moved his painful shoulders, his face looking a little unsightly.

But he didn't intend to conflict with Chen Yi, and he no longer wanted to go to the bathroom, so he silently returned to his seat.

"You're crazy, you still suspect me..." Zhong Muping muttered, and everyone heard it.

Jiang Fanlei, who was sitting there and watching, immediately yelled back: "Zhong! Who are you scolding? You are so crazy! At first, I thought you were just trying to make friends with Chen Yi, but now it seems that your purpose is really impure. Do you want to kill your wife?"

Zhong Muping was stunned: "Jiang Fanlei, do you have any brains? If I want to kill someone, why should I bring a policeman with me? I'm looking for death!"

Jiang Fanlei couldn't refute, but he said firmly: "It's not impossible for a lunatic to seek death."

Zhong Muping: "...Grass!"

Jiang Fanlei glared: "Are you going to curse again?"

Chen Yi and Zhong Muping, of course he is facing Chen Yi, Zhong Muping is a bird.

If this argument continues, there might be a fight.

Gong Weifan was silent, Qu Linjiang was watching the show, and Jiao Xiang was also watching the show. Chen Shiran's disappearance and the appearance of the second skeleton made the situation chaotic again.

At this time, Fang Shuyu came back and the two stopped arguing.

She came to Chen Yi, leaned close and whispered: "It's a female skeleton, and the surface is still processed with materials. It's the same as the one found in Gong Yaoguang's room. I didn't check it carefully, so I don't know the rest."

Hearing this, Chen Yi turned his head and looked at the remaining human skeleton model on the wall of the living room.

One boy and one girl?

"Sit down and talk."


The two sat down, Chen Yi raised his hand and took a puff of the cigarette, and began to make a preliminary analysis of the matter in his mind.

Zhong Muping's invitation to himself was most likely his personal behavior, so his arrival at the foot of the Evil Shadow Cloud was the biggest variable.

There are variables, and the process and results will change accordingly.

What if I didn't come?

If he had not come to Eyingyunlu, Gong Yaoguang would still be missing, the first white bones would still appear on his bed, and the human skeleton model would still be missing from the wall of the living room.

This incident was obviously premeditated, but the result changed. That is, the remaining human skeleton model still exists on the wall of the living room.

Why does it exist? Because he gathered everyone in the living room, someone had no chance to take the model away, so he had to abandon this link and proceed to the next step, resulting in defects.

is that so?

The most perfect plan is actually for the two models to disappear and then be replaced by Gong Yaoguang and Chen Shiran?


If the analysis is true, there should not be a third white skeleton.

The important point in front of us at this moment is how Chen Shiran disappeared while they were all in the living room.

When Gong Yaoguang disappeared, this was not a problem, but when Chen Shiran disappeared, it became a big problem because no one had the conditions to take action.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi turned to look at Jiuxiang, who also looked over, and the two looked at each other.

"Butler, there is a second skeleton. Is there a tenth person in the manor? Can you tell the truth?" he said.

The tenth person?

Gong Weifan and the others were surprised, and their eyes focused on Jiuxiang.

Being watched by everyone present, Jiuxiang remained very calm. He chuckled and said, "I have already answered this question. Now I can answer it again. There is no tenth person."

“If there is, it’s sneaked in.”

The last words added made Gong Weifan and the others suddenly feel the coldness hitting Tianling Gai.

Sneak in, hide in the dark and turn people into bones? ?

Are you talking about a human or a big demon? !

"When will the police come! I, I, I... I don't want to stay here anymore!!" Gong Weifan's voice was full of fear, fearing that he would become the next one.

"Don't worry, it will be soon." Chen Yi said casually, looking at Jiuxiang thoughtfully.

Of course his interpretation is different from Gong Weifan's, sneaking in?

"With the help of the housekeeper, if someone sneaks in, then the one who can enter Eyingyunlu in advance is probably Zang Yang," Chen Yi said.

Jiuxiang's face was dull: "That's not necessarily true. Although not many people have been to Eyingyunlu over the years, there are still double digits. Isn't it possible?"

Chen Yi stared at Jiuxiang, feeling as if the other person's words were squeezing out toothpaste, bit by bit.

When he was in the kitchen for the first time, he finally stopped providing any information, but now he inadvertently revealed another clue worth investigating.

Is it a pretense, or is it deliberate?

The tenth person.

Is there really a tenth person?

Was Chen Shiran's disappearance caused by Gong Yaoguang, or by this tenth person, or was she the cause of her own disappearance?

There are only three possibilities.

Messy, very messy.

He began to believe that this was a performance, and since it was a performance, it had to be exciting enough.

The disappearance of Gong Yaoguang and the appearance of the first skeleton kicked off the performance. The disappearance of Chen Shiran and the appearance of the second skeleton made the performance better and more eye-catching.

It's not over yet, the climax hasn't arrived yet.

If it is a performance, there will definitely be a follow-up.

"Old Qin, you must be quick."

Chen Yi urged Qin He in his heart.

He is not a god, and with the clues he has so far, it is impossible to determine what happened. It is difficult for him to conduct a detailed investigation alone, for fear of giving the initiator an opportunity.

Jiang Fanlei is an ordinary person and Fang Shuyu is a woman. He dare not leave the two of them in the living room for a long time.

What if... everyone is evil? The consequences could be disastrous.

"Let's chat for a few hours to ease the atmosphere." Chen Yi gave up the conversation and asked for help. This guy has a very strong psychological quality and it is difficult to gain anything.

Gong Weifan was still feeling uneasy, so he reached out and picked up the red wine on the coffee table: "Drink some wine, drink some wine, just drink some wine..."

Looking at Gong Weifan's movements, Chen Yi said: "Miss Gong, did you come to Eyingyunlu on your own initiative?"

Gong Weifan raised his head and drank the wine in the glass. Feeling better, he replied: "Yes, I have always wanted to come and see."

Chen Yi looked at the other person: "Where is Mr. Qu?"

Qu Linjiang said: "I also came here on my own initiative. Of course I want to see such an interesting place."

Chen Yi: "What is the relationship between Mr. Naqu and Miss Chen?"

Qu Linjiang: "Friend."

Chen Yi: "Do you like her?"

When the question was raised, Qu Linjiang's expression froze and he subconsciously looked at Zhong Muping, whose face suddenly darkened.

In front of Chen Shiran's husband, she asked another man if he liked Chen Shiran. The scene was very embarrassing.

"Captain Chen!" Qu Linjiang was angry, "Don't you think asking this question on such an occasion makes people question your cultivation?"

Chen Yi: "It doesn't matter. I have never been well-educated and I am very thick-skinned. Answer my question."

Whether they are civilian police or criminal police, they need to deal with new strangers all day long, with all kinds of personalities. Visiting, investigating, mediating... It is really impossible for someone who is not thick-skinned.

Qu Linjiang: "You..."

Who is this!

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